Saudi Prince Defects from Royal Family
published by Lindquist on Sun, 2013-07-28 18:12 Prince Khalid Bin Farhan Al-Saud has announced his […]
Kings, Jews, Kabalists and Talmudists: A Deconstruction of the Judaic Delusion by Dr. Omar
By Omar Zaid As for Freemasonic seneschals, satraps, Templars, Maltese mummers and the bureaucracy of […]
The Roots of Institutionalized Heedlessness: the forgetfulness of God and Women Amongst Muslims
Essay & Assay By Omar Zaid, M.D. Notwithstanding astonishing anecdotes of divine blessing from Islamia’s […]
Modern day slavery in Southeast Asia: Thailand and Cambodia
Modern day slavery in Southeast Asia: Thailand and Cambodia.