Marx and Freud’s Faustian Pacts–and the Cosmic War Against the West…by Jonas E. Alexis

3 responses to “Marx and Freud’s Faustian Pacts–and the Cosmic War Against the West…by Jonas E. Alexis”

  1. It seems important to understand that Abraham was not a “few”; Buddha was not a “Buddhist”; and Isa (Jesus) was not a Christian. Religion is created by ‘followers” after a great soul has left the body and passed. In the Revelation of my Grandfather called Yachonan or “John” by Christians who was the Apostle John’s son he says “Never was there anymore Temples built (Religion) and the people became a Temple unto themselves”. Religion is no spiritual. Religion is an agreement between Church and State; Priest and warrior; Kings and Popes. Religion first began as the “Shamanic” tradition of our tribal ancestors. The Shaman of the Asian steppe best represented by Altai tribe created the Pantheon that was used by Indo-Europe. The Hindu Vedas and the Runes of Odin are identical in many ways. This morphed into Hinduism; the Hindu pantheon became Greek and Persian; Next came Zoroastrianism; then came Judaism; Christianity and Islam were Revolutions of the common people to destroy the caste systems that were a legacy of Hinduism. Isa and Muhammad and other we call “Prophets” seek to destroy “Religion”. The result is the creation of yet another “Religion”. This cycle is very Ironic. Great Personalities can control the mind using “Religion”; great Teachers will teach you to use your own mind 🙂

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