The Christian Chrysalis: On New Testament Pauline Propaganda, etc., by Dr. Omar Zaid

2 responses to “The Christian Chrysalis: On New Testament Pauline Propaganda, etc., by Dr. Omar Zaid”

  1. Revelation 22:8 clearly states, “I fell down to worship at the feet of the ANGEL who had been showing me ….” then the ANGEL says, “I am fellow servant…”. It was not Jesus who said, “Don’t do that!” And where in any of the surrounding verses does it add, “from the tribe of Judah”? Like the Christians this site criticizes for not reading the text for themselves to find the truth, you yourself skewed the verses to meet your ideology. All credibility in what you say afterwards is lost.

    • “Then sayeth he unto me “”See thou do it not: for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.” Rev 22:9 King James, Authorized Companion Bible

      You have some reading to do Emma … some thinking too … – oz

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