Disconnect Between Natural Parenting Skills and Health Officials Harming Children’s Development

2 responses to “Disconnect Between Natural Parenting Skills and Health Officials Harming Children’s Development”

  1. there is certainly a disconnect between parents and children..tender loving care and discipline are things of the past…the children are our future..we need to balance our rights and our duties mutually… .. nature and nurture naturally .

  2. Why is all of this things happening,people?.Are our lives preordained and should we just accept it?.Can we run from one predestination to another?.Or is there other “worldly” forces at work?.Let’s us take a moment and think from a philosophical perspective or otherwise this sentences,from the ‘THRONE” through the “CHAIR” through the “TABLET OF DESTINY” through the “HEART” through the “BRAIN” and finally through the “FINGERS” which in their turn set in motion the ability for me to type in and sent you this post and ask ourselves,who’s in command?,who has control over our dominion internally and externally? and who has the power over us?.Can we will a thing by ourselves and make it be?.Believe me!!,understanding the answers to those questions might just “FREE” our minds from all the world’s prejudices!!.

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