News: Muslim Brotherhood demands the U.S and NATO to invade Egypt and destroy its army – Wake Up From Your Slumber

2 responses to “News: Muslim Brotherhood demands the U.S and NATO to invade Egypt and destroy its army – Wake Up From Your Slumber”

  1. Looking at events in egypt one can see how easy it is to destablilize a country. Egypt as we knew it; is finished

  2. As it stays now, Egypt is in chaos, a like anarchy situation. Guess who benefits from such a situation??? Of course the western powers, more especially USA and ISrael. As long as muslims are fighting each other, creating instability in muslim world, Israel is the Winner. I don’t see any positive outcome with the current situation, as both the Muslim Brotherhood and the opposition lead by Mohamed El Baradei, including Army Chief El-Sisi, are all American puppets.
    Only Allah knows what will happen.

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