The face of one of the most abominable serial pedophile priest (R) who sodomized even his own biological son
– see the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army http://jp2army.blogspot.com/ .
New York City police detective Jim Rothstein, appointed by the governor of New York in the early 1980s to get to the bottom of the pedophile rings, found solid evidence leading to the doorstep of then Vatican Cardinal Spellman (CENTER) as well as high level government officials and businessmen in and around New York City. Rothstein said the investigation was quashed by District Attorney Robert Morgenthau to protect the “bigshots”. Instead of wiretaps being authorized on Spellman, who Rothstein said was one of “the most powerful and evil men” in the U.S., the evidence was confiscated on Morgethau’s orders, leading to a travesty of justice.
Greg Szymanski, Dec. 21. 2010
The First Jesuits Were Maranos Jews
Many people love to point the finger at the Jesuits as the cause of the world’s troubles. The Jesuit order is a Roman Catholic order of priests and scholars. Their leadership live in the Vatican. The great secret however is that the society of Jesus was organized by crypto-Jews. The Jesuit society was created in 1534 by a group of Marrano Jews: Ignatius Loyola, Alfonso Salmeron and Diego Lainez.
In 1492 the entire Jewish community of Spain, some 200 000 of them, were expelled. Amidst these expulsions the tactic of crypto-Judaism is taken up by many in the Jewish community in order to hide and evade exile and persecution. But the conversion is always a dishonest one and they continue their Jewish practices in secret. The founder of the Jesuit order Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto-Jew of the occult cabala. In 1491 Loyola began his subversive activities in the Jewish Illuminati order of Spain under the guise of Roman Catholicism.
As John Torell explains:
“In 1491 San Ignacio de Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi‑cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1534 he had moved to Rome where he founded the “JESUIT ORDER,” which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church.”
Still, many of the Jews who were expelled from Spain headed over to Africa and began selling slaves to south American colonies of the Portuguese and Spanish empires. This later flourished into the full out trans-Atlantic slave trade where some 99 million Africans perished.
On top of their Jewish roots, the Jesuits have always behaved similarly to the perfidious Jewish elite. Like the Jews, the Jesuits have been expelled from many nations. By the 18th century the society had acquired a reputation in Europe for political maneuvering and economic exploitation. The common conception was that the Jesuits were greedy plotters who would constantly meddle in state affairs through their ties with influential members of the Royal Court in order to further their own interests. Who does this remind you of?
Take into consideration the Jesuit order’s Jewish origins and how the general historical behavior of Jesuits is completely mimetic to that of Jews. Could it be that they are one in the same? You decide.
Here are a few quotes that echo these facts:
“You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews that mysterious Russian diplomacy which so alarms Western Europe, is organised & principally carried on by Jews; that mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany & which will be in fact a 2nd & greater Reformation & of which so little is as yet known in England.” –Englands Jewish PM, Benjamin Disraeli Ch 24 Lord George Bentinck: Political Biography, 1852
“The Illuminati Order was preceded in the 1500’s in Spain by the “Alumbrados,” a Christian heresy started by crypto Jews called “Marranos.” The founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, was a Marrano/Alumbrado. Thus when people today argue whether it is the Jesuits or Zionists who are responsible for our troubles, they are really talking about the same beast.” – David Livingstone, author of “Terrorism and the Illuminati”
The purpose of evil is twofold:
1. To stimulate man’s choice for the better and thus set him free of domination by the powers of the soul that incite him to evil => true liberty;
2. To condemn man by means of his not making the above choice.
The skeptic and seeker of truth may ask: ‘”Is evil a manifestation of God’s Grace?” Though it is hard to bear, the answer is ‘yes’ which then compels one to accept that remaining Human and improving one’s humanness is a serious challenge. Without evil there is no challenge causing us to realize that our will is confined to pre-determined conditions and thereby is not free except when rising above inherent appetites[1] to choose what is good, better and best. Along the path to this moral qualification, man becomes a better human by degrees; if otherwise, he becomes more enslaved to desire than animals are to instinct. This is because desire magnifies and displaces (deviates) energy from what otherwise would be the conscious choice to attain goodness. Such is the magician’s condition though he deems it to the contrary:
This enslavement to the inciting soul (nafs al-ammaarah) is entirely ignored in our public discussions about freedom. Moral freedom, the freedom to act prudently and virtuously, is dismissed in any discussion of freedom in the modern context of political and circumstantial freedom. Destructive moral dissolution, which was once rightly termed licentiousness,[2] is now considered a type of freedom. According to the Qur’an, these destructive tendencies are a result of the dominance of the commanding self (nafs alammaarah), infantile and domineering, in its unrestrained state. – Al’Attas [3]
In addition to the prurience of licentiousness that one now sees globally, another key word is ‘unrestrained’, a necessary condition for evil manifestations and personal or group culpability as mentioned in our definition. Without the guidance of revelation and the grace of Allah, the destructive tendencies grow autonomously and cannot be held in check no matter how many police or laws one engages. Those who object to these sound Islamic principles fall into the category of people referred to as ‘asleep’ by the scriptures. An example is in the Gospel of Barnabas where Prophet Isa is recorded to have said: “The forgetfulness of God’ is the sleep of men.” Therefore, without evil there is no test or alarm clock that awakens man to actively liberate his inborn faith consciously in reverent humility towards the moral imperatives[i] as God’s vicegerent—all the while seeking additional grace. Without evil there is no resistance causing him to rise to the challenge (jihad) to perfect those qualities that free his will from the negative effects of instinctive indulgence. All too quickly and without grace, he lapses towards the sub-human estate, which is lower than that of God’s animal kingdom.
However, this existence of evil does not imply that God is partly evil as taught by Freemasons and other theosophists. This is because the essence of evil is human and not divine. Rather, it is sub-humanness or the deliberately matured disobedience to Divine Law that results in harm, bearing in mind that ignorance readily serves evil. As a matter-of-fact, disobedience is the only sin, all others are sub-categories! Since it is inconceivable that Allah can be either harmed-by or disobedient-to His own Law like some whimsical Greek deity, He therefore can neither be, nor desire nor aspire to evil excepting for the sake of justice. He does however condone, or better said, guide the respite of the potential for the evil He created as a challenging nemesis to mankind in the face of man’s mortality and subsequent return for final judgment—meaning there is more than one judgment of man.
The recurrence of crisis throughout our few years while confined to the estate of physical life are repetitive offers of grace whereby God reminds us repeatedly to choose obedient submission with its options:
(1) Eternal benefit => peace and security minus evil on death (i.e. everlasting life in Heaven); or
(2) Everlasting harm => hell without respite or hope, what is called the ‘second death’ or absolute separation from God’s favor); or
(3) Temporary residence in Hell => subject to release on the Prophet’s intercession some years after Doomsday by God’s leave (what Catholics call Purgatory).
Hence, God has pre-ordained and legitimatized the temporal plain, the post-mortem temporal plain, and everlasting evil for those who choose not to submit to His revelations as the only choice that self-qualifies them as their own prosecutor. In other words, by choosing evil they do themselves harm as Al’Qur’an repeatedly says. Essentially, such tenants of creation’s estate here on planet earth choose not to submit in order to become God’s amenable subject, whereby they ultimately condemn themselves to the absolute absence of God’s favor post-mortem, which also includes the favor of any obedient creature. This owes to the fact that evil (harm) is the natural and unavoidable default corollary of all disobedience to Divine Law. Therefore, man’s ‘freewill’ is limited solely to the choice of what is beneficial, for without this choice, as Prof. Al-Attas so elegantly explains, man succumbs to innate desire which is compulsion and hence, is no choice at all.
Therefore, disobedient men are like goldfish that jump out of the fish-bowl of their own accord seeking something better by the defiance. On leaving the aquarium of grace they die whether or not the cat is waiting. The problem for disobedient men is that after death, one hell of a cat relentlessly torments their immortal souls forever. You may rant and rave all you like, seek referendums and conclaves for objection and reform, or vote me out of office as a reporter of truth. Nevertheless, nothing can alter what I’ve just written. As a matter of fact, some wayward aquarium rejecters (Sorcerers, Bomohs, Wiccans etc.) actually play with the cat while alive and think its purring is an act of submission
The fact that evil (disobedience) sows the seed for man’s destruction as witnessed by the impending global demise, soundly demonstrates that man’s submission to evil (heedlessness of moral imperatives) is a linearly progressive dynamic spiral that eventually forces disobedient men to admit they were wrong. In fact, it ultimately proves they had no liberty to begin with and that everything in life and death is pre-determined, indicating we are little more than slaves to forces we cannot control. The following passage delineates the personal nature of evil and the need for moral striving:
“I swear by man’s personality and that whereby he has been formed, God has engraved into it its evil and its good [whereby it can guard itself against moral peril]. He who makes personality pure, shall be successful, while he who corrupts it shall be in the loss.” (91: 7: 10)
Turning to Rome for a moment, here’s a passage from Machiavelli that illustrates the phenomenon of the linear degeneracy principle described above and as confirmed by Ibn Khadun’s survey of History:
At the beginning of the sixteenth century Italy was rotten to the core. In the close competition of great wickedness, the Vicar of Christ (Pope) easily carried off the palm, and the Court of Alexander VI was probably the wickedest meeting-place of men that has ever existed upon earth. No virtue, Christian or Pagan, was there to be found; or little art that was not sensuous or sensual. It seemed as if Bacchus and Venus and Priapus had come to their own again, and yet Rome had not ceased to call herself Christian. ‘Owing to the evil ensample of the Papal Court, Italy has lost all piety and all religion: whence follow infinite troubles and disorders; for as religion implies all good, so its absence implies the contrary.[4]
Hence, Machiavelli was not necessarily Jesuit fodder, though he penned principles they’ve adopted and diverted to serve the papist evil. Remember this “close competition of great wickedness” descriptive, and the references to Bacchus, Venus and especially Priapus, as they are reiterated and magnified in later chapters.
Therefore, if man is to overcome the ‘potential’ for evil corruption that is within him, whether he likes it or not, he requires the assistance of God’s favor (grace) in order to guard against failure and attain success. Part of that favor is Al’Qur’an:
This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah; Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them; And who believe in the Revelation sent to you, and sent before your time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter. They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord, and it is these who will prosper [succeed]. As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur). [Surah 2:2-7]
“Those who reject faith” have chosen not to submit in obedience to God. If humanity has inherited aught from Adam, besides his intelligence and likeness, it is:
1. this trial of obedient faith vis-à-vis the promptings from Satan to follow the evil desires God placed in our souls (mistaken as ‘Original Sin’ by Pauline Sectarians);
2. the terminal meeting with God’s judgment on our expiry date:
Every man shall taste of death, and the evil and good which befall you are a trial for you. … ‘Oh Jews, if, as you pretend, you are the friends of God and His elect of all mankind, wish for death that you may prove your sincerity.’ But they never wish for death, for rejoining their Lord; and that is because they know that their arms have wrought evil and injustice.” (2: 177, 183)
God does indeed create and determine the horrid consequences of wickedness, whether here or in the Hereafter: the latter being the reason men do not wish for death as stated in the Surah! Such sequelae, whether temporal or without end, are Divine judgments of disfavor that we may consider, according to circumstance, the inverse of Divine Grace. Similarly, these distasteful consequences are manifest in degrees of allocation (seven layers of hell for example). Therefore, every Spiritual Law holds potential for harvesting gradations of good or evil effect. Should these Laws be dismissed as immaterial considerations in the affairs of men and as manifest in the present Age of Harm with its heedless dialogues of the mundane, the antithetical effect of divine disfavor defaults immediately towards a linear progression leading to perplexing calamity and ultimate perdition. This is quite simple to comprehend for those who’ve retained the common sense they were born with.
The ubiquitous disregard for Divine Law is therefore, the cause of all war and lack of justice or peace in the affairs of men. This also includes the present haplessness of Muslim polities and has everything to do with the disobedience of Muslim leaders, including some from amongst my superiors who refuse to publish my warnings and reports because of an un-politically correct tenor. Unfortunately, many of them are close associates with or have been educated (i.e., mentally colonized) by Jesuits.
When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress [leaders]; so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly. (17: 16)
The Grace of God extends to an immortal afterlife in a newly structured cosmos of pristine excellence with an absolute absence of evil. For man to enter this future estate, submission to God’s Will is a thoroughgoing requirement for the franchise. Therefore, the Law of Grace demands the following:
(1) Free assent [faith];
(2) Self-conscious obedience [deeds];
(3) Subjugation [humility] to God’s infinite benevolence in order to avoid the inverse consequences of disobedience both here and in the Hereafter.
This is the essence of Faith minus the Mystery Religion romance so beloved of Batinites and their Occidental ilk. It explains the purpose of evil trials during the temporal grace of our earthly respite. Without faith, good deeds and humility, we cannot please God nor can we enter the peace filled Grace of His Kingdoms, neither here – what Prophet Isa called ‘the Kingdom Within’ that belongs to ‘peacemakers’ (those who make this peace with God) – nor in the Hereafter. Our choice lies between good or evil; blessing or cursing. There are no alternatives.
“God made you a true promise whereas I made you a false promise. I had no power over you but only invited you to error and you accepted my invitation. Do not blame me but only yourselves.”
Satan Speaking (14: 22)
[1] “… [animals] must, by virtue of their nature, obey the impulses implanted in them by God and are, therefore, incapable of sin… man is different, he can choose between right and wrong.” Mohd. Asad, op.cit. p 401, n 57.
[2] libertarianism—a Gnostic doctrine explored in later chapters
[3] Hamza Yusuf, Climbing Mount Purgatorio: Reflections from the Seventh Cornice
[4] Machiavelli, Volume I, The Art of War; and The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli, Translated by Peter Whitehorne and Edward Dacres With an Introduction by Henry Cust. M.P. Vol 1, Trans by Peter Whitehorn, 1560, p. 6.
[i] The definitive text on Islamic moral imperatives is found in The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, first published in Lahore, India, 1896.