Knights Errant, Myths of Authenticity & The Manipulation of Collective Identity:
- Not only do policies create grievances; they also create constituencies, that is, the people identified by their behavior, interests, beliefs, or some ascriptive characteristic as aggrieved or empowered. In this way, we can understand how the state structures collective identity. … You get the sense that by participating you are part of something larger, engaged in efforts bigger than yourself, defining your own identity by your participation in the construction of a larger community through collective action (Buechler 1990)…
- The range of potential issues a group, network, or individual may address is related to self-identification. The ideological component of collective identity includes a political analysis which identifies a range of social injustices that merit redress and a range of potential activities that a group or individual might undertake. Movement issues may link as the result of ideological, cultural, organizational, or tactical continuity… the state makes “dissidents,” creating common cause and thus an identity. … To ignore government policy in creating causes and constituencies is to essentialize identity and ignore the importance of possibility [potential] and human agency. What we need is a terminology that can illuminate age-old dichotomies in new ways to emphasize their mutuality. Gramsci’s notion of “common sense,” I suggest, delineates the relationship between the material, the political, and the ideological without necessitating that any one predominate.
Social Movements: Identity, Culture, and the State;
David S. Meyer, Nancy Whittier, & Belinda Robnett, Oxford U Press, 2002
To “ignore human agency” represents capitulation to an abstracted and anonymous State identity. Furthermore, it is surrender to the manipulation of poneorocrats as well as an abject abandonment of Lao Tzu’s approach to the Tao of human endeavor—something he said is best realized without the influence of centralized Cominterns. To the contrary, the ‘common sense’ sought for by the eminent scholars above most certainly requires ideological champions. Let me explain:
The unrestrained urban sprawls that have reached synonymy with ‘civilization’ are havens for the impunity of anonymity and gangs of conditioned sociopaths and pseudo psychopaths who burn entire city blocks when curbs are dropped in street or penthouse. While these engage in un-restrained appetite satisfaction, the absurdities of relative values and Romanized rentier arrogance is touted by Globalists imbued with imaginaries that diffusively dilute the natural social forces of communal cohesion in order to inhibit any and all resistance. These pretenders of legitimacy pound Caesar’s drum for fools who march to slogans like ‘One Malaysia’, ‘One World’ ‘One Jerusalem’ etc., reciting catchphrases such as Madame Clinton’s oxymoronic “Global Village.”
Ibn Khaldun referred to these as “myths of authenticity” as forms of propaganda that hold ‘powerful sway over commoners’, especially marginalized groups. Because they are born of false imaginations, lies and unscientific definitions divorced from divine guidance, once such myths are accepted they ultimately destroy any polity adopting them by demeaning ‘High Cultures’ that support honorable approaches to defined human rights according to justifiable human need. To the contrary they favor Romanized levies and laws that enrich elitist parasites as they eroding morals, ethics, righteous ambition, personal reward and cultural identity. This is accomplished by legitimizing groups and activities that are counter-productive to genuine high cultures that rightfully honor our Creator and His Creation. Hence also, and as corollary, the same phenomenon inhibits personal satisfaction because the human soul inherently desires divine validation in order to achieve equanimity.
It is only the sub-human who discards this desire in pursuit of appetite satisfaction. Of course the term ‘human’ is reserved for those who seek God’s pleasure through equanimity of life styles via the establishment of just relations with all of creation; something that can only be accomplished by following the directives of the various prophets who’ve brought their respective constituencies legitimate guidance via Revelation; the greatest of whom, most complete and final was Mohammed (pbh).
It is the misguidance of this fundamental human desire that Occultists achieve by pandering myths and their associated icons. Of course this is also the chief aim of Iblis. A prime example is Freemasonry but the greatest historical model of this dubious success is the Catholic Church; not because of its longevity but because of its global reach and ominous influence. These ecclesi-archons of cunning have learned extremely well from their predecessors in Egypt and most especially in Babylon, and have even ‘out-jewed’ recognizable Jews on many occasions.
As previously noted by the tactics of crypto-Jews disguised as al-Quramitah, such covens purposely target an ignorant majority and marginalized minorities [e.g. homosexuals and feminists], and proceed to grant then legitimacy then elevate them as electors (democracy) of those who promise to validate several identities under an undefined categories called ‘equal’ or even ‘human’ rights:
- Such movements challenge dominant cultural norms, seek to democratize relationships, and operate on a different logic from “instrumental” movements (Cohen 1985). The development of NSMs [New Social Movements] is “ultimately rooted in structural and cultural transformations that characterize all Western European countries” (Kriesi and Giugni 1995: xxi), implying that new identities are either chosen or result straightforwardly from the declining significance of class, religion, and family ties in a “postindustrial” society (Kriesi and Giugni, 1995; Touraine 1981). Yet the processes by which these identities are constructed and why they often take contradictory forms remain unclear. – Ibid, p. 86.
The ‘lack of clarification’ mentioned in the last line has everything to do with occult manipulation by those who so conspire. The several “Youth Movements” (including the Girl & Boy Scouts) of the 19th and 20th centuries all attest to this and it is documented that the latter were purposely mobilized by this occult underbelly of politics that also brought the world Communism and Fascism in true Hegelian style. Since conspiracy is a taboo topic in Rhodes Scholarized academic circles, it is no small wonder one must leave the secreted processes untouched by Khaldunian detectives save for pens that fear not the sacred stones of victorious myth mongers.
Hence, common sense explains how perversions and the ill-informed are given specious equity with superiors while real power courts, banks, industrial engines, transportation [19th century Railroad Barons and 20th Century Virgin Airway Moghuls and Blackwater gauntlets] is reserved for the Occult Comintern of Magi that create or endorse myths out of social dichotomies that are then held forth like carrots but never realized as masses circumambulate rounds of Hegelian consensus formation. All the while, those with real knowledge authentic scholars such as Ibn Khaldun, Confucius or E.W. Said (who are indeed superior and dedicated to morals imbued by authentic cultural identities) are marginalized and ‘out-voted’ by the pathetic, misdirected mob.
These tactics are readily employed by pretentious Islamic regimes such as the Yemeni farce, under the careful eye of well placed “advisors” of course:
- “The truth is there is no Al Qaeda,” said Lutfi Muhammad, a weary-looking unemployed 50-year-old walking through this city’s tumultuous Tahrir Square. Instead, he said, the violence is “because of the regime and the lack of stability and the internal struggles.” … “We cannot differentiate between what is propaganda and what is real,” said Abdullah al-Faqih, a professor of political science at Sana University. “It’s impossible to tell who is killing who; you have tribal feuds, Al Qaeda and the Southern Movement, and the State is doing a lot of manipulation.”
Mono El-Naggar & Robert F. Worth;
Nov 04, 2010 “NY Times” — Nov, 03, 2010 — SANA, Yemen
- The Empire preys on our kids using all the tools at its disposal: Economic panic, high college tuition, high unemployment and a mythology that the U.S. has some existential right to steal the resources of other nations. – Cindy Sheehan, anti-war activist, 2008, op. cit.
These intrigues are demoralizing and myths such as “Al Qaeda” are touted by well paid rhetoricians, pundits and mimics whose minds have been sold and/or sealed to sounder reason by Tavistokian professionals of the Fabian mold. For example and if you examine its wake, in the name of Jacobin ‘Liberty’ is a siren call to ‘free trade’ that favors Orwell’s masters of the craft and methodically fulfills the prophecies of H. G. Wells and Ann Rand with the dispassion of pro-ordained sociopaths.
Some fail to follow this reckoning because their worldview has been harnessed by extremely competent methods that simultaneously control public opinions and academic discourse while authentic history is rescinded by recensions that favor myths of origin and intent. Such is the case of Napoleon’s conversion to Islam. Furthermore, academics are almost universally subscribed to dubious funding sources and become habituated to ‘White Tower” prestige. Hence, they’ve learned not to rock the life-boat of tenured conformity. This is far from the purview of Muslim zuhudis like Nur ad-Din, Sala’u’din and other righteous Caliphs and Imams who rejected the common herd mentality that permits the Hidden Hand of Iblissian sociopaths their repeated victories. The unrivaled butchery that marked the 20th Century hails these triumphs and has so far introduced the 21st with star-crossed psychopathic preambles.
The following illustrations demonstrate an ubiquitous icon (pentagram) that adorns the pennants of Nationalism, Democracy, Communism and Fascism. As you gaze on this cold hearted ensign of mankind’s enemy, be mindful that this same star marked the discomfited dames and sires of those who remain faithful to Chairman Mao’s legacy of demerit.
What profit remains for then for waning cultures that entertain this star of Freemasonic flush that heralds dialogues that ignore differences God has set between nations and creeds? Cultures that favor these iconographic pennants and the red-sashed ecumenicists of Gnosticism are given over to fifth column missionaries who invite citizens to obey the red and white clad hierophants of the Knights of Malta; all of whom take an oath of loyalty to the Roman Papacy.
- “The Knights of Malta are the militia of the Pope, and are sworn to total obedience by a blood oath which is taken extremely seriously and to the death. The Pope as the head of the Vatican is also the head of a foreign national power.”
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences by Albert G. Mackey 33rd degree Mason, Masonic History Company, Chicago, N Y, & London, 1925: (Vol. One, pp. 392-95)
The lads of this gang comprise an army; one that Suleiman the Great attempted to exterminate even after casting them out of the Levant. Indeed, what has the five starred “United Nations” done except foster star-struck identity registers while genocide and dearth multiply under its ever hesitant watch? The several pipers and sycophants of this and other institutional ploys have lured and fashioned the earth’s peoples into mongrelized condiments for the larders of Rome, NYC, London, and Washington DC, and DC; stacking them up like so many cookie-cut dominoes. This fact of post-Colonial heritage belies the present illusions of cultural identity as each nation parades bemused citizens to Wall Street’s processors under the auspice of economic hit men and World finance facilities that are owned, operated and manipulated by felons, many of whom are Knights of Malta.
As we all should know, the best way to rob a bank meant to preserve the wealth of nations is to own it, manage it, or at least marry the commissioner’s daughter. And the best way to misguide a nation is to pose as authentic leadership—those for whom the sorcerer Bal’am supplicated, against the will even of his donkey (who had better sense), a man and nation whom Allah swt likened to dogs in al’Qur’an. Hence, I propose it is time for cogent men and women of common sense, scholarship, acumen and integrity to put a stop to the insanity of denying these facts of pre and post-modernity for the sake of both theirs and the constituencies under their purviews. This is especially so for indigenes in the face of evidence that the Crown has conspired with the Vatican and North American authorities to perpetrate genocidal activities on North American natives and others well into the 1990s. Continuing to operate unaware of the sub-human nature of these criminally elite murderers is simply stupid.
Since the UN is an organization of peace, the flag purposefully avoids any reference to violence (image below). Instead they put five stars rotating the Earth. The stars represent the Five Permanent Members of the UNSC. China (Yellow), Russia (Red), America (White), France (Green) and Great Britain, The five stars form a Protective Shield around the Earth, symbolic of the five nations being the prime source/funding of the UNSC Armed Forces.
Although the South Korean Flag (Taegeukgi) is free of the cult’s subsuming imagery, as you can see, its Coat of Arms is not. Despite its rising commercial success, S. Korean society is rife with the demoralizing influences of the Hegelian dialectic that has reduced its people to pilgrims of “right” and “left” imaginaires ever since the post WWII dance hall culture took over what passes for parliament. Strategic planning for this ancient Roman tactic is a rite of passage for initiates of upper degree Illuminati members. Its polemics and consequent polarizations are utilized to divide any nation into readily managed, fixed left-brained sheep-pens after right-hemispheres have been pacified by the cultural readjustments afforded by the arts and sciences of pop occulture. Simply put, it is a magician’s trick that erodes authentic identity; something which is indelibly bound to authentic culture.
‘Right’ and ‘Left’ partisanship is a far cry from the Taoist Heritage of ‘balance’ which is symbolized by S. Korea’s wizened ensign or as promulgated as one of the chief principles of Islam.
The well balanced human psyche requires the attainment of virtue as a fulcrum upon which many faculties sway their influence:
- Part of the affective energy mixed into thought becomes available to consciousness as feelings and concept-imbued emotions; but other thought-imbued energies find symptomatic expression in the timbre of our voices, the calmness or intensity of our gestures, our facial expressions, the flush of our faces, the rate of our heartbeats, the receptivity, tightness, or sweatiness of our skin, and the relaxation or turmoil in our guts. Moreover, the play of affect on some registers is not always entirely consonant with its play on others.
- Recent experiments by neuroscientists such as Antonio Damasio and Joseph LeDoux confirm the indispensability of affect to thinking. But if affect retains an element of autonomy that pulls thinking beyond the steady control of intellectual governance, how could this dimension of thinking itself be refined or sharpened? If affect, that is, becomes organized into habits of feeling and judgment that flow into the intellect, by what means can this dimension of being be reeducated?
- Intellectualists tend to ignore the question, for they assume that it is only at the highest level of intellectuality that thinking and education count. Virtue theorists, on the other hand, attend to it. But they are often prepared to do so only if the question is defined within a theo-teleological matrix. These two parties often concur in thinking that the debate between them exhausts the viable possibilities. One means by which this mutual sense of exhaustion is maintained is through the reduction of Nietzschean non-teleological philosophy to a form of voluntarism that ignores its engagement with the interplay among embodiment, affect, thought, and becoming.
Nietzsche resists this reduction when he poses the question of how to educate affectively imbued dispositions below the level of direct intellectual regulation. Nietzsche — the philosopher who celebrates thinking all the way up and all the way down — explores techniques and arts to work on culturally imbued dimensions of affective thought unsusceptible to direct regulation. As he puts it in a thought pregnant with ethical and political import:
- “A mere disciplining of [conscious] thoughts and feelings is virtually nothing…; one first has to convince the body. It is decisive … that one should inaugurate culture in the right place — not in the ‘soul’ … the right place is the body, demeanor, diet, physiology, the rest follows.”
William E. Connolly; Neuropolitics: Thinking, Culture, Speed
Regents of the University of Minnesota & Press, 2000, 76-77.
The pitifully suicided savant of God’s demise [Nietzsche] almost unerringly described Islam’s classical approach to virtuous discipline according to the divine directives of al’Qur’an and Sunnah. The good Doctor Connolly merely adds the finesse of contemporary science and un-prophetic language to place a descriptive spin on a phenomenon that has been known by adepts on both sides of the dualist divide for eons. The question arises then as to which philosophy or ‘Way of life’ will one attend to with both cerebral hemispheres in balanced tow? Poor Nietzsche obviously didn’t manage the feat.
I propose that the right hand path of Satanism is that which traditionally guides what has come to be known as Hegel’s dialectic. This path uses the micro-politics of cultural burdens to one-sidedly diminish right brained consciousness so as to aid left-hemispheric preference for the myopic safety-net of don’t-rock-the-boat conformity. The left handed path of Satanism, to the contrary, is a thoroughly conscious path whereby both hemispheres are fully utilized, balanced and dedicated wholly to self-satisfaction.
The conduit of genuine virtue that attains additional grace (guidance) however, is one that balances both hemispheric pathways through moral conditioning that habituates the body of any disciple of divine discipline towards what is beneficial temporally and hereafter, and this according to decrees (guidance) given by respective messengers for millennia.
Bearing this in mind, it seems that not a few Koreans have begun to awaken from their left-hemispheric trance and now view Uncle Sam’s starred top hat rather than northern cousins as the real and present danger, as it should be. On his inauguration, for example, popular opinion was strong enough to induce S. Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to proclaim, ‘I will be a president who says “no” to the US’, reflecting the general consensus. This summons emits a spirit of hope for which Lao Tse would surely smile. It evens calls forth the ideal of good neighborly behavior which the master would no doubt applaud as Japan seeks partnership in lieu of the imposed Imperialism that brought its downfall and revision in Uncle Sam’s image. You doubt this? How so? The Yakuzza is little more than Tammany Hall revised under corporate flagships that got stake money from illicit drugs, slavery and prostitution. They also share an ancient initiatory system that is universally found in all fascist left-brained secret societies, such as cabbalist Freemasons.
The recent Iraqi incursion on Korea’s moment of clarity is ephemeral, and reactionary Islamophobia is a major theme this writer hopes to halt in favor of regional reconciliations that will restore honor, authenticity and autonomous prosperity to rulers and ruled with a view to reconstruct identitarian purviews free of alien imputations; something impossible to do without acknowledging and acting on the truth contained within these few pages. N. Korea’s Kaesong for example, was once a haven for Muslim traders and artisans and boasted a mosque during the 9th century CE. Ironically, it is now a sanctuary for Lucifer’s neo-capitalism and no doubt needs revisiting by authentic worshippers of truth.
Presently the monetization of economics is quickly becoming a post-modern casualty in light of a well engineered global economic recession/depression. Sustainability is the Phoenix upon whose wings the region must rise in order to survive without eating each other. In this realty show, imagined Stalinist, Maoist or Capitalist starlight has no place, as the PD (People’s Democracy) and Kim Il-Sung’s self-reliant Jucheist parties discovered when the Iron Curtain fell on their well-splintered illusion when it was buffeted by the currency assault on Asian economies a decade ago.
Mayer Amshel Rothschild, the Crypto-Jew and Napoleon’s nemesis as well as a Knight of Malta, 1773-1855; and since that time has retained control of the Papal Purse.
The balm that can heal this pitiful fragmentation is the revitalization of the region’s Taoist, Zen Buddhist, Confucian and Islamic roots that are steeped in traditions peculiar to communal cultures in conjunction with a profoundly successful feudal historicity that was purposely destroyed by Western Agenturs. For this purpose, there is little need for Yankee-Doodle rhetoric or fantasy of a Pax-Romana from Jerusalem toasted with Anglo-Germanic holy grails; neither should lessons from Britain’s War of Roses nor those of comrades Mao, Stalin, Castro, MacArthur and other counter-Reformation agents such as Hitler and Croatia’s genocidal Ustashi have any bearing on this effort other than to act as signposts warning off the mortal dangers they have on offer in order to stand against such Occidental plagues of insanity.
Regional cultural revivalism is antithetical to Marxism as are the Fascist proclivities of neo-con imperialism financed and directed by City of London cronies or Bilderberger Synarchists and several well-heeled ‘Tax Exempt’ Foundations. The reader will come to realize that what the developing world requires is post-hegemonic regionalism rather than New World Order consensus builders whose post Cold War rhetoric is conducted by the same cult that stocked pre, pan and post cold war armamentariums physically and metaphysically.
Thoughtful enquiry transcends borders but keeps them intact and free of hegemonic intrusions by the ‘other’ as long as one holds respect for both sides as either beneficent friend or hostile enemy. Such cosmopolitans tenaciously hold both courage and discipline as endowed by their authentic cultural identities. It is towards lifting this approach to human dignity, which is sacrosanct to Islamic, Zen Buddhist and Taoist principles that my remarks are directed. This is in sharp contradistinction to the Secular Humanism that has led British gendarmes to march in defense of gay policemen and protect public fornication. Nevertheless, if the latter is what your leaders and people desire on the streets and in the minds of your Capitals and charges—they are already on your entertainment venues—then by all means, deny this effort your support and may Allah have mercy on us.
… The trend now seems to be the Americanization of a culture where even a culture not colonized by America will find its citizens very American in fashion, taste and lifestyle, thanks to the intrusive and pervasive influence of the electronic media such as television and movies. The challenge for someone like Hassan — whose original Kedah dialect cannot be discerned from his Oxfordian patios — is to constantly remind himself that despite the outward trappings of a Western educated elite, he is at heart a Malay: conservative with his values and norms and circumscribed by his religion, Islam. Unless he does this consciously, Hassan will remain a Brown Sahib, an elitist who does not connect to the local milieu and who has been desensitized by his Western exposure so as to live his life completely disenfranchised from his own community and culture.
Millennium Malay by D. Ruse;
Pub. AS Nordeen, 2009, p. 68. ISBN 978-983-065-287-0
The difference is the medals, medallions, necklaces & sash. These later were introduced to European Royalty by the Knights Templars and represent earned or honorary degrees in occult fellowships as per extremely ancient societies such as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.
See: Rene Guenon, Le Theosophisme; Light-bearers of Darkness, by Ms.’Inquire Within’; Papus, Traite elementaire de Science Occulte; Sedir, Historie des Rose-Croix.

[1] “99% of sociopaths are fully integrated members of society who are completely dead inside… Their only function on this earth to manipulate and destroy the rest of us. Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and feelings for others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret.”
Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., Without Conscience
“A sociopath has no conscience, no emotional attachment to others, and no ability to love… life is reduced to a contest, and other human beings seem to be nothing more than game pieces, to be moved about, used as shields or ejected.”
Martha Stout, Ph.D., The Sociopath Next Door
“Since the entire cerebral cortex of a sociopath is almost never at a normal level of alertness (their waking brain waves resemble the waves of a normal person in a light sleep, alpha waves). Some of the basic mental and emotional skills the rest of the world takes so for granted never develop, and crucial among these is the thing called conscience. That one never develops at all. Sociopaths do not need it.”
Labyrinth of the Psychopath, David Icke; [confirmed also by medical professionals –oz]
This abbreviated introduction to Sociopathy describes the worldview of the Talmudist as well as most of our Political and corporate leadership, not to mention Satanists of the Left Hand Path. In addition, the trance like state of consciousness is similar to that which is induced by watching TV. – oz
[1] The Rentier Mentality
Rentier theory makes a distinction between ‘earned’ and ‘unearned’ income, according to Yates, and assumes that a rentier economy creates a specific mentality. The economic behavior of a rentier is distinguished from conventional economic behavior ‘in that it embodies a break in the work-reward causation.’” (Yates, p. 21.) “Rewards of income and wealth for the rentier do not come as the result of work but rather are the result of chance or situation.” Mahdavy observed a complacent attitude among the rentier states, which contrasted vividly with the sense of alarm and urgency prevalent in most other underdeveloped countries with massive impoverishment of the general populace and general backwardness.
Mahdavy wrote, “Whereas in most underdeveloped countries, this kind of relative regression will normally lead to public alarm and some kind of political explosion aimed at changing the status quo”…in a rentier state, the welfare and prosperity imported from abroad “preempts some of the urgency for change and rapid growth” and may in fact coincide with “socio-political stagnation and inertia.” (Yates, p. 21.)
The rentier mentality is a “psychological condition with profound consequences for productivity: contracts are given as an expression of gratitude rather than as a reflection of economic rationale; civil servants see their principal duty as being available in their offices during working hours; businessmen abandon industry and enter into real-estate speculation or other special situations associated with a booming oil sector; the best and brightest abandon business and seek out lucrative government employment; manual labor and other work considered demeaning by the rentier is farmed out to foreign workers, whose remittances flood out of the rentier economy; and so on. In extreme cases income is derived simply from citizenship.” (Yates, p. 22)
Biot Report #227: June 23, 2005;
The Suburban Emergency Management Project (SEMP) Cook County, Illinois.
[1] On the Sate & Cultural Identity:
Politics and Identity.
Identity can be deployed strategically in political campaigns in order to criticize the values, norms, and practices of the dominant culture, or to educate by dispelling stereotypes about the minority (Bernstein 1997).
We need to link notions of identity to an analysis of the political process. This need is particularly evident in the apparently dichotomous character of paradigms emphasizing the political process and those emphasizing “collective identity” or “culture” (Jasper and Goodwin 1999; Koopmans 1999; Rochon 1998). Both deductive logic, however, and close examination of cases point to the necessary relationship between identity and state processes (Clemens 1997; Stevens 1999). If we can move beyond the crudest biological determinism, we recognize that the process of turning physical features or social practices into “identities” is forged from the interaction between people and that state. By forcing some people to sit in the back of the bus, wear a yellow star, or hide their sexual orientations, states create the conditions in which particular identities develop. States can create identities by endorsing or prohibiting religious or sexual practices, by regulating access to social goods, and by setting rules of interaction between groups and individuals. Within these parameters, activists choose how to define themselves, by alliances, claims, and tactics, as Mary Bernstein shows in her chapter about gay and lesbian politics in Vermont (also see Bernstein 1997).
… The socially constructed collective identity of a social movement community and activists’ identity within are negotiated by both movement adherents and their opponents. Within a movement, there are ranges of orthodoxy in adherence to shared norms, styles of presentation of self, values, and implicit beliefs about the goals and means of social change. The range of adherence and contestation change in respect to changes in the external world, such that a collective identity of any dissident group is in constant and dynamic interaction and redefinition in relation to mass culture and the state. Understanding of collective identity and social structural opportunities must focus on this dynamic interaction.
Polletta’s (1994) discussion of SNCC shows that in fighting to enfranchise poor, rural, uncredentialed African Americans, activists sought not only to secure recognition of a new identity but to transform dominant political and economic structures. Polletta’s work shows that constructions of identity can be strategically chosen for political and instrumental goals.
[I might add that the ACLU and NAACP were formed and given funds and momentum by ZIONISTs with a view to cause racial tension and even wars, which are about to erupt on American Main Streets once the devaluation of the US Dollar is completed. –oz]
[1] The fluid role of identity in social movements is shaped by the interaction of activists and the broader political environment, including the law; and the States and Policies law shapes the values, beliefs, and preferences of activists. – Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod. 1990. “Feminism Within American Institutions: Unobtrusive Mobilization in the 1980s.” Signs 16 (1): 28–54.
Author’s Note: The language of the law helped construct identity and gave activists a template by which to work. In 1989, a hate crimes bill to enhance penalties for bias-related violence was introduced into the Vermont legislature as a result of cooperation between the attorney general’s office, the Vermont Human Rights Commission, and the Anti-Defamation League.
Hence, it is the best interests of the Magi to control the courts and demean Islam’s Shariah at all costs. These organizations mentioned above are all controlled or strongly influenced by Zionist or the Zionist biased. It must also be noted here that libertarianism is disguised here as a Human Right for alternative sexual orientation. This is key for the success of Gnosticsm’s occult agenda as well as for the creation of the social chaos out of which Satanists will arise for a moment as victors. For more on this, please see my book, Cain’s Creed, The Cult(s) of Rome. – oz
[1] Re: Tavistock:
“The English control of this world movement is demonstrated by the ideology of American foundations, which is created by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. In 1921, the Duke of Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I. Its purpose was to establish the “breaking point” of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John Rawlings-Reese. Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London, because its prophet, Sigmund Freud, settled here in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. He was given a mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistock’s pioneer work in behavioral science along Freudian lines of “controlling” humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology. Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, Hudson Institute, Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, where State Dept. personnel are trained, US Air Force Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations.
A network of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock network. Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a “refugee”, the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II. In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Churchill which in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let [their] Special Operations Executive control U.S. polices.
All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal – to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control. The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character. [These are Talmudic principles..]
A single common denominator identifies the common Tavistock strategy – the use of drugs. The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA, directed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, in which unsuspecting CIA officials were given LSD, and their reaction studied like guinea pigs, resulted in several deaths … The program originated when Sandoz AG, a Swiss drug firm, owned by S.G. Warburg Co. of London, developed lysergic acid. Roosevelt’s advisor, James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg who wrote the Federal Reserve Act, and nephew of Max Warburg who had financed Hitler, set up the Institute for Policy Studies to promote the drug. The result was the LSD “counter-culture” of the 1960s, the “student revolution”, which was financed by $25 million from the CIA … Today, the Tavistock Institute operates a $6 billion a year network of foundations in the U.S., all of it funded by U.S. taxpayers’ money. Ten major institutions are under its direct control, with 400 subsidiaries, and 3000 other study groups and think tanks …”
Dr. Eustace Mullins, PhD. ,Research Fellow, Library of Congress,
The World Order – A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism; pp 332-4
The reader should note that Mr. Rosenthal, a Talmudist Jew, freely admits and describes this parasitism on the part of his ilk. See Appendix II. – oz
[1] “One of the most interesting episodes of the French Revolution was that known as the Conspiracy of Babeuf. Babeuf formed the Society of the Pantheon which, according to Prof. Laski, was operated by a secret committee of direction. Among them were Darthe, Marechal, Germain and Buinarotti their historian. Their brand of communism favored the theory that the poor could not help themselves or improve their position, that the rich must be suppressed and that the ideal state could only be reached by class war and a dictatorship of the proletariat led by Babouvists. Laski compares its postulates to Bolshevism. The Babouvists, though suppressed by the Directory in 1796, survives today [1933] having successfully penetrated an English Literary Society called the Fabians, where its predatory principles pass for Socialism.”
N. Webster, Secret Societies – Lady Queensborough, Occult Theocracy, p. 382-3;
also see: Harold J. Laski, The Socialist Tradition in the French Revolution, and the Autobiography of Wolfe Tone
[1] See: Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (written in French, but translated into English and first published in 1798-1799) is a book by the French Jesuit, the Abbé Augustin Barruel.
In the book, Barruel claims that the French Revolution was the result of a deliberate conspiracy or plot to overthrow the throne, altar and aristocratic society in Europe. The plot was allegedly hatched by a coalition of philosophes, Freemasons, and the Order of the Illuminati. The conspirators created a system that was inherited by the Jacobins who operated it to its greatest potential. The Memoirs purports to expose the Revolution as the culmination of a long history of subversion. Barruel was not the first to make these charges but he was the first to present them in a fully developed historical context and his “evidence” was on a quite unprecedented scale. Barruel wrote each of the first three volumes of the book as separate discussions of those who contributed to the conspiracy. The fourth volume is an attempt to unite them all in a description of the Jacobins in the French Revolution. Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism is representative of the criticism of the Enlightenment that spread throughout Europe during the Revolutionary period. Barruel’s Memoirs is considered one of the founding documents of the right-wing interpretation of the French Revolution.
Amos Hofman, “Opinion, Illusion, and the Illusion of Opinion: Barruel’s Theory of Conspiracy,” Eighteenth Century Studies Vol. 27 No. 1 (1993), 28.
[1] “Why I Got Fired From Teaching American History” By Thaddeus Russell: 19 Oct 2010, Huffington Post
Five years ago, I had every reason to believe that my job as a history professor at Barnard College was secure. I had been teaching there for four years, I had published my dissertation with a major publisher, and because I had tripled the sizes of the introductory U.S. history course and the American Studies program, colleagues told me they “would be shocked” if I were not promoted to a tenure-track position. But that was before my colleagues knew what I was teaching.
I had always been a misfit in academia, partly because of my background, partly because of my personality, and increasingly over the years because of my ideas — ideas that are now a book called “A Renegade History of the United States.” I was raised by pot-smoking, nudist, socialist revolutionaries as an egghead white boy in black neighborhoods in Berkeley and Oakland. I nearly flunked eighth grade and finished high school with a C average. Then I went to the anarchist, ultra-hippy Antioch College in Ohio, which accepted all their applicants, didn’t give grades, and didn’t have a history department.
So even though I managed to pull myself out of that background and into and through Columbia for a PhD, then onto a job at an elite college, I was highly uncomfortable moving from the world of weed to the world of tweed. I hated being “Professor.” I cursed in class. I talked about sex. I used politically incorrect terms. My students said they had never heard the things I was teaching them in class. They called me “Bad Thad.” I showed them that during the American Revolution drunkards, laggards, prostitutes, and pirates pioneered many of the freedoms and pleasures we now cherish — including non-marital sex, interracial socializing, dancing, shopping, divorce, and the weekend — and that the Founding Fathers, in the name of democracy, opposed them. I argued not only that many white Americans envied slaves but also that they did so for good reason, since slave culture offered many liberating alternatives to the highly repressive, work-obsessed, anti-sex culture of the early United States. I demonstrated that prostitutes, not feminists, won virtually all the freedoms that were denied to women but are now taken for granted. By tracing the path of immigrants from arrival as “primitives” to assimilation as “civilized” citizens, I explained that white people lost their rhythm by becoming good Americans. I presented evidence that without organized crime, we might not have jazz, Hollywood, Las Vegas, legal alcohol, birth control, or gay rights, since only gangsters were willing to support those projects when respectable America shunned them.
This was not the standard left-liberal perspective my students had heard, and it certainly wasn’t a conservative one, either. It was informed by an unlikely mix of influences, including the hippies and other cultural radicals I had encountered in my early life, black and gay cultures that showed me a way out of the self-imposed limitations of being white and straight, and libertarians who caused me to question the commitment to freedom among the left that I had been born into and which employed me as a professor. I gave my students a history that was structured around the oldest issue in political philosophy but which professional historians often neglect – the conflict between the individual and community, or what Freud called the eternal struggle between civilization and its discontents. College students are normally taught a history that is the story of struggles between capitalists and workers, whites and blacks, men and women. But history is also driven by clashes between those interested in preserving social order and those more interested in pursuing their own desires — the “respectable” versus the “degenerate,” the moral versus the immoral, “good citizens” versus the “bad.” I wanted to show that the more that “bad” people existed, resisted, and won, the greater was what I called “the margin of freedom” for all of us.
My students were most troubled by the evidence that the “good” enemies of “bad” freedoms were not just traditional icons like presidents and business leaders, but that many of the most revered abolitionists, progressives, and leaders of the feminist, labor, civil rights, and gay rights movements worked to suppress the cultures of working-class women, immigrants, African Americans, and the flamboyant gays who brought homosexuality out of the closet.
I had developed these ideas largely on my own, in my study and in classrooms, knowing all the while that I was engaged in an Oedipal struggle to overthrow the generation of historians who came of age during the 1960s and 1970s, controlled academic history, and had trained me. They were so eager to make the masses into heroes that they did not see that it was precisely the non-heroic and unseemly characteristics of ordinary folks that changed American culture for the better.
So I was quite anxious when I was asked to present my work to colleagues in order to get a long-term contract and be moved into line for a shot at tenure. A friend in the history department told me that given my publishing record and popularity among students the talk would be “really just a formality.” But I knew it would be trouble.
Several distinguished professors from Columbia showed up, since the university has final say on all tenure decisions at its sister college, Barnard. During my talk, a Columbia professor who had been named by a national magazine as the most important public intellectual in the United States, stared at me with what I took — rightly, it turned out — to be disgust. Another walked out before I finished. One of my graduate school advisors asked a series of hostile questions. Other colleagues told me after the talk that I was “courageous,” that I was “wonderfully, relentlessly revisionist,” and that I made some famous historians “look like dinosaurs.”
But emails came into the hiring committee from “important places,” I was told, calling my ideas “improper,” “frightening,” and “dangerous.” They said my ideas had no place in the academy and insisted that I be terminated. It was simply not okay for me to describe the “oppressed” in the terms used by their oppressors — “shiftless,” “sexually unrestrained,” “primitive,” “uncivilized” — even though my argument transformed those epithets into tributes.
After I was told that I would be leaving Barnard, hundreds of students protested in faculty and deans’ offices and the Columbia Spectator devoted an editorial to my case, but to no avail. There did indeed seem to be no place for me in the academy. And so I wrote a book.
[1] In the Gnostic theology of Athanasius, only ascetics were considered the Bride of Christ, a pernicious teaching which influenced many devout Christians to seek Christ in monasteries and convents. Although the religious orders had the outward appearance of spiritual piety, they were often, however, fronts for occult as well as homosexual and lesbian activity… It was through the establishment of monasteries that the Merovingian Jews, whose forefathers were the Alexandrian Gnostics, began to infiltrate and mold the theology and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Many of the popes were Merovingian monks who forced masses of European Jews to convert to Roman Catholicism., with the result that the Church incorporated traditions from Judaism, the Talmud and Kabbalah… In the thoroughly pagan milieu of Alexandria, an Egyptian priest and magus by the name of Ormesius founded the monastic Society of Ormus. The members of this society included the Therapeutae of Alexandria and the Essenes of Qumran: “the founder of the Rosicrucians was one Ormesius,[1] who had been converted by St. Mark, at Alexandria, in A.D. 46. He purified the Egyptian Rites, and reconciled them with Christianity, carrying his disciples with him, and founded the Society of ORMUS, or of the Light, each member wearing a Red Cross [hence Red Movement]. To this society Essenes and Therapeutae joined themselves to conserve what became the Masonic [Gnostic] Secrets.”
Antiquities of the Illuminati, “The Johannite Legend of the Templars”
by Baron de Westerode.
Author’s Note: Here we have the origin of the Priory de Sion, rooted in ancient Egyptian Mysteries. These are the Hermetic Magi who now rule the world:
“When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colors, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers. Upon the floor is a red cross at which the postulant or candidate kneels. The Superior hands him a small black crucifix, which he takes in his left hand and presses to his heart, and the Superior at the same time presents to him a dagger, which he grasps by the blade and holds the point against his heart, the Superior still holding it by the hilt, and then addresses the postulant:”
Burke McCarty, The Suppressed Truth about Lincoln’s Assassination; pp 12-14
[1] The Siege of Malta (also known as the Great Siege of Malta) took place in 1565 when the Ottoman Empire invaded the island, then held by the Knights Hospitaller (also known as the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, Knights of Malta, Knights of Rhodes, and Chevaliers of Malta). The Knights won the siege, one of the bloodiest and most fiercely contested in history, and one which became one of the most celebrated events in sixteenth century Europe. Voltaire said, “Nothing is more well known than the siege of Malta,” and it unquestionably put an end to the European perception of Ottoman invincibility and marked a new phase in Spanish domination of the Mediterranean. The siege was the climax of an escalating contest between a Christian alliance and the Ottoman Empire for control of the Mediterranean, a contest that included Turkish corsair Turgut Reis’s attack on Malta in 1551, and the Turks’ utter destruction of an allied Christian fleet at the Battle of Djerba in 1560.
Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, vol. II., (University of California Press: Berkeley, 1995).
[1] “In countries on every continent, I saw how men and women working for U.S. corporations—though not officially part of the ‘network’ [i.e., NSA/CIA economic hit men like me (EHM)]—participated in something far more pernicious than anything envisioned in conspiracy theories. Like many of my company’s engineers, these workers were blind to the consequences of their actions, convinced that the sweatshops and factories that made shoes and automotive parts for their companies were helping the poor climb out of poverty, instead of simply burying them deeper in a type of slavery reminiscent of medieval manors and southern plantations. Like those earlier manifestations of exploitation, modern serfs or slaves were socialized into believing they were better off than the unfortunate souls who lived on the margins in the dark hollows of Europe, in the jungles of Africa, or the wilds of the American frontier… EHMs are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the IMF and other foreign ‘aid’ organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization. I should know; I was an EHM.”
John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Barrett-Koehler, 2004
[1] James Jesus Angelton, Silvio Berlusconi, Tony Blair, Michael Bloomberg, John Robert Bolton, Pat Buchanan, James Buckley, William F. Buckley, Jr., George H.W Bush, George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Precott Bush, Jr., Frank Capra, (King) Juan Carlos, William Casey, Bill Clinton, Giscard d’Estaing, Bill Donovan, Allen Dulles, Avery Dulles, (Archbishop) Edward Egan, Reinhard Gehlen (Hitler’s Chief of Secret Service), Rudy Giuliani, Gen. Alexander Haig, William Randolph Hearst, Heinrich Himmler, Richard Holbrooke, J. Edgar Hoover, Leonard G. Horowitz, Lee Iococca, Ted Kennedy, Henry A. Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch, Oliver North, Franz von Papen, Ronald E. Reagan, Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Antonin Scalia (Supreme Court), Frank Sinatra, Cardinal Francis Spellman, George Tenet, Amschel Mayer von Rothschild, Kurt Waldheim, Gen. William Westmoreland, General Vernon Walters, William Colby, James Angleton, etc. etc.
General Joseph Edward Schmitz: Former Inspector General Department of Defense / Opus Dei / Knight of Malta / Now Works for Blackwater as Executive / son of the late John G. Schmitz, former California State Senator, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and U.S. Presidential candidate (1972). Columba Bush’s sister is married to John P. Schmitz, a beneficiary of the fellowship programs subsumed under the Carl Duisberg gesellschaft and the brother of Joseph Schmitz, currently the head of the Blackwater security outfit. John P. Schmitz has close links to the elder George Bush, the 9/11 milieu…
GEORGE SOROS Member: Council on Foreign Relations / Member: Carlyle Group / Multi-billionaire / Major Stockholder: Halliburton / Hungarian Jew: Socialist-Communist / Financial Backer of Barack Hussein Obama / Friend of Rupert Murdoch, also a Knight of Malta
A note on Dulles, et alia :
“Gen, R. Gehlen’s new employer, the OSS, working with the Vatican, not only encouraged but financed an escape mechanism negotiated and set up by Gehlen for his Nazi colleagues. Although the Vatican has always been ‘blamed’ for developing the rat-lines, for which it provided ample cover in its monastic and church establishments (enabling operatives like Karol Wojtila to enter holy orders, an alternative option), it was in fact the so-called Gehlen Organisation which established, with OSS assistance, the underground escape networks which Nazi war criminals could use to escape prosecution by war crimes tribunals. As a consequence, more than 5,000 Nazis secretly made their way out of Europe, and were relocated all over the world.” Among the Nazi expatriate communities were the notorious ‘high’ Illuminist Dr. Josef Mengele, who collaborated with US intelligence and whose specialty had been to conduct crude experiments on Jewish concentration camps inmates—and the infamous ‘Butcher of Lyons’ the mass murderer, Klaus Barbie. It is believed that James Jesus Angleton, who worked for the Abwehr agent Allen Dulles and who later in life grew orchids—a plant with occult connotations—for pleasure, was primarily responsible for providing escaping Nazis with new identities prior to their leaving the detainment camps… Allen Dulles and James Jesus Angleton. Angleton and his close associate, Miles Copeland, favored using private businessmen to conduct operations that the CIA was statutorily barred from undertaking… International Christian Leadership fitted the bill very nicely.”
The New Underworld Order: Curse of Criminalism: Dark Actors Playing Games; Pub.: Edward Harle Ltd. (2007)
by Christopher Edward Harle Story FRSA (1938 – 14 July 2010), p. 535.