PhD Researcher Judy Mikovits and Expert on Viruses Explains the Coronavirus and Reveals Information You are Not Likely to Hear in the Corporate Media

2 responses to “PhD Researcher Judy Mikovits and Expert on Viruses Explains the Coronavirus and Reveals Information You are Not Likely to Hear in the Corporate Media”

  1. Hi! Dr.Omar Zeit:
    Pls develop whatever precautious medicine/ vaccine system to all instead of R & D.into Kr. to design/ develop by SK.Samsung com. Why is Id.Thai.& M’y are not pandemic.

    • Hello Dr Bahk …. glad to hear from you —- Treatment is simple:
      1) 1/2 teaspoon baking soda daily
      2) 500 mg Magnesium daily
      3) Vitamin C 6-12 g daily
      4) Sunshine and Fresh air (Hospitalization is deadly) – Sunshine to kill virus and stimulate Vitamin D
      5) CBD Oil daily (
      6) Sauna (Elevated temperatures kill the virus)

      all this fuss is fear …. pure fear and crowd control

      Kind Regards,

      dr o

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