Dorothy’s de Rothschild’s Obelisk and Grove
adjacent to the Israeli Supreme Court
- Did I not enjoin on you, O ye children of Adam, that ye should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed? – XXXVI: 60
This essay concerns Satan’s middle management group, commonly called Freemasons. But before beginning I would like to make it clear that the true heritage and traditions of the original Free Masons have been utterly suborned and perverted by usurpers since the Enlightenment. What now stands forth is not the fellowship of honorable men it pretends as the following passage from a contemporary member of the authentic brotherhood reveals:
- There are so many “Pretenders” that associate themselves with Freemasonry, but few are actual descendants of the true Craft. People like Aliester Crowley are not recognized by true Gu brath Scotish Rite Freemasons like Myself. . . . I speak from “experience” which, as Socrates says, is the only true authority . . . Freemasonry was simply formed by Cistercian Monks and Templars to protect Muslims, Jews and Hindu Master builders. Europeans did not build with stone and they had very poor civil engineers. It was Gypsy and Jew and Muslims that built the Cathedrals of Gothic Europe. These people practiced their [respective] religions in “Free Mason Guild Halls”.
Personal correspondence with me from
a 17th Generation Sephardic Jew-Gypsy (Traveler),
descended from the Templar Knight, Robert De Threlkeld.
Now let us begin. Lucifer’ means ‘Light Bearer’ and according to the surat cited above and others, there are people who worship him, including those who masquerade as Muslims. Hebrew Tradition has it that his name was changed to Sawtawn after his disobedience to Allah swt. It is a word that means ‘a super-human adversary who withstands’. Those who continue to worship him like Spangler, Crème, debased Freemasons, Satanists, and Vatican denizens et al., cunningly utilize the original name (Lucifer) as if it remained valid.
As I am not an Islamic scholar I cannot comment on the Arabic cognomen for Iblis, but I am certain all three names, Lucifer, Sawtawn and Iblis, refer to metaphysical executives who administer ‘governments of insignificant light’.
Iblis and the Serpent of Genesis are not identical. This was explained by Jesus to his disciples as related in the Gospel of Barnabas. The serpent or dragon represents many things in the occult literature, but here it is Leviathan, the Beast of the Sea according to the books of Job and Revelation. In the latter book, the ‘sea’ refers to nations and peoples as per St. John the Divine’s discourse with the angel of God. Hence, the image of the viper represents all that has come to pass as worldly governments by ‘Kings of the Earth’ after the fashion of Cain (Khabil). These folk remain unbalanced by prophetic knowledge and wisdom as meant to be represented by the Islamic Shura or counsel of the wise. Kingly tyrants, oligarchs, plutocrats, democrats, republicans and CEOs of global rapine represent all who stand in opposition to Allah’s law and truth, which includes those of us who support them as did folks in ancient Persia or ‘Babylon, the Mother of Harlots’. This definition embraces debased religious accretions such as Catholicism, and most especially systems that promote the idolatry of icons as reverent symbols that are readily manipulated for misguidance by the wicked covens of Hermetic magi such as the Farnesi family who stand behind and above world governments and institutions such as the Jesuits. Hence, Leviathan is the beast, raised from the sea of nations by God’s will to test our hearts and discernment by mesmerizing the people who support it, both witting and not.
As a parallel reference to the degenerate imagination of an Earth goddess, Lilith later became the Sophia of the Gnostics and has since been revered as the ‘Mother of God’ by countless fools who wax ecstatic whenever some statue weeps or a demon appears in her guise such as the Fatima creature. Lilith was not only one of Sawtawn’s wives but also the demon adulteress who accompanied Cain in exile according to several ancient traditions and it is likely Cain told neolithic peoples in Dravidia that he was Adam and she was his divinely given consort. Lilith is extremely popular among Crowley’s resurrected Wiccans, Jew inspired feminists, La Vay’s Satanists, and most New Age meta-physicians of theosophical emetics. She is also documented in the Akkad legends of the ‘fallen ones’ or Watchers, and has been directly associated with origins of succubi and vampires. Furthermore, it is very likely she gave rise to the Dravidian goddess, Shakti with Cain as her first High Priest of Deception and human sacrifice (see: Trinity, The Metamorphosis of Myth).
All that being said (whew!), it is important to realize that far above the memorized pawns that inhabit Freemasonry’s Blue Lodge of the first three degrees, there sit initiates of supreme estate whom knowingly worship Lucifer as the Bearer of Light.
- The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degree, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, LUCIFER IS GOD, and unfortunately Adonay is also god… thus the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil”
A.C. De La Rive in ‘La Femme et l’Enfant dans la
Franc-Maconnerie Universelle’, 1889, p. 588.
- He (Albert Pike) was also the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer… Pike chose to follow the mystery religions of Ba’al, he turned his back on God. If we look at his writings and statements attributed to him, we find that he acknowledged Lucifer as the true god and Adonay (the Biblical God) as the god of evil. – William Schnoebelen, former 32nd degree Mason of the American Scottish Rite
Some of these lords (overseers or vampyres) of sun-struck speculation believe that Satan is God or that he (Iblis) has been unjustly maligned by our Creator and pitifully misunderstood by mankind in general. A few even hold that Allah is an imaginary figment of genetically weakened minds; hence, they have hatched plans for monotheist neutralization and/or liquidation—whichever is required.
At the helm of this armada of suborned would-be Gnostics and pretenders of legitimate truth is the ‘Royal Art’ or flagship of British Nobility rather than American pretenders. The latter are stunted in comparison and cunning and their destruction of our world for the last century or so bears witness to the fact of their moronic delusions; especially considering BP’s recent insult to the Gulf of Mexico with Obama’s tacit approval. And yes, Obama is a 32nd Degree Prince Hall Freemason.
The Queen’s cousin, the Duke of Kent, has been Grand Master of the Mother Lodge of British Freemasonry for years who, twenty years ago, granted Lord Northhampton and Giuliano di Bernardo (Grand Master of Italian Freemasonry) a Charter to establish a ‘Jerusalem Lodge’ in Solomon’s Garden, directly adjacent to the Temple Mount (done in 1995). Lord Northhampton and di Bernardo are directing ‘Temple Mount Studies’ for the specific purpose of rebuilding Solomon’s Temple. Di Bernardo has written a book on the subject, published by the Duke of Kent, and is quoted as saying:
- A new utopia may be based on the Kabbala. I see a utopia based on Jewish Mysticism, but Jewish Mysticism as a material place, Solomon’s Temple. This is my intention. This is my will!
Here then are a few things you should know about British Freemasonry.
- The Quatuor Coronati Lodge, (The Four Crowns Lodge)
Founded as a special research lodge by the Grand Master of UGLE, the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, in 1884. The QC Lodge was then officially chartered in 1886. The inaugurating speech was entitled “Freemasonry as Seen in the Light of the Cabala.” The lodge was to focus on Palestine, the Cabala, establishing a Jewish homeland, and rebuilding Solomon’s Temple. Sir Charles Warren was the first grand master of the QC Lodge. He was also the president of the Palestine Exploration Fund, and two decades earlier had been the chief engineer for British excavations of the Temple Mount. Sir Walter Besant was a founding member of QC and was the treasurer of the Palestine Exploration Fund under Warren. Besant was the brother-in-law of Annie Besant, the president of the Theosophical Society after Helena Blavatsky. The PEF was founded in 1865 with money from the British Crown, UGLE, the Rothschilds and the Church of England. The event commemorating its founding was chaired by the Archbishop of York who proclaimed that the Holy Land was, by divine right, English Property. In their recent books, researchers Steven Knight and Melvyn Fairclough combine to paint a picture that implicates members of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge for the infamous Jack the Ripper murders in the late 1880’s. They were covered up by Sir Charles Warren (above, right), who happened to be the Chief of London’s Metropolitan Police.
Lord Northampton: Spencer Douglas David Compton, (pic right) born 1946. His great grandfather was William Bingham Baring, head of the Baring Bank, descended from Francis Baring the chairman of the British East India Company. The BEIC brought England into the lucrative international opium trade. According to EIR’s “Dope, Inc.” Baring Brothers bank has been the premier merchant bank of the opium business from 1783 to the present day. In 1987 Lord Northampton held a London conference funded by his own Hermetic Research Trust to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Golden Dawn. Lord Northampton (below left) comments on AC and the GD:
- I know the Golden Dawn extremely well, and I love Aleister Crowley’s poems and Macgregor Mathers’, and all those people and I know all the people in England who are still practicing it, and I have done the OTO rituals. I have done all these things. Great fun. Tremendously exciting!
- Lord Northampton has been the Assistant Grand Master since 1995 and he has been appointed as the Pro Grand Master, to replace the present one in April 2001. The PGM acts in place of the GM when the GM is absent. Lord Northhampton holds forth that he’s an adherent of British Israelism because the British Oligarchy has mystical powers inherited from one of the ‘lost tribes’ of Israel. He says “the tradition of Kabalism is very strong in England.
Illuminati News, “Illuminati Dreams of Building Solomon’s Temple”
Michael Baigent, Yasha Beresiner, Dec 14, 2006.
I reckon the word “lost” is used scientifically. On page 815 of Albert Pike’s Morals & Dogma, in the instructions for the 30th degree of Freemasonic Initiation, Mr. Pike teaches the following:
- … the Knights Templars took oaths at the hands of the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1118 AD, for the ultimate purpose of rebuilding Solomon’s Temple after the model of Ezekiel’s vision, so that Jerusalem would then become Metropolis of the Universe and the Orthodox Church would triumph and possess themselves of the Papal Power. This is why they were called ‘Templars”… “the ‘Catholic Doctrine’ was purposely promoted’ in order to deceive’, and the Kabbalist doctrine was preserved only for The Masters.
In 2004, the Israeli’s announced they would close the Temple Mount for safety precautions in order to secure foundations they said were crumbling. We also note that evangelical Christians are praying and ‘paying’ for this modern, so-called “Templar” success. Zionists now openly attack Muslims at Al’Aksa and believe the Jewish Messiah will be announced when they finally rebuild it. Christian evangelicals believe the new Temple will prompt the return of Jesus so he will rapture them after the re-implementation of blood sacrifice; leaving the rest of us to be massacred in an apocalyptic rage from which many of the elite have protected themselves by building underground cities at our expense. Even the latter effort is prophesied. ‘Born-Again’ zealots like John Hagee are actually rearing Red Heifers in Texas with this in mind.
Only two things stand in the way of this powder-keg ambition: ‘The Dome of the Rock’ and one-billion-plus Muslims.
“‘Small matters for Pharaoh’s Magi’, I’d say old chap!”
The significance of the globe in hand has to do with global hegemony (imperialism), sovereignty and science, with man’s ‘reason’—disguised as liberty or freedom (i.e. Humanism)―representing the glory or shekinnah of God. This egoistic doctrine of self-esteem is directly tied to the Sufi cum Ismaiili principle of the “Perfect Man” of Al’Rabi as related by Bektashi dervishes to the ‘ubermenge’ of the Nazi Thule Society under jinn inspired suggestions which later sanctioned Hitler’s total war status. The doctrine is an adaptation of the kabbalah’s ‘Adam Kadmon’ and Plato’s Philosopher King.
Hence, taffakur, Islam’s pious contemplation of revealed knowledge and creation in humility before God was replaced by the marriage of reason to occult knowledge gained by mystical spiritualism (Gnosticism), and this via magical communications (conjuring) of spirits with deviant Sufis and others such as the evil child sacrificing Catholic Magesterium of theophagus pontiffs claiming to see God Himself. Thus, man’s inherent quest for the supernatural (his inevitable returning to God) was misguided while pride in gaining psychic knowledge, power and ability (mysticism), even ordinary scientific knowledge, became the new esoteric craft to assure the continuation of Cain’s disobedience, spiritual blindness, and mankind’s self-destruction.
God has very little to do with all of this malarky excepting that He established the rules which men choose to disobey. Spirits (jinn, demons) who claim to represent God are responsible and have actually been given divine license for the inspirations of the mighty misdirections that are then applied to idols and icons as symbols representing ideas, persuasions and sects; things forbidden in essential Monotheism. The process of this initiation is a form of mesmerism that relegates revealed prophetic knowledge to subsumed status as heirophants probe the cosmos with the aid of technology and the magick taught in Babylon before the heavens were closed to Jinni at the advent of Mohammad (pbh). Thus, our leaders were and are readily removed from true guidance to follow the lesser light(s) of Lucifer.
- Worship means to obey in the Hebrew epistemological and cultural context.
- “… the ‘sciences of craft, for ‘Ibn Khaldun, appears to indicate they are a manifestation of the active integration of revealed and intellectual knowledge within a man’s soul.”
See: Ibn Khaldun’s Concept Concerning the Science of Crafts (‘Ilm al-ÎanÉ’iÑ) and His Discourse on the Integration of Knowledge; Dr. W. Mohd Azam b. Mohd Amin, Dept. of Usuluddin and Comparative Religion, International Islamic University, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
- The common half-educated ‘Satanist’ denies both the existence of Allah as well as Satan. For them, Satan represents the concept of abject rebellion against all religion and the elevation of egocentric narcissism and hedonism. This is a 19th Century Hell Fire Club philosophy that advocated the worship of the animus so that ‘survival of the fittest’ obliterated all compassion allowing hedonism to reign. “Do what you want” … “If it feels good do it”… such is their creed and theme.
- Serpent or Lillith, prime Satanic consort and first mother goddess.
- This calumny is confirmed in the Gospel of Barnabas, and is also a foundational doctrine of Rudolph Steiner’s Anthroposophy, which teaches that Lucider’s redemption is mankind’s responsibility.
- Michael Baigent, the lead author of the speculative series of books, “Holy Blood, Holy Grail,” “The Messianic Legacy,” and “The Temple and the Lodge,” is a member of the QC Lodge.
- This book is essentially the Freemasonic Bible of esoteric orthodoxy for the popular Scottish Rite which has nothing whatsover to do with ancient Free Masons. Public statements by Freemasonic adepts, written or verbal, never mention the occult tenets buried within its pages, and rarely do the majority of contemporary Freemasons penetrate its contents; just as they avoid public mention of their blasphemous oaths . Nevertheless, it stands as a Lighthouse for its Captains and Kings.
- Leader of the Greek Orthodox Christian Church
- And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake: and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood: And the stars of heaven (as strewn over the sky), fell unto the earth, even as a fig, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Rev. 6:14-17)
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Dr Zaid,
Thank you so much for your insight. I learn something about Freemasonry Myself every time I read your commentary. I think my name says it all “John Quincy”. Why would a man who’s Father is a 32cnd degree Freemason and United States Marine and uncle who is a 33rd degree Mason name me “John Quincy”. The Adams Family were “Puritans” descended from the followers of Cromwell; the Triplett and Washington Family were from Northern England and the Scythian/Arpad/Norman Cavalry tradition and were loyalist. John Quincy Adams destroyed the Freemasons of America to the last lodge almost in 1830. Some lodges remained in the Mountains; Joseph Smith created Mormonism from Freemason ritual but he was killed for being a Freemason before he could explain these rituals to the German and Vikings settlers that gathered around him. Now Mormons think they hold the order of Melchizadek but they have nothing after Smith died.
They named me John Quincy because my Family hates what has happened to the craft and they wanted me to remember always. Albert Pike does not practice the same Scottish rite as George Washington but this is all we had after President Adams destroyed the craft.
This is how it was explained to me: Lucifer is the name of the planet Venus when it rises in the East- this was the star worshipped by Alexander the Great. Lucifer represents also “Knowledge”- the light bearer. We are taught as young Gypsies of the “Dubblesky” – the twin Gods. Satan is Allah’s “employee” and to be respected. The God the Jews worship Yawh -the burning bush- this is Satan the God of war and given the Earth. Allah (Elo similar pronunciation) is the one true God of everlasting sky. This bush burned below the formless ALL of Allah. God does not fight with Satan- God does not fight with insects either- God is beyond what we understand.
Lucifer is a direction of “war”. The Early Scythians worshipped the “Earth” as Gaia or the Earth Angel Isis in Egypt. When Venus rises in the West it is called the same star as “Lucifer” but it is called “Isis” or “Sophia” or “Hestia”- many names but it represents the Earth Angel.
The Gypsy believe the Earth is a Spirit just as written by Enoch and the Prophets. The Earth is Gods “Bride” and footstool of God. I am not a true Cathar because I do not believe all this stuff but I know what it means. My own beliefs are more to be humble and realize I do not know anything compared to God. But I can tell you that the original Freemasons and old Gypsy people were not ‘Pagans”. Their beliefs were very much the same as ancient Noah and Abraham I am sure. They believed that Satan controlled the Earth as Gods Employee and sometimes Satan is ordered to help people by God. They also believed in ‘Mother Earth” as being a spirit loved and protected by God- this is not really paganism.
As legend tells it the Scythians were “clean” and as they left Alexander’s army they married women that taught them of the “one true God”. These Scythians became Jews and Muslims and later moved back into Europe with the Sephardic settlement of Iberia and the early Christians.
The Templar call Muhammad ‘Saint of the Western Star”. Meaning protector of the Earth and the meek. Per legend Saladin gave us the light of Muhammad and made us understand to leave mid east and travel west- the star called “Lamerica” or “merica”. The very name of America is a middle eastern word for Venus appearing in the West and has nothing whatsoever to do with Americo Vespucio or whatever the fairytale is told. Merica is the name given to the Western star and became our direction and Lucifer was seen as a symbol of knowledge- Lucifer meaning Venus planet seen in early morning- the morning star.
York Rite Freemasonry is the home of all this nonsense. York rite is the Freemasonry of the Royals of Europe. Scottish Rite is completely different and headquartered in Alexandria Virginia. Albert Pike is a hero to us for preserving much of the heritage. But today few people realize that Scottish rite and York rite are completely different. A hindu- Muslim-Jew can become a Scottish rite Freemason- these people are not welcome in the York Rite of European Royals. They formed York Rite because they had usurped the true line of Kings and people knew this. Freemasonry was slap to their face. Now the York rite Royals claim they crated Freemasonry- but my poor cousins and me know things of which they are completely ignorant. Money and wealth are their reward- our reward was God and promised land- the Kinnerfeld. My Fathers believed Muhammad and Saladin directed us to the west by defeating our armies in the east.
Old Templar saying: ” Your enemy will be your greatest teacher. Often God speaks to us through defeat and the righteousness of our enemies.”
(written and edited by Elizabeth Triplett from spoken word of John Quincy Triplett)
According to the oral histories of the Order of Continental Priests, the old Scottish Rite of Freemasonry formed around 1450 during the building of Rosslyn Chapel. It was a mystical time when a people who had been struggling for freedom of self-expression through generations finally found freedom from the conformity of mainstream society. The construction of Rosslyn took perhaps 80 years and provided a great source of income, community and pride for Scotland. Lord St Clair created an entire subculture around the economy generated during the building of Rosslyn and this subculture was the beginning of modern day Freemasonry. (60)
The art of Rosslyn is a style not seen in any other Chapel in the world. The secrets of the Freemasons and their symbols are finally brought to light at Rosslyn. The freedom of self-expression that the Freemasons had in building this structure is unparalleled in Europe. Finally, these true Freemasons were able to build the structure they had always wanted to build, and the stone work is a metaphor for the escape from Roman Catholic domination that they made with the victory of Robert the Bruce. The Chapel is also a tribute to the blend of the many cultures of their ancestors that they preserved while the Popes and Kings destroyed these cultures. The ancient Pagan pre-Christian symbols are created with heart-breaking skill: such as the 110 depictions of the etheric “little green man” surrounded by trees and foliage. At Rosslyn the Freemasons celebrated nature, history, astrology and all the beauty the Roman Catholic tyranny had denied their ancestors. I have no doubt that, if there ever really were an old Scottish Rite of Freemasonry formed by Masons and the descendants of Knights, it was formed at Rosslyn. (61)
In 1307 when the Pope and Kings began to attack the Templar orders, it has been estimated that there were ten to 20 thousand Templars in Europe from Poland to Scotland. There were only about 3,000 Knights, but there were also thousands of squires, sergeants, masons, attorneys, and doctors all working under the Templar umbrella. Is it so hard to believe that the tyrants were not able to destroy this organization in one day? The Templar order had created a massive infrastructure that was impossible to completely destroy. Historians tell us that there are no descendants of the Knights Templar today. Genetic science tells us that there must be millions of people descended from this organization today. Most of these people are simply not aware of their heritage. The Continental Templar Priests are simply aware of our heritage, and we have knowledge of millions of people descended from Templar Knights, Squires, Scientists, and Tradesmen. (62)
Shortly after the so-called destruction of the Templar order, two Nations declared sovereignty and began trying to establish a free society: Scotland and Switzerland. Both of these countries have oral traditions that claim Templar armies were the defining factor in forming these countries. Many Scots claim that it was a charge of Templar Knights that was the deciding factor in the battle of Bonnockburn in 1314 that won them a time of freedom. Many Swiss claim that a Templar army that fought in the battle of Morgarten in 1315 won independence for the Swiss. It is interesting that these dates correlate precisely to the execution of Jacque De Molay and his call to arms and freedom. Jacque De Molay summoned the Templar to glory in 1314 and the warriors that died to free Scotland and Switzerland surely carried the courage of Jacque DeMolay in their hearts. There is a painting of the battle of Morgarten in a Chapel that stands near the lake of Lowertz in which Swiss Knights are wearing the white cloaks with the red cross of the Knights Templar. Symbols are the key to understanding: symbols on flags, buildings, and currency are all put there for a very specific reason. It is no accident that the flag of Switzerland is unmistakably the Templar Red Cross. (63)
There is no official documentation of the Templar armies that fought at Bonnockburn and Morgarten, but the oral histories of these events remain strong in Scotland and Switzerland today. Historians will argue that it would be impossible for the Templar to so quickly reform armies after the Templar holocaust of 1307, but historians are not accounting for the vast infrastructure that was already in place. What is really hard to believe is that an organization that existed for two-hundred years and developed this massive infrastructure could be destroyed virtually overnight. The Continental Templar Priests have a strong oral history of the Templar descendants and where they migrated. There is proven documentation of this heritage to the Threlkeld and Triplett family who lives in America today, and many other families willing to do research. I will tell the oral history of my family history and migration to Scotland as it was told to me by my Father:
“In the days when Templar Knights walked the earth, we had well established Cistercian monasteries in Scotland. The Scots were defiant, and Papal decrees could not be enforced there just as in the days of Rome. The Freemasons and the families of Templar Knights saw Scotland as a great hope for our long struggle to form a free and independent society. When the French Pope began his manhunt of those loyal to the Templar order our ancestor Alban De Threlkeld left his home in France on a brave and desperate journey to join his older brothers in Scotland.
Alban De Threlkeld migrated to Scotland to fight with family in a battle being planned by Robert the Bruce. De Threlkeld was a horseman of the couched lance technique; he was among the most deadly cavalrymen in Europe. He was named for honor of his ancestor the great Knight Robert of St. Albans, who converted to the way of Mohammed and married the niece of Saladin, “Saint of the Western Star.” But do not be ashamed and let not the westerners make you despair; it does not matter if we take the mantle of Christian, Muslim, or Jew, but that we follow the way of the warrior, the way of a Freemason. It was Saladin who showed the Templar their way home and out of the deserts of our ancestors. The town of St. Albans founded by our family on the banks of the Kanawha bears witness to the glory of Saladin and Alban and Robert, as all did fight our struggle of the way.
Alban’s son Robert was a doctor and he was an expert distiller of whiskey from Barley and Rye. He moved to England to join Norman kin and made whiskey for the young King Henry. The sons of Robert and the distilleries of our family still thrive in Scotland and Cumberland England. Robert’s grandson John inherited land in England and Scotland, and John would be the first of our kin to claim the rite of the Scotts. John would soon bring the Scottish Rite to England and teach his sons the names of their fathers.
The Scots had struggled long for their freedom and they found their Champion in Robert the Bruce. Our ancestors fought with the fire of God, defeating the English at Bonnockburn and we did claim our independence to the Pope in a declaration from Arbroath. The Scots would continue their struggle through the persecution of the Jacobite and the war of Revolution against King George. From Kadesh to Hattin to Bonnockburn and Cowpens we have fought to secure our freedom.
In the days of Robert the Bruce secret meetings and fraternity of any kind was outlawed for common men, but again we had with us the strength of the Freemasons. Since the time of Senmut the tyrants were forced to respect the Freemasons or live as primitives. The Freemasons built the civilizations that the tyrants held dear, and they were forced to allow their fraternity. The Templar soldiers of the Bruce were accepted masons and secret halls of our order were used to plan our rebellions. One day people would be given the right to assemble openly and freely by the holy scripture of the United States Constitution.
God’s will was with the Scots and they did prevail; praise God they mingled their blood with ours. We have proved the Babylonian Priests to be false in shunning our cousins and kin. Mingling the blood with all people of God’s earth proved righteous and true as Hapshepsut, and this is the secret of survival since the time of the Prophets who took us and blessed us and kept us. Blessed are those who love the sacred hero of all nations with equal glory in God.
Know well the names of your fathers and keep them for our children to tell. We are descended from John who first sought the Rite of the Scots with the Freemasons of Lord St. Clair:
Alban De Threlkeld who fought to free the Scotts begat Robert the Threlked; Robert owned lands in England and prospered there and begat Robert; Robert built distilleries and Mills for the harvest of the land and begat John the bookmaker who deciphered the Rosslyn Templar script; John begat Robert who continued to translate Greek for the Tudors; Robert begat Thomas who called his name Triplett in audience with the Virgin Queen; Thomas begat Thomas and he kept his father’s fortunes intact; Thomas begat John whose youngest son would take us to the land of Promise; John begat Francis who came to America on a ship chartered by John Washington; Francis begat Francis who expanded our land in Virginia; Francis begat Francis who would father Daniel Protector of his Excellency General George Washington; Daniel fathered Jesse who would settle in the State of North Carolina; Jesse fathered Daniel who would have 12 children now ancestors of thousands; Daniel fathered Wilson who caught the public enemy Talt Hall; Wilson fathered Henderson who reunited us with our people in West Virginia; Henderson fathered General Francis who would not take the company script; General Francis fathered William who would fight in world war II defending our country from tyrants; William fathered Johnny Q who listens to the names of his fathers………
I am the “Johnny Q” at the end of the list and I always found this part of the oral history a great burden as a child. Are you sure there’s not a drunk or a lazy bum on the list? LOL