Editor’s Note: This does not represent the changing face of Islam but rather the changing or even emerging face of those who call themselves ‘Muslim’. The conundrum is real, God did not create them this way. Rather, mankind’s foolish disobedience to fitrah and revelation has allowed the aberration which occurs during the first trimester as the result of man’s interference with embryo-genesis; much of which has to do with toxic insult and spouse abuse… To know more, read my book THE TAQUA OF MARRIAGE
Two gay Muslim men have married in France – where marriage between gay people is not yet recognised – with the blessing of an imam.
French-Algerian Ludovic Mohamed Zahed and his partner, Qiyam al-Din, a South African, were previously able to marry in South Africa – but their union was not recognised in France.
Mr Zahed recounted his story on France 24 TV, telling the channel how he met Mr Din last year at a convention on AIDS in South Africa.
“I was in the lecture hall when an imam – who incidentally, is gay himself – introduced me to Din. We discovered we had a lot in common and a mutual admiration was cemented. I stayed on after the convention for two months, deciding to get married, since South African laws were more friendly [to same-sex unions],” he said.
After the wedding – organised by Din’s family – the couple decided to return to France and settle in a Parisian suburb, hoping that the French government would recognise the legality of their marriage, but the authorities refused.
Mr Zahed says he has his family’s blessing over his marriage, and that he’s surprised to be facing more hurdles with French law than from Muslim homophobia. The marriage took place in a house in Servon, on the outskirts of Paris, and was attended by his parents and few close friends.
“Being married in front of my family, was like a new start of life for me. I could have never imagined such a day would come, seeing the joy in my parents’ eyes after they had battled with my sexuality and tried with all their might to change the course of my sexual orientation,” he said.
Mr Zahed is following doctoral studies in Islam and homosexuality and also heads an organisation that researches issues relating to Islam and homosexuality. He said his absolute priority is to get a legal permit for his new spouse to stay and work in France.
Dromio about 18 hours ago
Good luck to them. The French election is coming soon and it looks as though the left will get back into power and hopefully then fulfill their promise to introduce marriage equality.
de Villiers about 17 hours ago
The upcoming election is for the President rather than the Assemblée Nationale.
In the life of the Fifth Republic, there has been only one President on the Left – President Mitterrand. In any event, it is not the President who controls this but the Assemblée Nationale. The left introduced the PACS when there was a left-wing majority under Prime Minister Jospin (who went on to lose the Presidential election so badly that he allowed Le Pen of the Front National to reach the final stage against Chirac.
The Parti Socialist, however, have promised to introduce gay marriage should then win another majority. As it happens, a PACS in France has some advantages over marriage in England – specifically in the tax treatment where those in a PACS can file a joint tax statement whereas in England each person is taxed individually.
Robert in S. Kensington about 16 hours ago
I’d still have a civil marriage than a PACs or a CP, neither of which will ever be the universal gold standard. I can live without the privilege of filing a joint tax return in exchange for a real marriage.
de Villiers about 15 hours ago
A joint tax return can be a substantial benefit when one of you is not working. My partner and I have adopted a boy and he no longer works. We would be in a far more advantageous position with a PACS – save that we could not have adopted in France.
Nathan about 16 hours ago
If you are reading this congratulations! And good luck with the fight for recognition!
myself about 15 hours ago
Mashallah! Bless you all who love. Our time will come. We shall overcome.
NIgel about 13 hours ago
The very best of luck to them – they deserve it, and their time will come. Every country and faith needs people like them to move the rest forward. Congratulations if they see this!
Billy about 11 hours ago
A good example of, be the change you want to see in the world, Allah Bless them and congratulations to them, may they live long happy lives together.
GingerlyColors about 10 hours ago
Good luck to them and hopefully they will be able to have their marriage officially endorsed soon. France has registered partnerships or Pact De Solidarite but after 221 years of legal homosexuality it is time they made that final step into marriage equality. The Muslim community in France is much larger than ours but are subject to more restrictions and there is the ban on full-face veils. Recently Nicolas Sarkosky summarily threw out two terror suspects in defiance of the European Court Of Human Rights. The Muslim population of France is also more ghettoised and trouble in those suburbs is frequent. Having said that there are Muslims who are enlightened in both Britain and France.
Staircase2 about 9 hours ago
Bless em!
I wish them all the best
What a lovely story
Nick about 9 hours ago
This convinced me that there are some decent religious figures in existence, hence there is some hope for humanity.
Jonpol about 9 hours ago
Me too. We need to hear more about and from educated gay Muslims.