1. Malaysia Welcomes Goldman Sachs

    Goldman Sachs has received licenses from Malaysia’s Securities Commission to provide fund management and corporate finance advisory services in the country.

    The investment bank is the latest foreign financial institution to benefit from the ongoing liberalisation of Malaysia’s financial sector, which consists of Islamic finance running in parallel with conventional finance.

    The bank will now be allowed to officially open an office in Malaysia and will be able to offer offshore fund management services for the first time. Hitherto, Goldman was only permitted to manage Malaysian institutional funds invested outside the country. A representative from Goldman commented that the move could potentially launch funds in Malaysia.

    Goldman already uses its Singapore and Hong Kong offices as bases from which to offer investment banking services, such as capital markets and mergers and acquisition advisory, to firms within Malaysia. This year, it advised on deals including Maxis’ US$3.3 billion initial public offering in November and Maybank’s US$1.6 billion rights issue in April. The bank plans to increase such activities.

    The bank released a statement saying it intends to open an office in Kuala Lumpur during the first half of 2010.

    Tim Leissner, co-president of Southeast Asia at Goldman Sachs said, “the future outlook for Malaysia’s capital markets and its asset management industry is very positive and through our local presence we look forward to playing a larger role in their development”.

    Currently, Leissner’s main responsibility is to over-see investment banking in Malaysia along with Roger Ng, who is an executive director in the bank’s investment banking division. Goldman Sachs declined to comment on whether or not the pair will retain this responsibility, or on who will be appointed head of the new domestic initiative.

    Although Goldman is not presently active within the Islamic Finance sector, it could be in the future, especially considering its offices in Hong Kong, Singapore and now Malaysia.

    The statement said, “Malaysia is an Islamic financial centre and it’s certainly an area we will be looking at closely”.

  2. This is a daylight robbery, man!!.The US and Singapore stealing money from Malaysia is tantamount to a “Bonnie” and “Clyde” tag team partnership,robbing from the outside while the local politicians play the role of “Batman” and “Robin” gone rogue,emptying the coffers from the inside!!.And the Malaysian citizens can do nothing but look on!!.NICE JOB!!.

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