Appeal for Help Follow Up – With Gratitude and Dakwah from the Mekong River

6 responses to “Appeal for Help Follow Up – With Gratitude and Dakwah from the Mekong River”

  1. Funny article. Ma’shAllah you have a beautiful home.By the by, your words are always worth reading. Glad you got over that, wisdom comes with age…at-least I hope it does 🙂

  2. your house (the photo on top) portrays a lot of freemasonic symbols very prominently. very interesting especially as you have portrayed yourself a crusader against the freemasons and other secret societies. hope you are a man of convication to the principle you profess. good luck to you.

    • Hello Peter, The house was built thirty years ago by my wife’s fist husband who then died in a motor bike accident, leaving her widowed with two children and in debt for some 13 years, until I married her. I’m sure he never heard of Freemasonry. This is a farming community. There isn’t a Lodge here within 1,000 KM (Bangkok, perhaps). He was the son of a dirt poor farmer, who drove truckloads of produce to the markets for a living You are imagining things. – oz

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