August 3, 1982
According to a variety of very authoritative sources, Henry A. Kissinger is not a Jew, but a faggot.
I will not tolerate any denial of civil rights to a person who happens to be homosexual. Ordinarily, a homosexual is like an ordinary person suffering the affliction of nasty boils; one recognizes the distinction between the person and the affliction.
The problem with Kissinger is not simply that he has a homosexual personality. The problem with Kissinger is like that of that flaming, fascistic faggot Roy M. Cohn, who is justly hated by most of the ordinary homosexuals of the United States, and a number of those from other nations. Similarly, Henry A. Kissinger is no ordinary, common, garden-variety of homosexual. His heathen sexual inclinations are merely an integral part of a larger evil.
One does not need to catch Henry in flagrante in the Carlyle Hotel, or with a Roumanian waiter in Acapulco. Whatever he does in particular hotel-rooms, or after meetings with Roy M. Cohn at certain New York City restaurants, or by arrangement of certain California acquaintances, need not be reported here. Kissinger may wash (one hopes) and dress, before leaving a hotel-room. He does not, and cannot change his personality.
To a trained eye, the evening television news-broadcasts over the past ten years have provided all the evidence needed to recognize what Kissinger is. I recognize him in the same way, and with the same accuracy I can tell by looking, the difference between a cat and a dog. Psychologically, Henry is a distinct species. He is of the species some psychopathologists prefer to describe as an extreme anal variety of sadomasochistic personality, of the same pathological type as organized crime’s Roy M. Cohn.
Put Kissinger and Cohn under similar circumstances of stress, and each will behave on all crucial points of psychopathology like the other.
Take the case of Roy M. Cohn’s physical assault on Barbara Dreyfuss, or Nancy Kissinger’s, the “Newark Strangler’s,” homocidal behaviour more recently. Normal public figures do not strangle every person who says something they do not like. More lies have been told internationally about me, for example, than any living public figure of the past ten years; I have never had an impulse to strike a journalist for such reason, nor, I am more or less certain, does President Ronald Reagan, or any other psychologically normal or reasonably normal person in public life. We say of such public attacks, “It goes with the territory.” We have more important issues with which to concern ourselves. Not so in the case of narcissistic, anal sado-masochists such as a Kissinger or Cohn.
They are not psychologically normal. They are something very, very sick.
Most citizens have noticed about Kissinger, that he explodes into irrational rages very easily. He exhibits a distinctly unmanly testiness. Sometimes, before a classroom at Harvard, or in attempting to play confidence-man with a foreign head of government or diplomat, Kissinger pretends to be “all charm.” As long as he believes he is being admired, or admired for reasons of fear, Kissinger can be almost generous, more or less “seductive” in the way some confidence-men–of the sort who wear too much perfume, and too much jewelry–often are with prospective “suckers.” Cross Kissinger, rip away his narcissistic, anal self-delusions, and his impulses turn instantly homocidal — as Pakistan’s Bhutto recalled vividly before he died by Kissinger’s decree.
Kissinger is the kind of homosexual personality who ordinarily makes a potential professional assassin, a gangland thug for hire. Next time you see him on the television tube, especially when he is registering indignation, think the words, “Bugsy Kissinger,” and watch how well those words fit the image on the TV screen.
Call Roy M. Cohn “a nasty little faggot” in public, and Cohn instantly finds himself seized by an uncontrollable grudge-urge to kill. He will nurse that grudge over years; he will be obsessed by it. He will return, again and again, to projects intended to destroy the person against whom he holds that grudge. It is not necessary to offend Cohn directly to stir up such a grudge-obsession; it is merely sufficient to be a person Cohn believes to stand in the way of some petty ambition of his at the moment. He doesn’t mind being a faggot; he objects to being viewed as “unmanly,” as a “nasty little” anything.
There are, unfortunately, too many persons who suffer the same mental disease as Kissinger and Cohn. One pities them; no human being, however wretched, should have to continue suffering the condition in which a Kissinger and Cohn exist; the problem is that very foolish people, world-wide, have given power to such homocidal types.
To understand the kind of faggot Henry Kissinger is, what Roy Cohn is, think back to the Emperor Nero and his court. Think of Studio 54, then of Nero’s court, and then of Studio 54 again. Think of Roy Cohn’s parties (faithfully reported in exaggerated, name-dropping detail, in the New York Daily News). Think of Nero, and then of Kissinger, and then of Nero, and then of Roy M. Cohn. That is the kind of faggot Henry Kissinger is.
That kind of faggotry destroyed Rome. Will you permit it also to destroy the United States?
5 responses to “On the Homoseuality of Henry A. Kissinger & Roy M. Cohn”
Disgusting war criminal who should be executed along with many others. Then we might get peace on this planet however temporary it may be until the demons enter into other powerful figures. Keep the blades sharp on the guillotines as reminder. Sounds terrible and cruel but what else can the world do? Pure evil .
Agrees. Have you heard the Testimony of Mrs. Kay Griggs? Worth the time. She lifts the veil on the same corruption in the higher echelons of the American Military Command(s). Pitiful creatures.
Kind Regards
Yes. Nothing new here except a few names leaked out. Anyone who pays attention and thinks rationally will come to the conclusion that the world is run by luciferians who will stop at nothing to bring in a NWO. Why would anyone koin a military to go to any other country and murder people that have done nothing to them?Just simple manipulation based on fear and brainwashing as well as blackmail as she continuously points out. People sell thier souls for rewards in this world as well as the next where they build kingdoms for themselves in hell. It is the masonic heirarchial/occult system. Sick minds.
A’kum Dr. Omar,
Thank you for sharing this! I think we can agree that it’s not one of your more important pieces which you often share, but it was entertaining and quite refreshing to hear something like homosexuality being discussed as it really is without this flimsy “political correctness” that has plagued the globe out of being fair rather than realistic. For a couple of minutes, I felt like I was in my younger days joking with my buddies about the panzy and his sissy partner who owned the club we were at. Both of us having lived in Europe, I well know your familiar with that scene. Anyhow, I’m familiar with Kissinger, and now, even more so. I always knew he was a homocidal pig, but never knew about his orientation. Roy M. Cohn? I’ll have to look that one up.
I hope this comment finds you and your family well and that you are finally getting paid and that your creditors are being understandably lenient while the “Ahlongs” are unable to find you 🙂 I also hope you are and make doa that you will start writing your finer works to triumph the wonderful ones that are already written casting light for those to see the real darkness in which we live.
I think the real reason I prefer you and Sheihk Hosein is that you both are unafraid to discuss relevant issues without the glaze. So many imams and ustazes are all too petrified of tackling the real issues that are corroding our societies these days out of obeisence to some chain of lackies. May Allah continue to give the both of you and more of you the courage to continue to do this important work educating those who are unblanketed and looking for a way to take action.
Selamat hari raya, maaf, zahir dan batin and insha’Allah we will see another in person again. My Turkish food keeps gettin’ better!!! 🙂
Bro. Aris
salaam Bro Aris,
Nice to hear from you and thank you very much. May it please Allah swt to grant you and yours His refuge. Yes. Most “Imams” are to religiously, piously and politically-correct to lift the veil on these matters.