Any man to whom God has given the authority to rule and who does not deal with them in an honest manner will never perceive even the scent of Paradise. – Hadith 2107, Book 95, Sahih al’Bukhari
The spiritual trouble with America is Egypt; not modern Egypt, although many of their gentry also worship Pharaoh’s icons as discussed in later chapters. But as a nation, the waning American dignitas is subliminally governed by Hellenic doctrines (think ‘Troy’) that spread through the Levant from Alexandria as ‘idea seeds’ that matured to trees tended by Roman and Orthodox Churches and their political constructs. Though not readily discernible by Yankee-Doodle flag wavers, this is better appreciated once a few matters of import are skimmed from the broth of history and added to the stew of Bohemian Grove.
Trinitarian institutions were naturally and purposely established by initiates of sun-god Mystery Religions from either side of the Nile. I say naturally because their urban and rural societies were saturated with pagan ideations from whence were drawn Captains, Kings, Pawns, slaves, grain, priests, and gold. I say purposely because Mystery-Religion initiates of these ideals were the ruling aristocracies of all urban centers and remain so today. These trans-generational epicures of ‘old money’ laundering and stylish cunning did not reveal their hidden confederacies or relinquish the reins of power during the Christian ascendancy. They were/are chameleons who changed outer garbs according to fashionable creedal winds for political advantage without ever removing the sun-god girdle. Such are the lads of Bohemian Grove.
The royal families of ancient Troy survived Helen’s indiscretion and subsequently spread their religion to Phoenicia, Hiram’s Tyre, Hannibal’s Carthage as well as to Southern France, Spain and the charming Welsh Dominions of the two Anglicized king “Arthurs” whose daughters married into Roman Aristocracy, the place from whence Carthaginians got their tin. This diffused Greco-Trojan blood ruled most Northern Mediterranean Mystery Religion vestibules and patrician homes occultly, meaning that pagan Troy never fell spiritually. And yes, they were infiltrated much later by crypto-Jews and bloody Latin magi of Etruscan origin, but that’s a different thread which I’ve delineated in Cain’s Creed, the Cults of Rome. Even Paris, home of the ‘Sun King’, is named after the Prince who escaped Troy after vanquishing the heel of Achilles.
Dr. Eustace Mullins has written an informative treatise outing their descent and dissemination, and there are several historians who concur. This lot’s bloodlines later merged with several ignoble streams to become known as the Black Nobility, a cult that suffers no challengers and forbids no ill deed to retain hegemony as per the Antiquities of Josephus. The first Trojans honored Zeus and Athena with the ritual sacrifice of their finest sons and daughters on occasions of national import, as did their descendants, the Carthaginians. While Agamemnon’s grandchildren enjoyed spoils of victory over King Priam, nascent Judea had established itself under Prophets called Judges (circa 1500-1200 BC) as Troy’s Phoenician descendents refined the crafts of piracy and Canaanite immolation.
At the same time, Egypt perfected the ancient Mesopotamian Magick of Baal (the bull–god of Cannanite Molech). Respective gods and goddesses of the Dead, Black, Aegean and Caspian seas, met with those of the Bosphorus, Euphrates, Hindus and Nile waters to finally mate when Caesar and Mark Antony vied for Cleopatra’s bushel of corn. And there are those who claim that Caesarean became Jesus Christ after a seventeen year sabbatical with apostles of Lamaism to justify sun-god blood lines for the Priory of Sion. By then, Julius Caesar was the Pontifex Maximus of Mithras and had ordered the murder of all Druid Priests because of their extraordinary powers.
Dr. Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury as an Eisteddfod Druid Priest.
- Octavian (Caesar Augustus) eventually settled the pecking order before Jesus thoroughly admonished sanctimonious Jewish pretenders, after which Titus razed Jerusalem and Nero played with fire. Constantine then played with crosses as his puerile Church played ‘frater’ to toddling Europa. China played chess with celestial dragons; Brahmans played ‘toast the widow’ under the Bohdi Tree with Shakti; Persians played with winged god-men, sweetly scented boys and opium kindled verse; aboriginal Mexicans played surgeon at pyramidal cardiectomies; Greeks played with ideas and naked athletes; Ethiopia toyed with Solomon’s Crown; Aussie aborigines frolicked with kangaroos and hominid cuisine; Africans sported ‘Big Chiefs with many wives and asagai; Norsemen amused themselves with boats and Englishmen; Englishmen pioneered soccer by kicking the occasional Norse head from village to village; Germans dodged Thor’s lightning with dwarves and elves; Celts ‘Romanced Stones’ with Druids and Patrick’s snake charms; Russians toyed with cow pies and mud; Huns consoled themselves with horses, archery and Scythian torture techniques; Arabs were diverted by anyone fool enough to cross their sands; Amazonians shrunk enemy heads while Polynesians and Mauris ate enemies and cavorted with Pollyanna; and Rome romped at the circus with everyone else’s money. I can only assume that Iblis had great fun passing his gaming rules to regional Initiates as he enlarged hell.
This globally insignificant illumination was brightened here and there by a few Eureka men and women, but even so, it is time we realize the extent of the enduring influence of insignificant illumes on the history and souls of men. It is an elite obsessed with hedonism, malediction and the hubris of self-worship and captivating iconography. These parasitic malefactors continue to penetrate all mainstream religious bodies with adjutants of Illuminism, most especially those under global auspice and/or renown.
Osiris, the Christos Husband of Isis, became the archetypal sun-god messiah—an archaic, even juvenile romance describing the sun’s daily orbit and ongoing journey through seasons and zodiac—one of many whose lives were forfeit for man’s salvation and whose resurrections were celebrated at Easter’s alluring reproductive rejuvenation, the Spring Equinox. Isis and Osiris had a son named Horus. Cleopatra’s Dream as Isis-incarnate was to unite the ‘civilized’ world under his ‘Star Wars’ Djedi gaze via a child from one of her Roman paramours. Alas, Brutus stayed the heart of one and Antony dissipated while under her skirt and in her purse. When Octavian gave no quarter to her charms, Cleo gave her breast to the Asp and supposedly sent Caesar’s boy to the Dali Llama for bona fide initiation. But in addition to Caesarean, she had priests who typically survived the new fist so that her dream would not die with her.
Today we see the penultimate symbol of her dream on every US dollar bill printed since the 1930’s. It is the ‘all seeing eye’ of Horus set atop an Egyptian pyramid that represents the ancient phallic Trinity according to ‘speculative’ Freemasonry (Scottish Rite) and Kabbala. It is super- and under-scored by Latin from Virgil’s Aeneid, which narrative clearly identifies America with the ancient Roman Republic. Virgil’s lines:
- (1) Jupiter omnipotens, audacibus annue coeptis = All-powerful Jupiter, favor my daring undertakings);
- (2) magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo = A mighty order of ages is born anew, referring to the birth of the Roman Republic.
The Western system remains that of Rome’s.
In 1933, this official Seal of Rothschild’s Illuminati cult (also on the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States) was imprinted on the dollar by order of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Vice-President Wallace, both 33’rd degree Freemasons who also authorized the ascendancy of the Federal Reserve Bank that publishes the now worthless script.
This bank remains privately owned. It is not a Government Institution but a consortium of private Banks owned and managed by Freemasonic cum Rosicrucian cum Hermetic adepts and magi who molded it on the illustrious depository of British coin, The Bank of England; another privately owned vault of demagogues governed by the Rothschild family: a clan of elegant Shylocks, Kabalists, Satanists and Freemasonic shadows who took control of America’s monetary system 150 years following George Washington’s presidency after forming a triumverate with the Illumunes of Wesiphaupt infamy and the Frankfurt School of debauched Sabataen Jews and the Kabbala’s Bal Shems.
Washington was a Freemason as were nearly half of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Freemasons of the lower degrees are Deists and accomplished disciples of Cleo’s ‘one eyed’ son whom, unfortunately, most believe represents Allah’s significant light of revealed guidance. Every central banking system owes its organizational structure, facilities and legal license to steal to Rothschild and his Black Nobility predecessors—including so-called Islamic Banks—and all world-banking systems are in the hands of their confederates; not that this is news.
They perfected a system of wealth confiscation that deserves admiration for its cunning since it avails legal status, via Maritime Law, for the piracy of contemporary Phoenicians. This fiscal dynasty represents the World Historical apex for the Creed of Cain’s duplicitous posterity and insatiable greed. Even so, I concede that the greater majority of Freemasons never advance beyond the first three degrees of initiation and remain ignorant-of but compliant-with the designs of their master Corsairs—much like today’s Muslims who have little knowledge of fiqh, hadith, sunnah, sirah, or what they actually recite when they pray. The plebs of this be-medaled flock are decent men like James Brooke and John Wayne who form mutually beneficial fellowships that aspire to great magnanimity of spirit and deed for which failure the current world disorder relies. They are, however, pagans who are preoccupied with the ancient sun-god Mysteries but at the same time claim not to be a religion. This assertion is a deliberate misrepresentation on the part of their superiors but, sorry to say, most of the dupes do not know it.

But at least Pharaoh wasn’t a hypocrite. He believed he was ‘god-incarnate’ preparing the way for the New Age of Horus and that his wife was, indeed, the Black-Madonna or Isis incarnate. He, as Osiris, was both father and savior of the world (both god and son-of-god) and he publicly professed and lived his creed, taking great exception to the pure monotheist doctrine of Moses. Akhenaton was bad enough with his singular sun-god nonsense, but Moses tore down the myth of Amon-Ra as well. In addition, Merneptah especially didn’t like the fact that profits from the slave labor sector would be seriously trimmed if Moses was successful—a bit like Ulster Unionists and Levantine aristocracy.
Nevertheless, according to human rather than divine ethics, he can be excused the pride from which Moses was delivered to the deserts of Midian for reversion. But what of our goddess-owl laddies who publicly claim to be Christian, Jew or Atheist, yet bow to pagan doctrines and deities in secret hoodwinked chambers or beneath forest canopies at Hotel California’s midnight festival? I’m afraid the torch-bearing big-bellied boy-scouts have either forgotten or know not who the Owl of Isis truly represents. But, then again, maybe they don’t really give a d***.
The Bonesman Clan are supreme Freemasons of today’s suborned lodges and Bush patriarchs have all kissed the Owl’s feet at midnight. Yet Osiris, Horus and Isis stand mute like all idols, but owl loving idolaters such as these fellows are not so complacent. Possessed by schemes of slaughter and endlessly expanding hegemony, today, instead of throwing kids into the fire they throw fire into the schools, homes, churches, mosques, day-care centers, cities and private religious retreats of children whose parents don’t happen to like Molechian policies.
It’s difficult not to respect Pharaoh. At least he was an honest enemy of truth; courageous enough to take to the battlefield with his men. The Ptolemaic G. W. Bush, on the other hand, landed safely aboard an aircraft-carrier far from the rotting flesh of innocent women, children and body bags filled with befuddled crusader remains, then announced a victory over a nation that never threatened his people nor invited his aid and who had nothing to do with the 9/11 ‘false-flag’ op; nor did they have Weapons of Mass Destruction. But, I suppose Molech was hungry. It seems once a year isn’t enough for the Great Owl’s brood. But perhaps―since they like fire so much―eternity will accommodate the proclivity?
In the day of prophets Moses, Caleb and Joshua (pbt), the seed of Abraham knew who their enemy was and why, and idolaters knew they were enemies of Allah; as was the case with Cain and Nimrud. Nonetheless, today’s rulers and ruled deceive themselves and mislead their people whose monotheist faith professes the antithesis of their secret councils. The paradox is that most subordinates and polities believe they serve God and will continue to do so, just like Pharaoh, until sunk in the mire of perplexity’s inevitable wake.
Sober believers are those who mourn for the coming catastrophic demise of America: the greatest nation the world has ever seen!

- See: Heritage & Hellenism, Erich S. Gruen, U. of Ca., 1998 for the post-Alexandrian influence.
- The Barbarian Conversion: From Paganism to Christianity, R. Fletcher, 1997
- A King and City Freemasons adore and extol.
- See The Holy Kingdom, by Adrian Gilbert, Corgi Book, Bantam Press, 1999 ISBN 0 552 14489 4
- The World Order – A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism: Eustace Mullins, Ph.D. – further references and history are provided in The Hand of Iblis
- Phoenicians plied the waters of international trade, enslaved ancient Spain, and were known for their cunning treachery. Indeed, they had the Midas Touch. They are also fundamental to the ‘Briton’ Genesis. See: The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons by L. A. Waddell, 1924.
- For Details: see Jerusalem, Sion & Zion, as well as Cain’s Creed, the Cults of Rome by the author
- Caesar gave this order after a Druid priest, with a few words of incantation, completely paralyzed him as he sat on the Roman throne in view of the entire court. See: Caesar & Christ, Will Durant’s History
- Nixon’s regime under Kissinger’s direction, completely removed the script from the gold standard.
- “I told him that Albert Pike, one of his religion’s most cherished leaders, had put in print that Lucifer was the Masonic god that they worshiped. Not only had he never heard of Pike, which didn’t surprise me too much, for he was only third degree, but I could detect that he believed my facts to be completely wrong.”
- From: Is Freemasonry Christian, 1987, by J. McCormick
- Ramessess II was Pharaoh of the Oppression; his son, Merneptah, was Pharaoh of the Exodus. See:The Bible, The Qur’a,n and Science, by Maurice Bucaille, Serghers, 1976, AS Noodeen, 1989
- An appellation affectionately applied to members of their trans-generational Yale university Fraternity. Discussed Below.
- Constantine’s Christian conversion was a political ploy designed to unite a crumbling empire. He maintained his Emperor sun-god Mythraic Cult till death, which personal cult survived intact beyond the 8th Century. Contrary to popular concepts, Rome never was a solidly governed Empire with defined borders and subservient vassals, save for the Pax-Romana of Augustus (Octavian), which lasted 100 years. Nor wa sits Christian conversion as universal as is believed. As for sun worship in the next millennium, one need only look upon Louis the 14th of France, the‘Sun King’ ― so well preserved was the Trojan Mystery of Mythras.
- See; The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, Constance Cumbey, Lld. Huntington House 1983; also One World by Tal Brooke.
- The Waco Texas compound of David Koresh, which was incinerated by the FBI and ATF killing over 80 men, women and children. The Oklahoma Bombing target also held a ‘Day Care Center’. All FBI agents were told not to send their children that day, and Timothy McVeigh, a 32nd degree Freemason, claims, as did Oswald, that he was made a patsy. The damage done to the building could not have resulted from his nitrate bomb alone, and this event presaged the WTC ― not unlike a dress rehearsal. Nevertheless, as in the WTC debacle, all evidence was quickly removed by authorities who utilized the same contractor for both events. Two FBI agents who were not warned were killed ― both were once personal bodygurads for Clinton. All other federal empoyees (i.e., non-FBI) sent their children to the Day Care that day.
- Moloch or Molech: a cult specifically associated with Phoenicians (Sea People) and Canaanite descendants of the Nephilim who practiced child sacrifice “by throwing them into a raging fire.” This practice gave birth to the ‘Yule log’ of Christmas, as the first logs (logos) were children of preterit Nietzschian heroes who also practiced the art of burning their widows (Sati or Sutee)! This is the same cult for which Israel was summarily judged and punished by Allah. See: Lev 18:21, 2 Kings 23: 10, Jer 32:35. “This cult is abundantly verified in literary texts, artifactual evidence, and scripture.” – (Zondervan’s Biblical Encyclopedia). The Bohemian Club substituted the Owl for a Bull, since Merlin’s (Arthurian Druidic Priest) pet also represents ‘Sophia’s Wisdom’ of the Mother Goddess Isis during the Medieval Age. They have effected Mystery Religion syncretism.
One response to “THOSE WHO MOURN & Transgenerational Dupes, by Dr. Omar”
Dr Zaid,
Amazing! I sent you a short story “The Scythian” and in this story I describe how the beginnings of European Royalty were descended from the Trojan remnants of the Scythian tribe. Her is your one mistake: the definition of “Paganism”. The true Freemasons that actually built the Cathedrals had a belief in ‘Watchers”. To believe there are spirits and powerful beings on this planet is not really “Pagan”. Here is the belief as taught by the old ones in my tribe. There is one God and there are infinite spirit beings. All the forces of Power are controlled by Allah and the one true God. Allah is not really at odds with Demons because Allah controls everything. The watchers and Jin were part of the plan.
According to our Legends the Scythians that went to the Holy Land instead of Europe found salvation from belief in these Pagan spirits. The Apostles of Isa and Isa himself were part Greek/Scythian. Isa taught the way of Galilee and this was taught to the Scythian tribes of Europe by descendants of Y’chonan and Yacub (John and James). The Trojans belief in the “Sun” god was exported to Europe and Carthage and Constantine yes-yes. But understand that to believe Bali was a Demon given task by God to control Evil warriors does not mean we worship Bali. The modern Freemasons worship historical Men as Gods. The first Freemasons honored Bali as a good man- they did not Worship Bali. The name of God was thought to be known only to God so we would say ‘The voice of the wind” or “Most High”. Muhammad gave us the name God would like us to recognize “Allah” which literally means “Everything”.
The Royals formed “York Rite” Freemasonry and yes they are indeed remnants of Troy. The true light of Europe came from Muhammad. The Enlightenment of Europe was a middle-eastern movement. Liberty and Justice are Muhammad’s truth and believe it or not it was the Energy of Muhammad that formed the United States of America. George Washington came from the old Scottish Rite. He would have been well versed in “Eastern Star” knowledge. It was Muhammad that taught us never to submit to Tyranny. The Star and the Crescent is one of the most common flags of the American Revolution. Research how many armies used the Star and Crescent which is still the Flag of South Carolina.
The Revolution was won by 1013 men that held Valley Forge. This is a simple historical Fact. Of the 1013 men 300 were Gypsy Freemasons that knew Koran as passed by ancient Scottish Rite. All of them were direct descendants of Saladin as am I. The first flag was 13 Stars of David. The second flag was 13 Stars that were five pointed because it was much easy to sew a 5 points rather than six. America flies the only Flag in Western Civilization absent the cross of the false Christ: think about this? Do you realize how daring it was to create a Flag with no cross? The United states of America was formed by Sephardic Jews desc3ended from Templar Knights and Scotts. We were the first People in Europe to reciebve the Light of Muhammad. The closest Religion I know of to true Freemasonry is Unitarian Islam or “Druze”. My people believed in many Watchers and Jin and pirits – but believe me the old Freemasons where very aware that there was only one God- Allah – and Isa and Muhammad were his Prophets. 🙂