The Mother of all Cults: Cybele & Her Sibs
extracts from Joseph Campbell’s Oriental Mythology, 1962
Zeus had ejaculated somewhere around Mount Dindymus, where an offspring sprung out of the ground with both male and female sex organs. The gods fearing this creature’s reaching adulthood had the hermaphrodite castrated, thereby causing it to become a female. The creature became the mother goddess, named Cybele. The gods threw away the severed phallus, and instantly an almond tree grew on that spot. Cybele is known by several epithets, such as Magna Mater and Mater Deum. Her home was said to be Mount Ida, near the city of Troy. Her priests were castrated men with long hair [the Merovingian Mark]. Ovid tells us that Cybele took Attis as a lover, demanding perpetual fidelity. When Cybele discovered Attis making love with a river nymph, Attis was shamed and castrated himself with a stone and was transformed into a tree. [similar to the X-mas tree of Semiramus & Tammuz – oz] [1]
Attis’ passion was celebrated on the 25th of March, exactly nine months before the solstice festival of his birth, the 25th of December. The time of his death was also the time of his conception, or re-conception. To mark the event when Attis entered his mother to beget his reincarnation, his tree-phallus was carried into her sacred cavern. Thus the virgin mother Nana was actually the Goddess herself: she who was called Inanna by the Sumerians, Mari-Anna by the Canaanites, Anna Perennea by the Sabines, and Nanna, mother of the dying god Balder, in northern Europe. Attis was depicted in his death throes as follows:
- drenched in blood,
- serene after his resurrection,
- androgynous, having being released from his worldly sins and surrounded by solar rays.
- Or shown as a child, naked and dancing for joy.
- The god died and was buried.
- He descended into the underworld (Hell).
- On the third day he rose again from the dead.
- His worshippers were told: “The god is saved; you also will come to salvation from your trials.”
Transgendered males known as the Gallae were an important part of the retinue supporting the worship of Cybele. The joining retinue included many priestesses, including Amazonian, transgendered female priest/esses as well as traditional masculine functionaries such as the dendrophori (tree-bearer) and cannophori (reed-bearer). Gallae is a derivative of Latin for rooster [COCK] and these eunuchs were known for their perfumed hair dressed with oils.
Frenzied fans (a word derived from the Latin fanatici, specifically for maddened worshippers of Cybele) had already been generated by grand opera in the late-seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when castrati sang female roles and were the dizzy object of coterie speculation and intrigue. The Gallae originated from Phrygia (part of Asia Minor), a territory that included Mount Ida, Troy, Pessinus and Pergamum. The worship of Cybele spread to the Greek mainland through trade, and by metragytes,who were roaming gallae [Troubadours, [2] today’s Gypsies and Buskers]. They would wander the countryside, begging for alms and telling fortunes. On the whole however, the gallae were shunned by the Greeks.
The Romans later added the position of archi-gallus (now Archbishop) as high priest of the Mother-worship cult of Cybele after its removal to Rome. This position was reserved for a Roman citizen, an official duty incompatible with castration. Romans were not allowed to serve as priests of Cybele until the time of the Emperor Claudius [10 BC –54 AD; who was her priest from 41 AD till death].Other Asiatic goddesses of fertility were served in like manner by eunuch priests. These feminine deities required to receive from their male ministers, who personated the divine lovers (gods), the means of discharging their beneficent functions: they had themselves to be impregnated by the life-giving energy before they could transmit it to the world. Goddesses thus ministered to by eunuch priests were the great Artemis of Ephesus and the great Syrian Astarte of Hierapolis.
The unsexed priests of this Syrian goddess resembled those of Cybele so closely that some people took them to be the same.The greatest [Easter] festival of the year at Hierapolis [3] fell at the beginning of spring, when multitudes thronged to the sanctuary from Syria and the regions round about: While flutes played, drums beat and eunuch priests slashed themselves with knives [like good Shi’ites], the religious excitement gradually spread like a wave among the crowd of onlookers, and many a one did that which he little thought to do when he came as a holiday spectator to the festival.
For man after man, his veins throbbing with the music [possessed], his eyes fascinated by the sight of the streaming blood, flung his garments from him, leaped forth with a shout, and seizing one of the swords which stood ready for the purpose, castrated himself on the spot. Then he ran through the city holding the bloody pieces in his hand, till he threw them into one of the houses which he passed in his mad career. The household thus honored had to furnish him with a suit of female attire and female ornaments which he wore for the rest of his life. When the tumult of emotion had subsided, and the man had come to himself, the irrevocable sacrifice must often have been followed by passionate sorrow and lifelong regret.
[1] Alexander Hislop believed Semiramis’ child to be the Akkadian deity Tammuz, a god of vegetation as well as a life-death-rebirth deity [later worshipped also by the Jews along with the Queen of Heaven]. He maintained that all divine pairings in world myths and religions depicted in art e.g. Isis/Osiris, Aphrodite/Cupid, Asherah/Orion Mary/Jesus and others are retellings of the tale of Semiramis and Tammuz. Semiramis goes on to become the Blessed Virgin Mary according to Hislop in an attempt to support his claim that Roman Catholicism is in fact paganism.
[2] Ezra Pound, in addition to his other achievements and infamies, was one of the leading scholars in the area of early French poetry, and in the revised 1916 edition of The Spirit of Romance included a chapter presenting evidence that a tantric cult existed in Provence at the time of the Troubadours and is referred to guardedly in much of their poetry. In addition to the data presented by Pound, I have noted that the characteristic verse-form of the Troubadours, seven stanzas, may refer to the seven “chakras” involved in tantric yoga. – Sexual Alchemy by Robert Anton Wilson
[3] Hierapolis was founded as a thermal spa early in the second century BC and given by the Romans to Eumenes II, king of Pergamon in 190 BC. The city was named after the name of the existing temple, or possibly to honor Hiera, wife of Telethos – son of Heracles by a Mysian princess Auge – the mythical founder of the Attalid Dynasty. The city was expanded with proceeds from the booty from the Battle of Magnesia in 190 BC, where Antiochus the Great was defeated by Eumenes II who had sided with the Romans. Thus Hierapolis became part of the Pergamon kingdom. Information about Hierapolis is limited. It is known that the king of Pergamum, Eumenes II, founded the city in 190 BC. It was named Hierapolis after the Amazon’s Queen Hiera, the wife of Telephos, the founder of Pergamum. (Pergamum is also called Pergamo. In 133 BC, the city was bequeathed, along with the entire Pergamene kingdom, to the Romans by King Attalos III.
Kevin M. Miller (July 1985). “Apollo Lairbenos,” Numen 32 (1): 46–70.
Editors Note: I have extracted the essence and spared the reader the finer details, which are all available via cited references throughout all my presentations.
In my book Trinity, The Metamorphosis of Myth, I devoted a fair amount of ink to the psychology and history of the sordid practice of Temple Prostitution and the genesis of the ‘Lamb-of God’ cognomen, which is steeped in pagan human sacrifice and cannibalism.
[see: Trinity The Metamorphosis of Myth OCT 2011.pdf]
As for the goddess worship many prefer, in essence, Iblis had a wife named Lilith, the first goddess and “Queen of Heaven” of any note, considered also the mother of all vampires. Cain, who set precedent for later crusades by murdering his brother in the name of religion, also had a wife. It follows from these facts that God placed multiple curses on him, one of which was that Cain was to rule over ‘sin’ (evil). Considering that prophets prefer not to govern sinners and that somebody’s got to do it; this system of reprobation has proven an excellent divinely ordained device to try our powers of discernment and challenge our humanness.
The jinn whispering couple remained at the door, namely Iblis & Lilith, who both enjoyed their new assignment and since Cain could no longer talk to God he invited them in for tea.
As the families were from different dimensions, the communion of crossing this portal’s threshold (‘door’) required that certain steps be taken for the relationship to prosper; and from this proceeded the science of magic or better said, sorcery, and from this also priesthood and governance; albeit of the black-handed, non-apostolic, Sargon type.
The Jews, Babylonians and sundry Katharians who later became Catholics, Talmudists, decent Jews and indecent Ashkenazis gained much currency from lessons given by Harut & Marut. What followed led to the Late Great 20th Century, Jesuit Communism, Madonna, Lady Gaga and the 9/11 postlude of genocidal maniacs with Skull & Bones proclivity ratings, as well as 60 million Americans on food stamps — all under god of course.
The following posts already exist so I suggest that serious students begin with them if you desire an informed opinion on this topic; especially since the goddess is an essential propaganda tool for the present World Order’s successful role as nemesis.

True Lies & Superstition: the Unreliability of Christianity
The Fourth god: “Mystery Religions” by Charles J. Butler
The Fourth god: The Mother of all Cult’s: Cybele & Her Sibs
Understanding Trinitarians: On the Fetish of Human Sacrifice
THE TIDES OF MARCH: The true origin of the so-called “Christian” festival of Easter
It was to Byzantium that Constantine brought the original idol of Cybele from Anatolia and had her refashioned into Mary’s likeness, i.e. the mother of Isa whom they call Jesus. He then crowned her the new Queen of Heaven, and popes, peoples and sundry leprechauns and elves have all followed suit.
Extracts from other researchers:
As early as 35,000 BCE, our paleolithic ancestors were making “Venuses” such as those found at Willendorf in Austria and Laussel in France. They predate the famous animal cave paintings at Lascaux and other sites by as much as 20,000 years.

Marija Gimbutas is scholar on ancient religions; in her book ‘The Civilization of the Goddess’ she tells of an ancient civilization dating back to 5000 BCE which she terms ‘Old Europe’. Her studies offer us an interesting perspective on the development of religion and civilization. “A study of symbols in Neolithic art demonstrates that the female, rather than the male, was the deity of creation. In fact, there are no traces in Neolithic art of a father figure. Old Europe was governed communally and was “guided by a queen-priestess, her brother or uncle, and a council of women as the governing body.” Gimbutas claims that, despite this guiding force of women councils, Old Europe had no inferiority between the sexes. She does not claim that Old Europe was ruled by a matriarchy, but that it was matrifocal. This civilization reflected a long tradition of agriculturally based societies that were harmonious and artistic.
This harmony and mutual respect between the sexes began to change with the threat of the Indo-Europeans, (Gimbutas calls them “Kurgans”), from southern Russia, who arrived in Old Europe around 4000 BCE.* The Indo-Europeans had a completely different kind of society than Old Europe. They were patriarchal, heirarchical and dominating and armed with weapons. From this point on, Old Europe began to fade and a new system was introduced in its place.
Mother of the gods from Cybele to the Virgin Mary; Philippe Borgeaud, trans. by Lysa Hochroth. 2004, John s Hopkins University Press in Baltimore
*This corresponds with historical, scriptural and recent scientific findings that refer to Noah’s Flood and the subsequent Indo-European dispersion that radiated in all directions from Eastern Anatolia North of Assyria; all of which deal with the division of races, tongues and the destruction of Babylon. — oz
For those who still doubt the continuum of this pagan stream in modern society amongst our “elite” I present the following plate in which Cybele finds a central and dominating position.
Le génie du compagnonnage faisant le tour di globe,
print, 19th century, Bibliothèque nationale de France
“The Spirit of Brotherhood Makes the Earth Turn”
shows unity and brotherhood between all men
W. Kirk MacNulty, Freemasonry: Symbols, Secrets, Significance,
Thames & Hudson Ltd., London, 2006, p.32
Ancient Idols
Modern Idols:
The French Revolution’s Maryanne or ‘Lady Liberty’ is second below. the Spanish model is shown first. The British version has already been mentioned and illustrated in a previous post as have the American editions throughout various postings.
If you read the above cited posts, and especially my books, Trinity & Cain’s Creed, the Cult of Rome, you will have no doubt that the political elitists and occult managers of Western Civilization have abandoned Monotheism completely in favor of this goddess and one or another of her various models, including today’s singing idols.
As for Rome, she has never belonged to authentic children of the prophetic Adamic posterity and I might add that Jesus did not establish Christianity nor did his disciples.The Vatican is purposely and specifically placed upon the ruins of her ashes while her altars remain preserved; altars that presaged the blood sacrifice they have offered mankind for centuries instead of truth and accountable responsibility.
Rome has been a satanic cesspool of wicked intrigue and pornocracy from the wolf bitch down to today’s pedophile playground of effeminate pseudo-men and human sacrificing fascists. All of its glory has successfully failed to serve God Almighty. Rome’s gates open straight to hell.