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“The Jesuit Order – The Society of Jesus”  // Issue #81


(A Tale – and Trail – of Assassination, Brutality, Cunning, Deceit, Deception,

Espionage, Expulsion, Genocide, Hatred, Inquisition, Mass Murder, Prevarication,

Sedition, Subversion, Torture, Treason, and Wickedness)

By Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT Newsletters // Internet website: www.toughissues.org

All emphasis is mine unless otherwise stated. // PERMISSION IS GIVEN TO COPY.

Originally published in a 27-page paper version: December 18, 2009

Updated and greatly expanded version: January 21, 2010


I. Introduction:


The Jesuit Order – a.k.a. the Society of Jesus, the Order of Jesus, the Sons of Loyola, and “the Company” (it was once called “the Company of Jesus”) – was founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola. It was officially recognized as a Roman Catholic religious order by Pope Paul III in 1540. Jesuits are famous as educators, and as “father-confessors” to emperors, kings (and their mistresses), queens, princes, princesses, high-ranking military officers, and many of the powerful and wealthy elite of the world. Jesuits are also infamous as seducers of women in the confessional, murderers of kings, makers of sedition, organizers of coup d’états, infiltrators of Protestant denominations, instigators of massacres, and fomenters of wars and revolutions. Numerous books have been written about the Jesuit Order. Some of these books contend that many of the men at the higher levels of the Jesuit Order have been – and are – very evil men!

Let us carefully consider the following questions, which I hope to answer in the “conclusions” section of this newsletter:

1. Is the Jesuit Order – at its higher levels – the most evil organization that the world has seen over the past 4½+ centuries?

2. Why has the Jesuit Order been expelled from so many countries, including from many predominantly Roman Catholic countries, during its history?

3. Are the Jesuit Order and the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State responsible for fomenting many wars and revolutions, such as World War I and World War II?

4. Is the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State the greatest threat to civil and religious liberty that the world has ever seen?

5. Have agents of the Jesuit Order been responsible for assassinating numerous heads of State over the centuries?

6. Does the Jesuit Order, which controls the Roman Catholic Church-State, the Knights of Malta, the highest levels of the Knights of Columbus and of Opus Dei, and the highest levels of Freemasonry, etc., sit at the very top of the New World Order (N.W.O.) “pyramid”?

7. Does the Jesuit Order, through its control of various secret societies, such as high-level Freemasonry and the Knights of Malta, control the International Intelligence Community?

8. Does the Jesuit Order, through its control of the wealthy, powerful, and influential Knights of Malta – and other “agents” on the Jesuit payroll – control the International Banking Community?

Surely inquiring minds would like answers to the above questions. Please carefully read and consider the “definitions” found in the next section, and the numerous quotations dealing with the Jesuit Order that are found within this newsletter.

Important Note: The intention of this TTT issue is to expose many of the evil deeds carried out on the instructions of higher-level members of the Jesuit Order – including the General of the Order – and the resulting harm, mayhem, and death that the Jesuit Order’s actions and operations have brought to many peoples and nations. (The Jesuits have “justified” – or “excused” – these evil deeds with their “maxims” of “the end justifies the means” and “for the greater glory of God”!) The reader should keep in mind that lower-level Jesuits (especially those of the first three degrees) know little to nothing of the evil that goes on at the higher levels of the Jesuit Order. (The same can be said for most Roman Catholics, i.e., they know little to nothing of the evil that goes on at the higher levels of the Jesuit Order – or at the higher levels of the Papacy itself!) Unfortunately, these lower-level Jesuits – due to the blind obedience that they are required to give to all superiors in their order – are merely “tools” in the hands of their superiors; and these lower-level Jesuits often carry out various operations and activities for the sinister intermediate – and long-range – “goals” of the Jesuit Order – goals about which they know little to nothing! 

II. Definitions (hopefully in alphabetical order):

NOTE: Please read the “definitions” in this section prior to reading the rest of this newsletter. I believe that these “definitions” should help most readers to better understand the many quotations used within this newsletter – and also to better understand some of the reasons why Jesuit agents and/or their hired “hit men” assassinate heads of State – and even some popes!

“Abbé (Per Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition; Wiley Publishing, Inc.; 2006): “A French title of respect, given to a priest, minister, etc.”

“Ad hominem” (Per Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second College Edition; William Collins + World Publishing Co., Inc.; 1974): “[Literally, to the man]: Appealing to one’s prejudices rather than to reason, as by attacking one’s opponent rather than debating the issue.”

“Ad hominem [attack]” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “An ‘ad hominem attack’ occurs when one attacks his opponent’s character, background, past sins or indiscretions, associations, intelligence, scholarship, etc., rather than honestly debating the topic or subject of discussion, writing, etc. This has frequently been the standard ‘tactic’ used by so-called ‘liberals’, ‘social engineers’, secret societies, cults, etc. – and by those attempting to defend the bloody history and/or the unscriptural, man-made doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church-State! It is the old ‘attack the MESSENGER’ rather than honestly debate the MESSAGE. Some folks call it ‘character assassination’. It is a favorite ‘tool’ and tactic of the Jesuit Order.

Roman Catholic apologists, including Jesuits, have great difficulties trying to debate any ‘opponent’ who has a good knowledge of both church history and the Holy Bible. Thus, their primary weapon of ‘debate’ must generally revert to an ‘ad hominem’ attack of their ‘opponent’.”

“Ad majorem Dei gloriam” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “‘Ad majorem Dei gloriam’ is a phrase in Latin (meaning ‘to [i.e., for] the greater glory of God’) that the Jesuits use to ‘justify’ – to excuse – any evil, sin, or crime (e.g., murder, treason, perjury, stealing, etc.) that they or their agents commit in order to advance the interests of the Jesuit Order and/or of the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State. Another phrase that the Jesuits use to ‘justify’ and excuse their evil, sins, and crimes is ‘the end justifies the means’.”

“Alexander I, Czar of Russia” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Alexander I was born in 1777, and was assassinated by the Jesuits (by means of the poison cup) in 1825. He was the czar of Russia from 1801 to 1825. Czar Alexander I expelled the Jesuit Order from all of Russia in 1820. (He had earlier expelled the Jesuits from Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1816.) For these ‘crimes’ against the Jesuits – and because Czar Alexander I had been tolerant of all religious sects in Russia – he was hated by the Jesuits. There was yet another reason why the Jesuits hated Czar Alexander I. Author E.H. Broadbent tells us that in 1812 Czar Alexander I had ‘encouraged the establishment of the British and Foreign Bible Society in Russia, giving it special privileges’ Broadbent also tells us that Czar Alexander I had told visitors to St. Petersburg that he ‘had never seen a Bible until he was forty years of age, but when at that time he was directed to it he devoured it’. The Jesuits eventually succeeded in murdering this good Bible-believing Russian Czar who wanted to get God’s Holy Word (the Bible) – in the Russian language – into the hands of the Russian people!”

“Alexander II, Czar of Russia” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Alexander II was born in 1818, and was czar of Russia from 1855 to 1881. He was assassinated in 1881 by agents of the Jesuits, who threw hand-made bombs at him as he rode through St. Petersburg. His proclamation in 1861 had resulted in the emancipation of 23 million serfs. Because the Jesuits had fomented the Polish rebellion, Czar Alexander II revoked Papal Rome’s Concordat with Russia. He also twice broke diplomatic relations with the Papacy (in 1866 and in 1877).

Relatively few Americans are aware of the fact that Czar Alexander II helped to preserve the American Union at the time of the American Civil War of 1861-65. Because France and England were preparing to intervene militarily on the side of the South (the Confederate States of America), Czar Alexander II sent part of the Russian fleet to U.S. shores, placing those Russian naval vessels under the direct command of President Lincoln. In doing so, Czar Alexander II was sending a clear message to France and England that if they intervened militarily on the side of the Confederacy, then Russia would intervene militarily on the side of the North (the Union). Since the Papacy and the Jesuits supported the Confederacy, and since they wanted to divide the Union into two separate nations, they never forgave either President Lincoln or Czar Alexander II. Both of them were assassinated by agents of the Jesuit Order.”

“Black Pope”(Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The term ‘Black Pope’ is an Italian nickname for the Jesuit Superior General, the man who is the commander-in-chief of the ‘Society of Jesus’ (i.e., the Jesuit Order). He is the real power ‘behind the throne’ of the Papacy; and he is also the master of all these: his Jesuit Order, the Knights of Malta, the highest levels of the Knights of Columbus, the highest levels of Opus Dei, and the highest levels of Freemasonry – and of all the subgroups that he controls through these powerful and influential organizations. Two of the most powerful subgroups under the control of the ‘Black Pope’ are the International Intelligence Community and the International Banking Community.”

“Black Pope” (Per U.S. Army Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris, author of the book “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 1897; Page 29): “The organization of the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Hierarchy is a complete military despotism, of which the Pope is the ostensible [Ed.: i.e., apparent; seeming] head; but of which, the Black Pope [Ed.: i.e., the Superior General of the Jesuits], is the real head. The Black Pope is the head of the order of the Jesuits, and is called a General [Ed.: more specifically, the Superior General]. He not only has command of his own order, but [Ed.: also] directs and controls the general policy of the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Church. He [Ed.: i.e., the Black Pope] is the power behind the throne, and is the real potential head of the Hierarchy. The whole machine is under the strictest rules of military discipline. The whole thought and will of this machine, to plan, propose and execute, is found in its head. There is no independence of thought, or of action, in its subordinate parts. Implicit and unquestioning obedience to the orders of superiors in authority, is the sworn duty of the priesthood of every grade

“Booth, John Wilkes” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “American actor John Wilkes Booth was born in 1838, and was shot to death in 1865. In 1860 Booth had been initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle, a Jesuit ‘front group’. John Wilkes Booth, a convert to Roman Catholicism, had as his ‘spiritual director’ the Jesuit priest B.F. Wiget. Booth shot and mortally wounded President Abraham Lincoln on the night of April 14th, 1865; however, he did not act alone. There were at least nine other [low-to-mid-level] conspirators, and most – if not all – of them were also members of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of the Golden Circle. A 12-man Military Commission [i.e., Court] tried eight of the conspirators in the Lincoln assassination, and sentenced four of them to be hanged by the neck until dead.”

“Boucher, Charles” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Charles Boucher was one of the Roman Catholic priests in Canada who helped Lincoln-assassination-arch conspirator John Harrison Surratt (a Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic) to hide out in Canada until he could safely sail to England. Another Roman Catholic priest in Canada who helped Surratt was LaPierre.”

“Calumniator” (Per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language): “One who slanders; one who falsely and knowingly accuses another of a crime or offense, or maliciously propagates false accusations or reports.”

“Calumny” (Per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language): “Slander; false accusation of a crime or offense, knowingly or maliciously made or reported, to the injury of another; false representation of facts reproachful to another, made by design, and with knowledge of its falsehood)

Ed. comment to the preceding two definitions: A number of Jesuit writers simply love to use the word “calumny” to describe any truthful statement about the nefarious and sinister activities of the Jesuit Order – past or present, and the word “calumniator” to describe various persons telling the truth about the nefarious and sinister activities of the Jesuit Order – past or present.

“Casuistry” (Per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language): “The science or doctrine of cases of conscience; the science of resolving cases of doubtful propriety, or of determining the lawfulness or unlawfulness of what a man may do, by rules or principles drawn from the scriptures, from the laws of society, or from equity and natural reason.”

Ed. comment to the preceding definition: The term “Jesuit casuistry” is found in books written about the Jesuit Order. When one reads writings of various Jesuit “doctors” and scholars concerning “cases of conscience”, the “resolving [of] cases of doubtful propriety”, and the “determining [of] the lawfulness or unlawfulness of what a man may do”, one notices that Jesuit “doctors” and scholars, in their “Jesuit casuistry”, provide so many “escape clauses” and “loopholes” in their writings that they are able to justify (i.e., to excuse) – and to permit – just about every sin and crime, to include murder, treason, perjury, stealing, etc. Many of the Jesuits’ opinions found in their writings on “casuistry” contradict the clear teachings of the Holy Bible!

“Clement XIII, Pope” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Carlo della Torre Rezzonico was born in 1693, and was assassinated in 1769. He was pope from 1758 to 1769. He was poisoned to death in 1769 by the Jesuits the night before his scheduled signing of a papal document that would have suppressed the Jesuit Order.”


“Clement XIV, Pope” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Lorenzo Ganganelli was born in 1705. He was pope from 1769 to 1774. He was poisoned to death in 1774 by the Jesuits as ‘payback’ for having signed a papal document in 1773 abolishing the Jesuit Order ‘forever’. He is reported to have stated before he died: ‘Alas, I knew they [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits] would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner.’” 

“Concordat” (Per Dave Hunt, author of “A Woman Rides the Beast”; Harvest House Publishers; 1994; Page 521): [Ed.: A concordat is] a treaty or agreement defining relationships and duties between the Vatican and secular governments. This is only possible because Vatican City, unlike any other city on earth, is recognized as a state on a par with secular nations and thus able to enter into politico-religious agreements and exchange ambassadors with them.”

“Confession” (Per Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language; Meaning #3): “The act of disclosing sins or faults to a priest; the disburdening of the conscience privately to a confessor; sometimes called auricular confession.”

“Confessional” (Per Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language): “The seat where a priest or confessor sits to hear confessions; a confession-chair.” [Ed.: Author and former Roman Catholic priest Charles Chiniquy at times referred to the “confessional” as the “confessional-box”.  A more modern term would be the “confessional booth”.]

“Confessor” (Per Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language; Meaning #3): “A priest; one who hears the confessions of others, and has power to grant them absolution.”

Ed. comments to the preceding definition:

(1) The Jesuit Order made sure that Jesuit priests became the “father-confessors” to emperors, kings, the mistresses of emperors and kings, queens, princes, princesses, revolutionary leaders, top military generals, and the rest of the “higher levels of society”. (The “confessional” is no doubt the greatest intelligence-gathering system ever devised by man! The “confessional” is also a great system for controlling and directing people of power and influence!)

(2) James Aitken Wylie, in his book “The Jesuits: Their Moral Maxims and Plots”, tells us: “The Jesuits are famous as confessors. The reason is obvious. The confessional is a ‘window’ through which to explore the secrets of families and neighborhoods. It [Ed.: the confessional] will be diligently worked in Scotland, and the whole land searched out by the quiet probing of its far-reaching antennae. These strangers [Ed.: i.e., Wylie is referring to the Jesuit priests who were coming to Scotland] will soon know better than ourselves the social and moneyed condition of our aristocratic families, the estates that may be secured on advantageous terms; the rich widows and dowried young ladies, whose persons they [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits] may deposit in a convent, and their wealth in the coffers of the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Church. The confessional is a device for emptying purses as well as  [Ed.: for] relieving burdened consciences.”

“Congress of Vienna” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The ‘Congress of Vienna’ was held from 1814 to 1815 in Vienna, Austria. Various European monarchs (‘Divine Righters’) got together at the urging of Papal Rome in order to plan the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic. European monarchs (again at the urging of Papal Rome) met at Verona, Italy in 1822 for ‘Part II’ of the secret meetings for planning the destruction of America. Later, high-level Jesuits met in 1825 at Chieri, Italy to ‘fine-tune’ the plans for destroying the American Constitutional Republic. The bloody American Civil War of 1861-1865 was one of the ‘fruits’ of those sinister plans made at these three secret meetings in the early 19th century.”

“Croatia” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Croatia is a country in southeastern Europe. It was once part of Hungary, and then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; and in 1918 it became part of Yugoslavia. In 1941 Nazi Germany set up a puppet Fascist regime in Croatia under the leadership of Roman Catholic Ante Pavelic and two Jesuit prelates, Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric, respectively the archbishops of Zagreb and Sarajevo.”

“Divine Righters of Europe” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The ‘Divine Righters of Europe’ is an expression used by Burke McCarty in her book ‘The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln’. (I suspect that other writers of her era used the same expression. It was no doubt derived from the expression, ‘the Divine Right of Kings [and Popes’].) The Papacy and European monarchs together ruled Europe for many centuries with an iron fist, based upon the idea that all authority to rule comes from God through the Papacy! Thus, the ruler of the State could do whatever he wanted – no matter how evil – without any accountability to earthly authority, with the sole exception of his accountability to the pope of Rome, who had the power to crown or dethrone him. The pope, likewise, could do whatever he wanted – no matter how evil – with no apparent accountability to any earthly authority. (Note: For the past 4½+ centuries – with the exception of several decades – the ‘Black Pope’ – the Jesuit Superior General, has, from behind the scenes, ruled the ‘White Pope’.) Burke McCarty also refers to these ‘Divine Righters of Europe’ as the ‘enemies of freedom’. The ‘Divine Righters of Europe’ (in the 19th century) hated religious liberty, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, ‘popular, representative government’, and ‘separation of church and State’. In other words, the ‘Divine Righters of Europe’ (in the 19th century) considered the liberties and freedoms cherished by Americans, along with the American form of ‘popular, representative government’ with its ‘separation of church and State’, to be a ‘most pestilential error’ and a ‘virus’ that, if left unchecked, would ‘spread’ to Europe.

‘Divine Righter’ European monarchs, at the urging of the Papacy, and under the guidance of the Jesuit Order, met twice in the 19th century in order to plan the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic: first at the Congress of Vienna (Austria) in 1814-15; and then at Verona, Italy in 1822. High-level Jesuits later met at Chieri, Italy in 1825 to ‘fine-tune’ those plans for the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic.

The Jesuit-fomenting of the American Civil War of 1861-1865 (with the intent to split the American Constitution Republic into two separate nations) was no doubt a key element in the Divine Righters’ planned destruction of America; however, President Abraham Lincoln, with help from Czar Alexander II of Russia, thwarted the Jesuit-Papal plans to divide the Union. For daring to oppose and to bring to naught these Jesuit-Papal plans to split the Union in two, both President Abraham Lincoln and Czar Alexander II would be brutally assassinated by agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome.”

“Freemasonry” (Per I.A. Sadler, author of the book “Mystery, Babylon the Great”; the Cromwell Press; 2003; Pages 175-181): “Freemasonry is another branch of the Babylonian Mysteries, which has survived under different names from the time of the fall of open pagan worship in the 5th century. Freemasonry is just as ripe for manipulation by the Jesuits and the Church of Rome, that it may be used for the purposes of [Ed.: Papal] ROME, as any Protestant denomination. [Ed.: Freemasonry has been manipulated by the Jesuits for several centuries.] In Britain and the USA, Freemasonry appears as a ‘Christian’ organization. However, this is a most dangerous pretense, for the true god of Freemasonry is Lucifer, who is Satan appearing as an angel of light.Both Freemasonry and the Church of Rome [Ed.: at their highest levels] worship the same god Masonic ceremonies implicitly deny the sufficiency of Scripture. [Ed.: Freemasonry] is particularly strong in many Baptist churches in the USA Those in the lower levels of Freemasonry know nothing about the higher and even more secretive degrees.”

“French Revolution, The” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The bloody French Revolution of 1789-1799 was planned, fomented, and orchestrated by a Jesuit front group called the ‘Illuminati” (whom some folks falsely believe is a Jewish-led group). The ‘Illuminati’ had been set up on May 1, 1776 by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt – a man who had taught Roman Catholic Canon Law at the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt in Bavaria (southern Germany).”

“Harris, Thomas M.” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “U.S. Army Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris was a member of the 12-man Military Commission [i.e., Court] that in 1865 tried eight of the conspirators in the Lincoln assassination. (Most, if not all, of the lower-to-mid-level conspirators in the Lincoln assassination were members of a Jesuit-controlled front group called the Knights of the Golden Circle.) Harris wrote a book about the conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln, entitled ‘Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln’. (Harris’ book was published in 1897.) Brigadier General Harris’ participation on the 12-man Military Commission that tried eight of the Lincoln-assassination conspirators gave him access to direct testimony concerning Papal Rome’s vile conspiracy to murder Lincoln, making him highly qualified to write on that topic. He died in 1906.”

“Harrison, William Henry” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “William Henry Harrison was born in 1773, and was assassinated in 1841 – only 35 days after taking office. This former U.S. general became the 9th President of the United States in 1841, and was in robust health upon assuming office. However, in his inaugural address, he spoke out against ‘government by divine right’ – thus putting himself at odds with the ‘divine righters’ in Europe (i.e., with Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome and the despotic European monarchs who together had made plans to destroy the American Constitutional Republic at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15, and at Verona, Italy in 1822). Top-level Jesuits later fine-tuned those plans for destroying the American Republic at Chieri, Italy in 1825. Author Burke McCarty tells us that President Harrison ‘died from arsenic poisoning, administered by the tools of [Ed.: Papal] Rome’.”

“Heretic” (Per Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language): “1. A person under any religion, but particularly the Christian, who holds and teaches opinions repugnant to the established faith, or that which is made the standard of orthodoxy. In strictness, among Christians, a person who holds and avows religious opinions contrary to the doctrines of Scripture, the only rule of faith and practice.  2. Any one who maintains erroneous opinions.”

“Heretic(s)” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “(As concerns historical ROMAN CATHOLIC use of this term): ‘Heretic(s)’ is a label frequently applied by Papal Rome to those individuals or groups that have dared in the past – or who dare even today – to question either (1) papal temporal power and/or authority, or (2) any of the unscriptural doctrines and practices based solely upon ‘tradition’ that have been promulgated by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church-State, such as ‘transubstantiation’, ‘indulgences’, ‘purgatory’, ‘Mass cards and prayers for the dead’, ‘papal infallibility’, ‘worship of images’, ‘mandatory celibacy for priests and nuns’, ‘auricular confession to an authorized priest’, ‘apostolic succession’, and various aspects of Papal Rome’s ‘Mariolatry’. Papal Rome has, in past centuries, also applied the label of ‘heretic’ to those individuals possessing, printing, or distributing Bibles.”

Ed. comment to the preceding definitions of “heretic”: It is easy for corrupt church officials to “label” a group of Bible-believing Christians (even the population of an entire region or province) as “heretics”, and then to send armies to crush them and to loot their property! The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church-State, i.e., Papal Rome, labeled the Bible-believing Albigensian and Waldensian Christians as  “heretics” prior to sending armies to crush them!

“Illuminati” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The modern version of the Illuminati (whom some folks falsely believe is a Jewish-led group) was formed on May 1, 1776 by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, who had previously taught Roman Catholic Canon Law at the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt in Bavaria (southern Germany). Jesuit Adam Weishaupt PRETENDED to leave the Jesuit Order so that he could set up a Jesuit front group called the ‘Illuminati’. This Jesuit front group, the Illuminati, planned, fomented, and orchestrated the bloody French Revolution of 1789-1799. By using this Illuminati front group, the Jesuit Order was given a great degree of ‘plausible deniability’ about the key role that it had played in the French Revolution.”

“International Banksters” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “‘International Banksters’ is an expression that I use to describe the Jesuit-controlled financial cabal that controls the leaders and governments of many nations on this planet. Some people allege that ‘the Jews’ run international banking; however, my research has shown me that Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome is by far the number one financial entity in the world! Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome rules the financial world through the Vatican’s banking and financial interests (in Rome, throughout Europe, and in the USA), through the wealthy Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta Order, and through many other Jesuit-controlled financial subgroups.

As Dr. Stanley Monteith, on page 58 of his book ‘Brotherhood of Darkness’ (2000), tells us: ‘Some sincere people believe that the Jews, or the Jewish bankers, are behind the world conspiracy. There are many clues that lead people to that conclusion, but I can assure you that the evidence has been planted to divert attention away from the truth.’ (End of quote)

Indeed, some folks like to point to the Rothschild banking dynasty as proof that ‘the Jews’ run international banking; however, one of the titles of the Rothschilds, according to author F. Tupper Saussy, is ‘Guardians of the Vatican Treasury’. Some folks would argue that the Rothschilds should be labeled as ‘Court Jews’ of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome.

Some would also argue that the Knights Templar Order was the first international banking cabal. It is worth noting that when the Knights Templar Order was suppressed (i.e., it was officially dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1312), the Knights of Malta (a Roman Catholic order controlled today by the Jesuit Order) ‘absorbed’ some of the great wealth of the Knights Templar. Many of the world’s richest bankers have been Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta.

The Jesuit-controlled international banksters have fomented and orchestrated – and helped to finance – many of the revolutions and wars of the last three to four centuries (including two world wars) – and have profited nicely from the maiming and murder of millions of people.”

“Jesuit” (Per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language): “One of the Society of Jesus, so called, founded by Ignatius Loyola; a society remarkable for their cunning in propagating their principles.”

“Jesuitic” or “Jesuitical” (Per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language): [1.] Pertaining to the Jesuits or their principles and arts. 2. Designing; cunning; deceitful; prevaricating.”

“Jesuitically” (Per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language): Craftily.”

“Jesuitism” (Per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language): “[1.] The arts, principles and practices of the Jesuits. 2. Cunning; deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose.”

Ed. comment to the preceding four definitions: English is not the only language that equates the word “Jesuit” – and words derived from it – with cunning; deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; [and] deceptive practices to effect a purpose!

“Jesuit Order, The” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The Jesuit Order was founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, and was officially approved as a religious order of the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Paul III in 1540. The primary goals of this order are (1) to roll back the Protestant Reformation and the freedoms that it brought to many of the inhabitants of this planet; (2) to enhance the temporal power and prestige of the Papacy (and its ‘White Pope’); and (3) to rule despotically over the governments of the world through the Papacy. The head of the Jesuit Order is the Jesuit Superior General – the ‘Black Pope’ – the real power behind the Papal throne. The Jesuit Superior General is also the master of all these: his JESUIT ORDER, the Knights of Malta, the highest levels of the Knights of Columbus, the highest levels of Opus Dei, and the highest levels of Freemasonry – and of all the numerous subgroups that he controls through these powerful and influential organizations. The Jesuit Order is infamous for infiltrating governments and other religious denominations, fomenting revolutions and wars, assassinating heads of State, and subverting nations. I believe that it is almost impossible to understand European history and Church history (of the past 4½+ centuries) without a good understanding of the Protestant Reformation and the Jesuit-led Counter-Reformation.”

“Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor” (Per Eric Jon Phelps, author of “Vatican Assassins”): “A Jesuit temporal coadjutor is someone who performs service or duties for the Jesuit Order, but who is not a Jesuit priest. This person may be of any race, religion, or sex.”

“Knights of Columbus” (Per Jeremiah J. Crowley, author of “Romanism: A Menace to the Nation”; The Menace Publishing Co.; 1912; Pages 154-157): “The Knights of Columbus, founded in New Haven, Connecticut, February 2, 1882, by Rev. M. J. McGivney, curate of St. Mary’s Churchan adroit feature of this organization, to which Roman Catholics only are eligible, is the initiative service of four degreesthey work in collusion with the Hierarchy, and are heart and soul in politics. This fact is well known to political machines and non-Catholic politicians, whose candidates must receive the approval of [Ed.: Jesuit-controlled Papal] Rome and the Knights [Ed.: of Columbus] before they dare nominate them for either dog pound or presidency. The Knights of Columbus’principle business is politicsJesuitical politics.”

“Knights of Malta” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta is a Roman Catholic religious-military order headquartered in Rome with, and under the command of, the Jesuit Superior General. Much of the wealth of the Knights Templar Order, when it was dissolved in 1312 by Pope Clement V, was given to the Knights of Malta. Many Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta have held top-level positions in various governments, in the world’s foremost intelligence agencies, in international banking, and in the publishing world. A number of Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta continue to hold such powerful and influential positions. According to author and researcher Eric Jon Phelps, the following heads of the Central Intelligence Agency have all been Knights of Malta: William Donovan (head of the OSS – the predecessor to the CIA), Allen Dulles (who was also a high-level Freemason), John McCone, William Casey, William Colby, George Tenet, and Leon Panetta.”

“Knights of The Golden Circle” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The Knights of the Golden Circle was a secret society controlled by the Jesuits (i.e., it was a Jesuit front group) that helped, along with Jesuit-controlled high-level Freemasons on both sides of the conflict, to foment the American Civil War of 1861-65 that took the lives of up to 620,000 American soldiers (combined total dead from wounds and disease from both sides) and possibly up to 50,000 civilians. John Wilkes Booth, the man who shot Abraham Lincoln on April 14th, 1865, was a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, as were many of his fellow conspirators.”

“La Chaise, Pere” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “François de la Chaise was born in 1624, and died in 1709. He became a Jesuit priest, and later was the Jesuit ‘father-confessor’ to French King Louis XIV. In 1685 La Chaise advised Louis XIV to revoke the Edict of Nantes that had earlier (in 1598) granted religious liberty to all the citizens of France. Jesuit La Chaise also urged Louis XIV to exterminate as many French Protestant Huguenots as possible, thus leading to the slaughter of many thousands of innocent French Protestants!”

“Lamormaini, William” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “William Lamormaini was a Jesuit priest, and one of the father-confessors to Ferdinand II (Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1619 to 1637). Jesuit Becan had been the father-confessor-advisor to Emperor Ferdinand II before Lamormaini took that important position. Both of these Jesuit father-confessor-advisors constantly urged the emperor to exterminate the Protestants within his realm. Indeed, the blame for the carnage of the brutal and bloody Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) that decimated much of Central Europe can be laid directly at the feet of the Jesuit Order. As German historian Karl Theodor Griesinger stated in 1873: ‘The whole frightful responsibility for this terrible Thirty Years’ War must rest upon the Emperor Ferdinand II, and his teachers, rulers, and bosom friends, the Sons of Loyola [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits].’”

“LaPierre” [or, La Pierre or Lapierre] (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “LaPierre was one of the Roman Catholic priests in Canada who helped John Harrison Surratt (a Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic who was an arch conspirator in the Lincoln assassination) to hide out in Canada until he could safely set sail for England. (Charles Boucher was another Roman Catholic priest in Canada who provided assistance to arch conspirator Surratt.)”

“Lincoln, Abraham” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809, and was assassinated in 1865. He became the 16th U.S. President in 1861. As a young lawyer in Illinois, Lincoln had successfully defended a Roman Catholic priest, Charles Chiniquy. (Chiniquy had been framed by agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome for a crime he did not commit. False testimony had been given by the sister of a Roman Catholic priest named Lebel, who had promised her some land if she would bear false witness against Chiniquy.) The Jesuits never forgave either Lincoln or Chiniquy, and would later orchestrate the conspiracy to decapitate the leadership of the USA on April 14th, 1865, when President Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth, and Secretary of State William H. Seward barely survived a savage knife-attack by Lewis Payne. (Most, if not all, of the lower-to-mid-level conspirators in the Lincoln assassination were members of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of the Golden Circle.) Here are some of the primary reasons why agents of the Jesuits conspired to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln: (1) Lincoln had preserved the Union, thwarting Jesuit and Papal plans and efforts to divide it; (2) Lincoln had refused loans (with exorbitant interest rates) from Jesuit-controlled European bankers during the American Civil War of 1861-1865; and, (3) Lincoln wanted to bring the southern states back into the Union under kind and generous terms – something that agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome strongly opposed.”

“McCarty, Burke” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Ms. Burke McCarty was a former Roman Catholic who had the great courage to write about the involvement of Papal Rome and the Jesuit Order in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Her book, entitled ‘The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln’, was published in 1924. Burke McCarty stated: ‘In all the bloody history of the Papacy, perhaps in no one man, as in Abraham Lincoln, was there concentrated such a multitude of reasons for his annihilation by that [Ed.: papal] system.’ She spent over seven years researching the conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln before writing her book. Ms. McCarty documents in her book how the ‘Divine Righters in Europe’ (i.e., the despotic European monarchs), with the blessings of the Papacy, made plans for the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic.”

“Meade, George Gordon” (Per Abraham Lincoln, as told to his friend Charles Chiniquy; from page 298 of the Chick Publications’ edition of Chiniquy’s book “50 Years in the ‘Church’ of Rome”; 1985): “But it is evident that his [Ed.: i.e., Union Army Major General George G. Meade’s] Romanism superseded his patriotism after the battle [Ed.: of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in July of 1863]. He [Ed.: i.e., Major General Meade] let [Ed.: i.e., allowed] the army of [Ed.: Confederate General Robert E.] Lee escape when he could easily have cut his retreat and forced him to surrender after losing nearly the half of his soldiers in the last three days’ carnage.

When [Ed.: Major General] Meade was to order the pursuit [Ed.: of General Lee’s Confederate army] after the battle [Ed.: of Gettysburg], a stranger came in haste to the headquarters, and that stranger was a disguised Jesuit. After ten minutes’ conversation with him, Meade made such arrangements for the pursuit of the enemy that he escaped almost untouched with the loss of only two guns [Ed.: i.e., two artillery pieces – two cannons].”

“Morse, Samuel F.B. (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Samuel F.B. Morse was born in 1791, and he died in 1872. This American artist and inventor of the telegraph traveled to Europe, where he learned of Papal plots to destroy the American Constitutional Republic. These sinister plots so alarmed Morse that he wrote two books attempting to warn the American people about the Papal and Jesuit conspiracy against America. One of them, ‘Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States’, was published in 1835. Samuel Morse personally warned Abraham Lincoln about these Papal and Jesuit plots to destroy the American Republic.”

“New World Order, The” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The New World Order (N.W.O.) is basically the ‘blueprint’ for despotically ruling the world via a one-world economy, a one-world government, and a one-world religion. The real master of this coming N.W.O., who may continue to operate from behind the scenes, is the ‘Black Pope’ (i.e., the Jesuit Superior General). Since he controls his own powerful Jesuit Order, the wealthy Knights of Malta, the top levels of Freemasonry, and the Roman Catholic Church-State, he is clearly the most powerful man in the world today. The one-world religion will most likely be headed by the Roman Pontiff (i.e., the ‘White Pope’), although the ‘Black Pope’ will continue to be the real power behind the papal throne – as he has been for centuries. When the ‘game plan’ for the N.W.O. is fully implemented, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly – as well as the Right to keep and bear firearms – will all be relics of the past. No dissent will be tolerated, and dissenters will be terminated with ‘extreme prejudice’. One of the first acts of this N.W.O. will be the launching of another modern-day [Papal] Inquisition.”

“New York City Draft Riots” (Per Abraham Lincoln, as told to Charles Chiniquy; from page 299 of the Chick Publications’ edition of Chiniquy’s book “50 Years in the ‘Church’ of Rome”; 1985): “The New York [Ed.: City draft] riots [Ed.: of July 13-16, 1863] were evidently a Romish plot from beginning to end. We have the proofs in hand that they were the work of [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Bishop [Ed.: John] Hughes and his emissaries. No doubt can remain about the bloody attempts of [Ed.: Jesuit-controlled Papal] Rome to destroy New York [Ed.: City], when we know the easy way it was stopped. I wrote to Bishop Hughes, telling him that the whole country would hold him responsible for it [Ed.: i.e., for causing the New York City draft riots] if he would not stop it at once. He then gathered the rioters [Ed.: mostly Roman Catholic Irish immigrants] around his palace, called them his ‘dear friends’, invited them to go back home peacefully, and all was finished! So Jupiter of old used to raise a storm and stop it with a nod of his head!”

“Papal Rome” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The government of the Roman Catholic Church-State, whose headquarters is presently in Rome, Italy.”

“Paris, Edmond” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Frenchman Edmond Paris is the author of several books about Vatican and Jesuit fomenting of wars. Paris, who was born a Roman Catholic, outlines in detail the Vatican’s geopolitical maneuvering before and during World War I and World War II in his two books entitled ‘The Secret History of the Jesuits’ and ‘The Vatican Against Europe’. He also wrote about the slaughter of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians by the Roman Catholic Ustashi in Fascist Croatia in the 1940s in his book ‘Convert or Die’. Paris stated the following about Jesuit and Papal responsibility for fomenting two world wars: ‘The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict.’”

“Pavelic (or, Pavelitch), Ante (or, Anton) (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Ante Pavelic, the Roman Catholic dictator of Fascist Croatia in the 1940s, along with his two Jesuit ‘buddies’ (Roman Catholic prelates Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric – respectively the archbishops of Zagreb and Sarajevo), choreographed a brutal genocide that took the lives of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians – men, women, and children. (Many of those Serb Orthodox Christians were brutally tortured prior to being murdered.) The Croatian Roman Catholic hierarchy provided maximum support to Croatia’s brutal Fascist regime during World War II. At the end of World War II the Jesuit-controlled Vatican helped this arch war criminal, Ante Pavelic, along with many other Fascist and Nazi war criminals, to hide out in Roman Catholic monasteries and convents throughout Europe – even in the city of Rome – until they could be safely moved to other countries (such as Argentina) via the ‘Vatican Ratlines’.”

“Petre, Edward (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT):Jesuit priest Edward Petre was a father-confessor-advisor to English King James II (an open Roman Catholic who ruled England from 1685 to 1688). (Note: Jesuit John Warner was also a confessor priest to King James II.) Petre was appointed to the Privy Council during the reign of King James II. The actions taken by King James II (at the urging of his two Jesuit father-confessors) in his attempts to bring England back under Papal Rome’s authority alienated many English Protestants and even some English Catholics. The uproar became so great that Parliament, fearing the outbreak of a civil war, offered the throne to James’ daughter Mary and her husband, William, Prince of Orange – who accepted. Both King James II and Jesuit Edward Petre then went into exile in France in 1688.”

“Principles of the Jesuits” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “‘Principles of the Jesuits’ is a book written by Henry Hadley Norris that was published in 1839 in London, England. After a brief introduction describing the Jesuit Order’s early origins, its four classes of members, various Jesuit principles, etc., the author then provides a collection of excerpts from the writings of various Jesuit ‘doctors’ and scholars. When one reads these quotations taken from the works of Jesuit ‘doctors’ and scholars concerning ‘cases of conscience’, the ‘resolving [of] cases of doubtful propriety’, and the ‘determining [of] the lawfulness or unlawfulness of what a man may do’, one quickly notices that these Jesuit ‘doctors’ and scholars provide so many ‘escape clauses’ and ‘loopholes’ in their writings that they are able to justify – to excuse – and to permit – just about every sin and crime imaginable, to include murder, treason, and the turning in of one’s parents to the Inquisition to be burned, etc.”

“Probabilism” (Per Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition; Wiley Publishing, Inc.; 2006): “2. R.C.Ch. [Ed.: i.e., Roman Catholic Church] the principle that in matters concerning which there is more than one probable opinion, it is lawful to follow any one of them” [Ed.: Many Jesuit “doctors” and scholars have written concerning “probabilism”. The book, “Principles of the Jesuits” by Henry Hadley Norris, provides numerous examples of Jesuit writings on “probabilism”.]

“Rivera, Dr. Alberto” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Alberto M. R. Rivera was born in 1935 in Spain. Alberto Rivera became a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest. According to author Eric Jon Phelps, Rivera spent 27 years in the Jesuit Order. He later became a born-again, Bible-believing Christian. Dr. Rivera helped to expose some of the sinister activities of the Jesuits, such as their infiltration of Protestant denominations. There were a number of attempts on Dr. Rivera’s life; he died of cancer on June 20, 1997, having been, according to his wife Nury, poisoned. [Ed.: The Jesuits often use the “poison cup” to eliminate their enemies!]

            To counter Roman Catholic allegations that Alberto Rivera was a fraud, Sidney Hunter compiled information in a book, ‘Is Alberto for Real?’, that proves that the accusations made by Dr. Rivera against Papal Rome and the Jesuit Order are true! (This book examines and answers the 12 most frequently made charges against Dr. Rivera; it can be purchased via credit card by calling Chick Publications at 1-909-987-0771.)

            Sidney Hunter tells us: ‘[Ed.: Roman] Catholics who know the facts of their church seldom attempt to refute what [Ed.: Dr.] Alberto [Ed.: Rivera] says about the [Ed.: Roman] Catholic Church [Ed.: and the Jesuit Order]. Therefore, their attacks against him come primarily in the form of relentless character assassinations [Ed.: i.e., ad hominemattacks].

            Though many have tried over the last 10 years [Ed.: this book was compiled in 1988], none has successfully refuted the claims that Dr. [Ed.: Alberto] Rivera has made against the Roman Catholic Church [Ed.: and the Jesuit Order].’ (End of quote)

            The numerous books that I have read on the Roman Catholic Church, and especially on the Jesuit Order, have convinced me that Dr. Alberto Rivera, ex-Jesuit priest, was definitely “for real”! His statements and comments about the Jesuit infiltration of various Christian denominations, the intentions of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome to subjugate the United States and the rest of the world under the Pope (via a despotic one-world government and a one-world religion), etc., have been corroborated by many other authors. Some of these authors are: Avro Manhattan, Edmond Paris, Hector Macpherson, Eric Jon Phelps, F. Tupper Saussy, C.T. Wilcox, Dave Hunt, Jack T. Chick, John Daniel, David W. Daniels, and Bill Hughes.”

“Saric, Ivan” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): Jesuit Ivan Saric, Archbishop of Sarajevo, was one of two Jesuit prelates (the other was Aloysius Stepinac) who planned and choreographed the slaughter of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians in Fascist Croatia from 1941-45. As early as 1934 Jesuit Ivan Saric was a Croatian Ustashi leader.”

“Stepinac, Aloysius” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): Jesuit Aloysius Stepinac, Archbishop of Zagreb, was the Supreme Military Apostolic Vicar of the torture-loving, mass-murdering Ustashi Army in Fascist Croatia during World War II. He and his friend, Jesuit Ivan Saric, Archbishop of Sarajevo, choreographed ‘the Vatican’s Holocaust’ in Fascist Croatia from 1941-45 that took the lives of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians – men, women, and children – many of whom were brutally tortured prior to being murdered.”

“Stepinac, Aloysius” (Per Dave Hunt, author of the book “A Woman Rides the Beast”; Harvest House Publishers; 1994; Page 302): [Ed.: Jesuit] Archbishop [Ed.: Aloysius] Stepinac headed the committee which was responsible for forcible ‘conversions’ to Roman Catholicism [Ed.: in Fascist Croatia] under threat of death – and was also the Supreme Military Apostolic Vicar of the Ustashi Army, which effected the slaughter of those who failed to convert [Ed.: to Roman Catholicism]. [Ed.: Jesuit Archbishop] Stepinac was known as the ‘father-confessor’ to the Ustashi, and continually bestowed the blessing of Holy Mother Church [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State] upon its members and actions.”

“Surratt, John Harrison” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Jesuit-trained John Harrison Surratt (a Roman Catholic and an arch conspirator involved in the Lincoln assassination) died in Baltimore, Maryland in 1916. The majority of the conspirators were Roman Catholics, including John Wilkes Booth. The plot to assassinate Lincoln was ‘hatched’ in the home of Mary Surratt (John H. Surratt’s mother) – a home which was frequented by Roman Catholic priests from the Washington, D.C. area. (Mary Surratt was a devout Roman Catholic whose father-confessor was Jesuit B.F. Wiget – who also happened to be her son John’s mentor.)

After Booth mortally wounded President Lincoln on April 14, 1865, the manhunt for the conspirators ensued. John Harrison Surratt, with assistance from Roman Catholic priests in the USA and Canada, was able for quite some time to elude capture. Two Roman Catholic priests in Canada, Charles Boucher and LaPierre, hid Surratt and helped him to set sail for England. Surratt later arrived in Rome, where he became a member of the Pope’s personal bodyguard, a Zouaves military unit. When U.S. officials came to Rome to arrest Surratt, he was able to ‘escape’ from the papal guards who were escorting him. U.S. officials caught up with Surratt in Egypt, and brought him back to Washington, D.C. for a civil trial (in 1867) for his part in the Lincoln assassination conspiracy. Jesuits from Georgetown attended the trial, and helped to ‘sway’ the jury in favor of the defendant. Thus, despite overwhelming evidence of John Harrison Surratt’s guilt, the result of the trial was a ‘hung (i.e., deadlocked) jury’.

Upon his death in 1916, arch conspirator John Harrison Surratt was honored for his devoted service to Papal Rome (i.e., to the Roman Catholic Church-State) with a ‘Solemn High Requiem Mass’ – officiated by three Roman Catholic priests!”

“Taylor, Zachary” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Zachary Taylor was born in 1784, and was assassinated in 1850. This former U.S. general became the 12th President of the United States in 1849, and served for 16 months. The Jesuits and Papal Rome, who would later foment the American Civil War, had their agents in the USA trying to get President Taylor to authorize an invasion of Cuba. (Taylor refused!) Such an invasion would have given three Roman Catholic European countries (i.e., Spain, France, and Austria) and England the opportunity to declare war on the USA and to destroy the young American Constitutional Republic. (Papal Rome and a number of European monarchs had made plans to destroy the American Constitutional Republic at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15, and at Verona, Italy in 1822. Top-level Jesuits ‘fine-tuned’ those plans at Chieri, Italy in 1825.) President Taylor had also drawn the wrath of the Jesuits and Papal Rome by speaking out strongly about preserving the American Union – a Union that the Jesuits were working overtime to split!  

Author Burke McCarty tells us that ‘on the 4th of July [Ed.: in 1850] arsenic was administered to him [Ed.: i.e., President Zachary Taylor] during a celebration in Washington He went in perfect health in the morning and was taken ill in the afternoon about five o’clock – and died on the Monday following, having been sick the same number of days and with precisely the same symptoms as was his predecessor, President [Ed.: William Henry] Harrison.’”

“Thirty Years’ War” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The Thirty Years’ War took place from 1618 to 1648. It was basically a ‘war of annihilation’ against the Protestants in Central Europe, with a large portion of the war orchestrated by Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II (reigned 1619-37) at the constant urging of his two Jesuit father-confessor-advisors (Becan and Lamormaini). The Thirty Years’ War decimated much of Germany, as well as other areas of Central Europe. Indeed, the blame for the carnage of the brutal and bloody Thirty Years’ War can be laid directly at the feet of the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order. As German historian Karl Theodor Griesinger stated in 1873: ‘The whole frightful responsibility for this terrible Thirty Years’ War must rest upon the Emperor Ferdinand II, and his teachers, rulers, and bosom friends, the Sons of Loyola [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits].’”

“Tiso, Monsignor Jozef” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT):Jesuit monsignor Jozef Tiso was the dictator of Fascist Slovakia during World War II, and was responsible for the murder of Jews and Protestants. (According to author Edmond Paris, Monsignor Tiso had the distinction of being the first dictator in Europe ‘to deport the Jews’.)”

“Ustashi” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The Ustashi were ‘[Roman] Catholic Actionists’i.e., the Roman Catholic militia in pre-World War II Croatia [which was then a part of Yugoslavia]. The Ustashi were basically a Roman Catholic ‘fifth column’ located inside Yugoslavia. (Will the Knights of Columbus serve as a Roman Catholic ‘fifth column’ inside the USA if agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome attempt to set up a totalitarian Roman Catholic Fascist Police State in this country?) Ustashi assassins shot to death King Alexander of Yugoslavia on October 9, 1934 during his official visit to France.

            Author Avro Manhattan tells us the following about the Roman Catholic Ustashi: ‘[Ed.: Croatian Roman] Catholic religious orders gave total and continuous support to the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Ustashi [Ed.: militia – and later the army of the Fascist State of Croatia]. Before the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia (1941) their convents were hiding places for the Ustashi terrorists, [Ed.: where they] concealed Ustashi presses, and were depositories of Ustashi subversive literature and even of hand grenades, guns and dynamite.

            The Ustashi carried out their [Ed.: pre-World War II terrorist] activities screened by members of [Ed.: Croatian Roman Catholic] religious orders, male and female. Nuns prepared uniforms, emblems and medical equipment for Ustashi detachments.’ (End of quote)

The Ustashi would later become the military forces of the Roman Catholic Fascist State of Croatia during World War II. Ustashi military units, frequently led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars, carried out a vicious and brutal genocide against innocent Serb Orthodox Christians (men, women, elderly, and children) that took the lives of up to one million Serbs. Jesuit Aloysius Stepinac, Archbishop of Zagreb, was the Supreme Military Apostolic Vicar of the torture-loving, mass-murdering Ustashi Army killer units. He and his friend, Jesuit Ivan Saric, Archbishop of Sarajevo, planned, choreographed, and orchestrated ‘the Vatican’s Holocaust’ in Fascist Croatia from 1941 through 1945.

Avro Manhattan wrote a book, ‘The Vatican’s Holocaust’, that documents this Roman Catholic genocide against innocent Serb Orthodox Christians in Croatia during World War II.”

“Vietnam War, The” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The official dates for the Vietnam War are c. 1957-1975. The major combatants were: initially, French military forces versus Communist insurgents; after the defeat of the French, it was the military forces of the South Vietnamese government and the military forces of the United States of America versus the military forces of the Communist Viet Cong (located inside of South Vietnam) and the military forces of Communist North Vietnam. (Note: The greatest American involvement in this war took place from 1965 through 1969.)

The Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State was responsible for the Vietnam War. Author Avro Manhattan stated: ‘The role played by the [Ed.: Jesuit-controlled] Vatican in the Vietnam War (1956-1976) was not only important, it was decisive. Since without the Vatican such a war would have never occurred.’ (End of quote)

Avro Manhattan also tells us: ‘Initially, the Vietnam conflict had nothing to do with the USA. It had been a problem dealing exclusively with French colonialism. The defeat of France during the Second World War (1940-1945) had inspired Indo-Chinese national aspirations for ultimate independence from French Imperialism throughout Asia.

            The [Ed.: Jesuit-controlled] Vatican opposed the move [Ed.: for an independent Vietnam] since it wished to retain and to control the former French colonies; to that effect it plotted the setting up of a Vietnam controlled by Vietnamese [Ed.: Roman] Catholics [Ed.: who were a small minority]. [Ed.: The Jesuit-controlled Vatican] plotted for a territorial split which divided the country into North and South.’ (End of quote)

Avro Manhattan and other authors have also pointed out that U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War resulted largely from the oppression of the Buddhists (approximately 90% of the population) in South Vietnam by the Roman Catholics (approximately 10% of the population), led by Roman Catholic President Diem and his two fanatical Roman Catholic brothers – one brother headed the Secret Police, and the other brother was the Archbishop of Hue (a city located in the central portion of Vietnam on the South China Sea).

Manhattan tells us: ‘It was the [Ed.: Jesuit-controlled] Vatican, with the help of the U.S. Catholic lobby headed by Cardinal Spellman, that initially propelled [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Diem into power [Ed.: in South Vietnam]. The powerful trio, namely [Ed.: Pope] Pius XII, Cardinal Spellman, and John Foster Dulles, were behind the setting up of a semi-totalitarian regime in South Vietnam from its inception.’ (End of quote)

Manhattan tells us the following about South Vietnamese President Diem: ‘President Diem was a fanatical [Ed.: Roman] Catholic who ruled South Vietnam with an iron fist. He transformed the presidency into a virtual [Ed.: Roman] Catholic dictatorship, which he used to crush his religious and political opponents with the utmost ruthlessness.

He [Ed.: i.e., President Diem] persecuted non-Catholics, and particularly the Buddhists. By his discriminatory methods he caused the disruption of the [Ed.: South Vietnamese] army and the [Ed.: South Vietnamese] government. This eventually was to lead to the USA’s military intervention in South Vietnam.’ (End of quote)

One source lists U.S. casualties in the Vietnam War as follow: Number of Americans killed: 58,167. 365,000 Americans were wounded. More than 2000 are missing-in-action.”

“Weishaupt, Adam” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “Adam Weishaupt was born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria (southern Germany) in 1748. In 1775 he became a professor at the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt in Bavaria, where he taught Roman Catholic Canon Law. Jesuit Adam Weishaupt PRETENDED to leave the Jesuit Order in order to set up the modern version of the ‘Illuminati’ (a Jesuit front group) on May 1, 1776. (Note: Some folks falsely believe that members of the Illuminati are controlled and led by Jews. They are not! It is the Jesuit Order that controls ‘the Illuminati’.) Jesuit Adam Weishaupt died in 1811 in the good graces of the Roman Catholic Church, to which he had given a lifetime of faithful service.”

“Wiget, B.F.” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): Jesuit B.F. Wiget was the father-confessor of Mary Surratt, in whose home the plot to assassinate Lincoln was hatched, and was the mentor of her son, John Harrison Surratt (an arch conspirator in the Lincoln assassination). Jesuit Wiget was also a ‘spiritual director’ of John Wilkes Booth, who shot President Lincoln.”

“World War I” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The official dates for the First World War are 1914-1918. The major combatants were: the United States of America, Great Britain, France, and Russia (the Allies) versus Germany and Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers). (Note: More than eight million troops were killed in this war!)

            The Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State played a major role in fomenting World War I. Author Edmond Paris tells us: ‘What were the Hapsburgs [Ed.: Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire] supposed to do [Ed.: after hearing the statement of Pope Pius X in 1913 that Austria-Hungary should have punished the Serbians]? [Ed.: The answer: They were to] chastise Serbia, an Orthodox [Ed.: Christian] nation. The prestige of Austria-Hungary, of those Hapsburgs who, with the Bourbons of Spain, were the last supporters of the Jesuitswould have greatly increased. For [Ed.: Jesuit-controlled Papal] Rome, the affair became one of almost religious importance; a victory of apostolic monarchy over Czarism could be considered a victory of [Ed.: Papal] Rome over the schism of the East.’

The ‘kickoff’ of World War I occurred when Austria and Serbia commenced hostilities on August 2, 1914.

One source lists U.S. casualties in World War I: Number of Americanskilled:116,516.”

“World War II” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The official dates for the Second World War are 1939-1945. The major combatants were: the United States of America, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union (the Allies) versus Germany, Italy, and Japan (the Axis).

            The Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State played a major role in fomenting World War II by putting Roman Catholic dictators (many of whom hated Jews) into power all across Europe during the 1930s. For example, Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler was put into power by Jesuit-controlled Knight of Malta Franz von Papen, Monsignor Ludwig Kaas (a head of the German Roman Catholic Center Party), and other influential Roman Catholics. (Hitler’s Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuit Order, and had Roman Catholic priests in top positions within the SS Central Security Service.) Roman Catholic Benito Mussolini was put into power in Italy by Jesuit Don Luigi Sturzo, chief of the Catholic Party in Italy. (Mussolini had as one of his top advisers, Jesuit Petre Tacchi-Venturi.)

            The Jesuit-controlled Vatican signed Concordats with both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. A Jesuit monsignor, Jozef Tiso, was made dictator in Fascist Slovakia. In Roman Catholic Fascist Croatia, Roman Catholic Ante Pavelic became dictator, and with the help of two Jesuit prelates – Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric – carried out the extermination of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians from 1941 to 1945. Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome supported all these Roman Catholic dictators throughout World War II.

            At the end of the war, Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome helped many of the worst of the Nazi and Fascist war criminals to escape to other countries via the ‘Vatican Ratlines’.

One source lists U.S. casualties in World War II as follow: Number of Americanskilled:405,339. (There were over 25 million military deaths and over 47 million civilian deaths – including 6,000,000 Jews – during World II – the ‘fruit’ of this JesuitVatican-fomented war.)

Ed. comment to the preceding two definitions: French author Edmond Paris, who was born a Roman Catholic, tells us: “The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict.”

III. Quotations dealing with the history of the Jesuits (most of them, hopefully, in some sort of chronological order; and sometimes with my amplification [enclosed in brackets] added within the quotation, and/or my comments added following the quotation):

            “On 27 September 1540, in a private reception hall of the Palace of the Popes on Vatican Hill, Rome, eleven men of aristocratic birth [Ed.: including Ignatius Loyola], met with Pope Paul III [Ed.: pope: 1534-1549] who gave approval of their [Ed.: JESUIT] Order. That beginning was to become the most loyal and most efficient organization [Ed.: that] the Roman Catholic Church has ever spawned.

In the agreement to rescue [Ed.: Papal] Rome [Ed.: i.e., the Roman Catholic Church-State] from the predicament of losing its world control to Protestantism [Ed.: during the Protestant Reformation], and to preserve the spiritual and temporal supremacy which the popes [Ed.: had] ‘usurped’ during the Middle Ages, [Ed.: Papal] Rome now ‘sold’ the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Church to the Society of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT ORDER]; in essence the popes surrendered themselves into their [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS’] hands.” – John Daniel(“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Page 64)

            “The Roman Inquisitionhad been administered since 1542 by the JESUITS.” – F. Tupper Saussy (“Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies”; 2001 First HARPERCOLLINS Edition; Page xviii)

“Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT ORDER] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city-states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversive plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a JESUIT priest of repute [Ed.: i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection.” – J.E.C. Shepherd(Canadian historian; “The Babington Plot”; 1987; Page 12)

            “In 1560 the Senate of Venice forbade the JESUITS to confess women [Ed.: i.e., to hear confession from women], because they made use of confession for purposes of immoralityMany boys and girls are first made to eat of the tree of the knowledge of evil in the confessional.” – A. Robertson (“The Roman Catholic Church in Italy”; 1903; London; p 162) [Ed.: The confessional has been the seed of much evil. Charles Chiniquy, a Catholic priest for 25 years, exposed the debauchery of the confessional in his book, “The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional”. To order it by credit card, please call Chick Publications at 1-909-987-0771.]

            “The JESUIT General, in control of the Monarchs of France, mass-murdered the French Protestant Calvinists including their great leader, Admiral Coligny [Ed.: starting with the St. Bartholomew’s Massacre in Paris, France on August 24, 1572].” – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; 1st Edition, 2001; Page 102)

“The Babington Plot [Ed.: a conspiracy that was “hatched” in 1580] was probably the greatest of the many plots of the pope and the JESUITS during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and [Ed.: King] James I designed to bring about the downfall of Protestant England, the overthrow of the Reformation in England, Scotland and Ireland, and to place some other claimant upon the Throne who would be acceptable to [Ed.: Papal] Rome, and committed to bring the English in submission to the sovereignty of [Ed.: Papal] Rome.

            Between 1569 and 1605 (of Gunpowder Plot infamy) there were no less than eleven great plots against Elizabeth and English Protestantism, working toward assassination, rebellion and invasion. Each is known by the name of the leader of the treachery: Ridolfi, Sanders, [Ed.: Pope] Gregory XIII, [Ed.: JESUIT priest] Campion, [Ed.: JESUIT priest Robert] Parsons, [Ed.: the Duke of Guise, [Ed.: Cardinal] Allen, Throgmorten, Parry, [Ed.: Anthony] Babington, [Ed.: Pope] Sixtus V, [Ed.: King] Philip II of Spain, Yorke, Walpole, Southwell, and Guy Fawkes.

            There can be no doubt whatsoever but that the Pope of Rome was very much interested as well as vitally involved in all of these attempts.

            The Babington Plot [Ed.: to invade England, to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I, to incite rebellion, and then to place Roman Catholic Mary Stuart on the throne] took its name from Anthony Babington, a young English gentlemanbut the real brains behind the conspiracy were the pope [Ed.: i.e., Gregory XIII], Cardinal Allen, the JESUITS, and the Roman Catholic priest named John Ballard – J.E.C. Shepherd (“The Babington Plot: Jesuit Intrigue in Elizabethan England”; Wittenburg Publications, Toronto, Canada; 1987; Pages 118, 123)

            “It is impossible to read Elizabethan history [Ed.: i.e., the history surrounding Queen Elizabeth I of England; born-died: 1533-1603; queen: 1558-1603] except in the context of an army of JESUITS, masters of deceit, treachery, treason, infiltration, subversion, assassination, insurrection, civil war and coercion, plotting for the good of the papacy, and the defeat of all the Pope’s foes anywhere in the world.” – J.E.C. Shepherd (“The Babington Plot”; 1987; Page 20)

“Eight years before the attempted [Ed.: Spanish] Armada invasion [Ed.: of 1588], JESUITS were seditiously active plotting the overthrow of the English government. By using different disguises, aliases, and secret codes, to illegally slip in and out of England, JESUIT Robert Parson [Ed.: several books have “Parsons”], in 1580, had led and then later organized a mission to bring other JESUITS into England to engage in a work of subversion. When the [Ed.: attempted] invasion [Ed.: by the Spanish Armada] failed, these masters of intrigue [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] turned to another bizarre scheme. Known in your encyclopedia under the subject, ‘The Gunpowder Plot’ – thirteen [Ed.: Roman] Catholic noblemen and five JESUITS formed a conspiracy devising a plan to explode 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellar of the House of Lords and kill King James I, and members of the [Ed.: House of] Commons as they assembled for the opening of Parliament on 5 November 1605. Their plan was to blow up the Parliament building and out of the chaos [Ed.: to] incite the people into a full insurrection.

            But before the date [Ed.: that] it [Ed.: i.e., the stack of 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellar] was to be detonated, the explosives were discovered, leading to the arrest of all those involved. Of the five JESUITS involved, two escaped, one died in prison, and two were convicted and executed.” – John Daniel (“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Pages 76, 77)

            “This Protestant, Bible-believing, man of God [Ed.: i.e., William, Prince of Orange] is the Father of Religious and Political Liberty. He broke the Pope’s Temporal Power over Holland, protected the Anabaptists and Mennonites who refused to take up the Sword of Just Defense against the Spanish armies of [Ed.: King] Philip II, and gave refuge to the persecuted Jews of Europe. He was murdered [Ed.: in 1584] by an assassin having been sent by the JESUITS, Balthazar Gerard, in obedience to the bloody JESUIT Oath.” – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; 1st Edition, 2001; Page 108)

            “In 1589, King Henry III of France was stabbed to death by a JESUIT assassin named Jacques Clement. This ended the dynasty of the House of Valois.” – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; 1st Edition, 2001; Page 127)

            “[Ed.: In 1594 the French Parliament ordained that]: All the priests and scholars of the [Ed. JESUIT] college of Clermont, and others calling themselves the SOCIETY OF JESUS, as being corrupters of youth, disturbers of the public peace, and enemies of the king and State, should depart in three days from their house and college, and in fifteen days out of the whole kingdom [Ed.: of France].” (This quote was taken from page 399 of Vol. 2 of J.A. Wylie’s “The History of Protestantism”.)

“Known as Henry of Navarre [Ed.: i.e., King Henry IV of France], being the first of the Bourbon kings, he brought religious liberty to France with his Edict of Nantes – thus outraging the JESUIT ORDERAfter several attempts [Ed.: on King Henry IV’s life], the JESUITS finally assassinated him at point blank range [Ed.: in 1610] with one of their fanatical, remorseless tools, [Ed.: the monk François] Ravaillac.” – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; 1st Edition, 2001; Page 129)

“The whole frightful responsibility for this terrible Thirty Years’ War [Ed.: 1618-1648] must rest upon the [Ed.: Holy Roman] Emperor Ferdinand II, and his teachers, rulers, and bosom friends – the SONS OF LOYOLA [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS].” – Karl Theodor Griesinger (“The Jesuits”; 1873)

“The Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648, was a series of conflicts that became the last great struggle of religious wars in Europe. It was fought almost exclusively on German soilbut before the war ended, it involved most of the nations of Europe. The underlying cause of the war was the deep-seated hostility between the German Protestants and German Catholics – with the JESUITS and Cardinal Richelieu, who was the real ruler of France, fanning the fires to accomplish their ends. When the war was over it had totally wiped out the German economy leaving behind a wasteland where one half (some historians say even two thirds) of the population were dead.” – John Daniel (“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Page 77)

“The sixth and last event to be considered is the barbarous Irish Massacre, with its 23 October 1641 launching date – the date that also celebrates the Catholic feast of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the JESUITS.

            Again the plot is instigated by the JESUITS, priests, and friars, who excite the ignorant Irish Catholic people to a frenzy to commit the most unheard of cruelties. In far away France, Cardinal Richelieu, the French minister, had promised the [Ed.: Irish Catholic] conspirators a considerable supply of men and money. In one stroke, [Ed: Roman] Catholics rose up against their peaceful and unsuspecting Protestant neighbors, and spared no age, no sex, nor condition. Led on and declared by their fanatical priestly leaders, that no Protestant should be suffered to live any longer among them, adding that it was no more sin to kill a Protestant than to kill a dog, and that the relieving or protecting them was a crime of the most unpardonable nature.

The onslaught raged on, and when it had run its course, one hundred and fifty thousand Protestants lay mutilated, butchered, and dead.

            For the unbiased researcher, history reeks of the butchery of Romanism, where whole cities and populations were unmercifully wiped out, just because they worshipped God in a manner that was different from Roman Catholicism.” – John Daniel (“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Page 78)

“The JESUIT ORDER at last reached the pinnacle of its power and prestige in the early eighteenth century [Ed.: i.e., the early 1700s]. It had become more influential and more wealthy than any other organization in the world. It held a position in world affairs that no oath-bound group of men has ever held before or since ‘Nearly all the Kings and Sovereigns of Europe had only JESUITS as directors of their consciences [Ed.: i.e., as confessor-priests, “father-confessors”], so that the whole of Europe appeared to be governed by JESUITS only.’” – Boyd Barrett (Ex-Jesuit) (1927; using a short quote by Jesuit Cordara) [Ed: The Jesuit Order is just as powerful today as it was back in the early 1700s – and probably much wealthier!]

            “We have remarked to our deep regret that our admonitions to them [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] to serve God and not to mix themselves up with other matters, especially secular and political, as well as many other measures, have been almost powerless and of no effect. Our predecessors [Ed.: i.e., previous popes] had to undergo much vexation on that account. Pope Innocent XI, driven by necessity, went so far as to forbid the society [Ed.: of Jesus – i.e., the JESUIT ORDER] to receive and invest novices. Further, [Ed.: Pope] Innocent XIII was compelled to threaten them [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] with the same punishment, and [Ed.: Pope] Benedict XIV closed the visitation of the inspection of the houses and colleges in the dominion ofthe most faithful King of Portugal – Clement XIV [pope: 1769-74]

We abolish and do away with forever their [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS’] statutes, habits and customs, decrees and Constitutions, even when sealed by oath or Apostolical Confirmation: so that from this day hence the ‘Society of Jesus’ no longer exists.” – Clement XIV [pope: 1769-74] (Statement made in 1773)

            That the name of the company [Ed.: i.e., the Society of Jesus – the JESUITS] shall be, and is forever extinguished and suppressed[Ed.: This Papal Decree of Suppression shall]forever and to all eternity be valid, permanent, and efficacious.” – Clement XIV [pope: 1769-74](From his Papal Decree suppressing the JESUITS in 1773) [Ed.: Some authors claim that this decree was a Papal Bull – Papal Rome claims it was a “Brief” – but no matter which it was, a Roman Catholic pope officially banned this Roman Catholic religious order for all eternity! This suppression and abolition of the Jesuits did not last “to all eternity”. Less than 50 years later, the Jesuits were “reinstated” (some believe, by force). Pope Clement XIV had previously carried out a four-year investigation into the workings of the JESUITS. He listed eleven other popes who had tried to curb the excesses of the JESUITS. Fourteen months after issuing his Papal Decree suppressing the JESUITS, Pope Clement XIV was poisoned to death by them.]

“They [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] were abolished by papal bull in 1773 at the demand of France, Spain, Portugal, Parma, Naples and Austria. They are, however, still to be found everywhere, and they hold considerable property in England. A modern writer justly calls them the ‘Black International’.” – Lady Queenborough(1933)

            “Alas, I knew they [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner.” – Clement XIV [pope: 1769-74] [Ed.: Clement XIV made this statement in 1774 shortly after he had been poisoned by the JESUITS as “payback” for his suppression of the JESUIT ORDER in 1773.]

            “[Ed.: JESUIT Adam] Weishaupt established the [Ed.: modern version of the] Illuminati [Ed.: in 1776] specifically to be a front organization behind which the JESUITS could hide. After being [Ed.: formally] abolished by [Ed.: Pope] Clement XIV in 1773, the JESUITS used the Illuminati and other organizations to carry out their operations. Thus, the front organizations would be blamed for the trouble caused by the JESUITS.” – Bill Hughes (“The Enemy Unmasked”; 1st Edition, 2004; Page 23)

            “Why would the JESUITS use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The JESUITS never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they can use someone else as the ‘cause of the world’s problems’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives. The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are JESUIT agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only JESUIT agents that operate under a Jewish front. [Ed.: The Jesuits will use persons of any race, sex, or religion as their agents.]

            The following sources [Ed.: Bill Hughes lists a number of books at the end of this paragraph] indicate that [Ed.: JESUIT] Adam Weishaupt and the Rothschilds were the brains and the wealth behind the French Revolution [Ed.: of 1789-1799].” – Bill Hughes (“The Enemy Unmasked”; 1st Edition, 2004; Pages 29, 30)

            “They [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] have so constantly mixed themselves up in court and state intrigues that they must, in justice, be reproached with striving after world dominion. They cost kings their lives, not on the scaffold, but by assassination, and equally hurtful as the society of Illuminati [Ed.: a JESUIT front group]; they [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] were the foremost among the crowd, at all events, who applauded the murder scenes in Paris [Ed.: France, during the French Revolution of 1789-1799].” – Austrian Archduke Maxmilian Francis (1815)

“Without exception, every chief actor in the French Revolution [Ed.: of 1789-1799] was either JESUIT-educated, a Catholic prelate, or a member of the Illuminati Order [Ed.: a JESUIT front organization] where within the Jacobin Club they would come together to conspire and carry out the ‘Great Work’ – which in the open system of the Jacobins was the reflection of the complete hidden system of the Illuminati – and in back of the Illuminati were the hidden JESUIT ‘masters’.

Most [Ed.: of the leaders of the French Revolution of 1789-1799] had been educated and trained under JESUIT tutelage. Names like Voltaire, Diderot, Turgot, Condorcet, d’Alembert, Desmoulins, and Robespierre were all inspired JESUIT college students rallying behind their instructors’ Enlightenment cause. No wonder there was no true opposition to the movement from the JESUIT camp. Remember well! The French Revolution is nothing less than a prototype of what the whole world is soon to be plunged into.” – John Daniel (“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Pages 212, 213, and 262)

            “The JESUITS, [Ed.: JESUIT Adam] Weishaupt, and the Rothschilds managed to cast the blame for the French Revolution [Ed.: of 1789-1799] on their front organization, the Illuminati!” – Bill Hughes (“The Enemy Unmasked”; 1st Edition, 2004; Page 31)

            “I [Ed.: i.e., author Jack T. Chick] questioned Dr. [Ed.: Alberto] Rivera about the briefings he received in the Vatican when he was a JESUIT priest. I asked him if he was briefed on how the Vatican planned to take over the United States. He told me [Ed.: that] his indoctrination [Ed.: i.e., his training as a JESUIT] went back [Ed.: into American history] to the time of the Pilgrims. Because of the knowledge of the Inquisition and the slaughter of Christians by the Roman Catholic system, the early immigrants in America began passing laws to keep JESUITS out of this country and to outlaw the Massto protect themselves from a Vatican takeover. These were Christian communities deeply concerned about the ‘whore of Revelation’ [Ed.: i.e., the “whore” described in chapter 17 of the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible].

            JESUITS began arriving in America as early as the second group of Pilgrims. They used different names with identifications. They were followed years later when the Vatican sent multitudes of Catholic families from England, Ireland, and France – posing as Protestants – into the colonies. These were ‘plants’. They were holding secret Masses in defiance of the laws. In those days, no Roman Catholic was to hold any position in civil government. The JESUITS made sure this part of our history was erased and removed.

            The next major move by the JESUITS was to destroy or control all the Christian schools across America. Throughout the years, JESUITS, working undercover, have gotten into special committees on school boards to remove the emphasis of the Bible and replace it with psychology as found in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius de Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Society. Later, [Ed.: Roman] Catholic schools and universities sprang up all across the nation under the JESUITS. Today, they probably outnumber all the Christian schools and colleges put together.

            The third stage was to move into the courts and legislationto take over as judges and lawyers in order to manipulate the Constitution in their favor until it could be changed. Once this was accomplished, the thrust was into politics to capture the political parties. Then [Ed.: the JESUITS moved on to] the military and the newspapers. Even back in the time of Lincoln over half the newspapers in the United States were controlled by the Vatican.” – Jack T. Chick (“Smokescreens”; 1983; Pages 75 and 76)

[Ed.: American Secretary of the Navy R.W.] Thompson pinpointed exactly who would be the agents used by the monarchs of Europe to destroy the republic of America, namely, the JESUITS of [Ed.: Papal] Rome! Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the JESUITS to try to destroy the constitutional rights of this great nation. [Ed.: Many constitutional rights were “set aside” by Supreme Court interpretations of the 14th Amendment of 1868, and these rights continue to be “set aside” under the guise of fighting the “war on terrorism”.]

            The famous inventor of the Morse code, Samuel B. Morse, also wrote of this sinister [Ed.: JESUIT] plot against the United States.” – Bill Hughes (“The Secret Terrorists”; 2002; Page 7)

            “The Russian emperor, Alexander [Ed.: i.e., Czar Alexander I], was currently compelled to issue a royal decree in 1816, by which he expelled them [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] from St. Petersburg and Moscow. This proving ineffectual, he issued another [Ed.: royal decree] in 1820, excluding them [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] entirely from the Russian dominions.” – R.W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy; “The Footprints of the Jesuits”; Pages 245, 246)

            “The Monroe Doctrine was America’s response to the JESUITS’ Congresses of Vienna [Ed.: in 1814-15] and Verona [Ed.: in 1822]. America would consider it an act of war if any European nation sought colonial expansion in the Western Hemisphere. The JESUITS have been able secretly to attack and infiltrate America to accomplish exactly what the Monroe Doctrine was stated to protect against. They [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] have been able to get away with it because it was done with utmost secrecy and under the façade of being a church.

            The Monroe Doctrine challenged any advance on America by Europe. However, [Ed.: U.S. President James] Monroe did not really understand that the crafty JESUITS would not initially use the force of arms to gain their objectives. They [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] would use cunning, craftiness, and utmost secrecy. They would appeal to men’s basest points. They would plant their agents in positions of wealth and power [Ed.: such as in the courts, the U.S. Congress, and U.S. Intelligence agencies] and then use their influence to gain their great prize – the subversion and destruction of every Protestant principle as outlined in the Constitution of the United States.” – Bill Hughes (“The Secret Terrorists”; 2002; Pages 16, 17)

            “By 1815, the JESUITS [Ed.: through their agents, the Rothschilds] had complete control over England. If a leader did not do as he was told, money would be used to kill, smear [Ed.: character assassination is a favorite tactic of the JESUITS], destroy, blackmail, or just drive from office. What was done in England is being done in many countries today.” – Bill Hughes (“The Enemy Unmasked”; 1st Edition, 2004; Page 37)

            “During this Congress [Ed.: of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of JESUIT emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [Ed.: U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new JESUITICAL principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America.” – Bill Hughes (“The Secret Terrorists”; 2002; Page 14)

“In 1828 an organization in Vienna [Ed.: Austria] was formed which was called the ‘Saint Leopold Foundation’. The plan was then, to operate under the mask of religion, which would insure its safety from any governmental interference and they [Ed.: i.e., the Divine Righters – the despotic European monarchs who, guided by the JESUITS, had formed the Holy Alliance in 1815 at the end of the Congress of Vienna] hoped to accomplish by intrigue and innuendo what could not be done by bullets and bayonets.

The Hapsburg family of Austria was the most powerful Roman Catholic ruling family in Europe and consequently the most cruel, despotic and reactionary, and had the American people not been so absorbed in the upbuilding of the Republic, they would have detected the hypocrisy of this ‘holy’ fraud – the Saint Leopold Foundation. [Ed.: The Knights of Columbus and other Roman Catholic organizations in the USA are the successors, beneficiaries, and offspring of the Saint Leopold Foundation.]

One of the Hapsburg brothers, Prince Rudolph, was a member of the Roman Curia, the Cardinal Rudolph Hapsburg of Olmutz. It was easy for the JESUITS of the Vatican to operate through him as the agent for the [Ed.: Saint Leopold] foundation funds which poured into the United States in a stream of gold. Nor did the Vatican furnish all the funds. They were most likely furnished by the ‘high contracting parties’ of the Holy Alliance [Ed.: in accordance with the provisions of] the ‘secret treaty of Verona’ [Ed.: Italy, in 1822]. In short, the immense sums [Ed.: of money] distributed among the bishops and archbishops of the [Ed.: Roman] Catholic Church in this country in establishing bishoprics in cities where none existed, were used solely as gigantic POLITICAL SLUSH FUNDS [Ed.: emphasis is in the original] to corrupt and ultimately destroy the government and ‘set up a monarchial’ one instead [Ed.: i.e., in its place].

One year after the Saint Leopold Foundation had been established, it received the recognition and blessing of the pope.

…[Ed.: Foreign immigrants from Roman] Catholic Europe, especially from Ireland, then began pouring into this country from every nook and cranny of that poverty-stricken continent; in many cases, their passages [Ed.: across the Atlantic Ocean] being advanced from this ‘slush fund’. The Roman [Ed.: Catholic] bishops of every large city from New York to San Francisco then began massing the foreign [Ed.: immigrants’] vote.

…The massed Roman [Ed.: Catholic] vote in the cities placed the balance of political power in the hands of the Roman [Ed.: Catholic] bishops and priests. Intimidation has always been the ‘big stick’ when any man in public office presumed to oppose the advance of these ecclesiastical ‘bosses’. With the rapidly increased foreign immigration, these agents of the [Ed.: JESUIT-controlled] Divine Righters of Europe (operating through the JESUITS and their lay agents) have made progress beyond their wildest dreams. City councils, state legislatures, and even Congress have been browbeaten and bribed.

…The Saint Leopold Foundation is a great JESUIT Spy System which is not confined to the ecclesiastics of the Roman [Ed.: Catholic] Church, but embraces every element of society… Nor, indeed, is it restricted to Roman Catholics, for the JESUITS do not hesitate to use non-Catholic tools whenever it is possible. In fact, they [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] prefer them [Ed.: i.e., non-Catholics], for in this way attention is distracted from them. In case of failure it is always preferable to use non-Catholics. [Ed.: The JESUITS often use “Protestant” Freemasons, papal “court Jews”, and various JESUIT front groups, such as the Illuminati, to carry out the JESUITS’ sinister and nefarious operations – thus shifting the blame onto others for their own nasty deeds!]

The priest of every parish in this country is the kingpin in this web of spying, and reports regularly to his bishop every item of interest – directly or indirectly; and in turn, the bishop to his archbishop, the archbishop to the cardinal, and the cardinal to the pope. The confessional box is the Roman [Ed.: Catholic] clearinghouse, whereby the Pope keeps his finger on the pulse of the world.

…The Leopoldines are honeycombed in every avenue of civic, state and national life. There are, to begin with, the police departments of the various cities, ninety percent of whom I may, I think, conservatively say, are Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. They are always at the beck and call of the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] hierarchy. Their chief duty as ‘Catholic citizens’ is to obey their bishops and the Holy See [Ed.: i.e., the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church-State] ‘as God himself’. [Ed.: Sadly, many Roman Catholic Americans, especially those in orders that have “secret” oaths, give their primary loyalty to the Roman Catholic Church-State. In other words, their loyalty to despotic, JESUIT-controlled Papal Rome takes priority over their loyalty to the U.S. Constitution or any State constitution.]

Then there are their JESUIT college graduates in every state, who are especially trained as expert spies.

…The principal branches of the Leopoldines [Ed.: remember that Burke McCarty’s book was published first in 1924], still operating in this country under various titles, are: The German Catholic Central Verein, with headquarters in St. Louis and Detroit; The Third Order of St. Francis…; The Catholic Laymen’s Council; the League of the Sacred Heart, and the Catholic Women’s Council. These organizations are all branches of the Leopoldines’ Spy System.

…This great Spy System penetrates every avenue of social life. The field of journalism has been invaded until a Roman Catholic sits at many important editorial desks of great newspapers, from coast to coast. [Ed.: 20th century examples of media control by Papal Rome are: William Randolph Hearst and Henry Robinson Luce – both of whom, according to author and researcher Eric Jon Phelps, were JESUIT-controlled Knights of Malta.] They fill the reportorial staffs and other departments in the front offices – and it goes without saying that the presses, composing rooms and other mechanical departments are dominated by them.

These [Ed.: Leopoldine] Spies are members of all the important commissions, public works, school boards, library boards, housing commissions, naturalization departments, and are even active members of ‘Americanization’ Committees.

…On every textbook committee selected to pass on books to be used in our public schools, sits a Roman [Ed.: Catholic] priest, or his personal representative. He is there for the purpose of seeing to it that every truth derogatory to the Roman Catholic Church is eliminated and every thing that will in any way reflect credit upon that institution is incorporated. This explains why it is that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln has been carefully suppressed so that the extent of the knowledge about this greatest of all tragedies of the history of our country does not exceed these words: ‘President Lincoln was assassinated at Ford’s Theatre, April 14th, 1865, by an actor named John Wilkes Booth. Andrew Johnson was immediately sworn into office.’” – Burke McCarty (“The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; first published in 1924; Pages 74-79 of the 1999 Larry Harrison Edition)

“Let us examine the operations of this Austrian Society [the St. Leopold Foundation], for it is hard at work all around us, yes, here in this country [Ed.: i.e., the USA] With its headquarters in Vienna [Ed.: Austria], under the immediate direction and inspection of [Ed.: Austrian Prince] Metternich, it makes itself already felt through the [Ed.: American] Republic. Its emissaries are here. And who are these emissaries? They are JESUITS. This [Ed.: Roman Catholic] society of men, after exerting their tyranny for upwards of two hundred years, at length became so formidable to the world, threatening the entire subversion to all social order, that even the Pope [Ed.: i.e., Clement XIV], whose devoted subjects they [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] are, and must be, by the vow of their society, was compelled to dissolve them [Ed.: in 1773].

They had not been suppressed, however, for fifty years, before the waning influence of Popery and Despotism required their useful labors to resist the light of Democratic liberty, and the Pope (Pius VII) simultaneously with the formation of the Holy Alliance [Ed.: in Europe], revived the order of the JESUITS in all their power. [Ed.: Pope Pius VII restored the Jesuit Order in 1814 in exchange for his release from prison.]

And do Americans need to be told what JESUITS are? If any are ignorant, let them inform themselves of their history without delay; no time is to be lost; their workings are before you in every day’s events; they are a secret society, a sort of Masonic order with super added features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous. They are not merely priests, or priests of one religious creed; they are merchants, and lawyers, and editors, and men of any profession, having no outward badge (in this country [Ed.: i.e., the USA]) by which to be recognized; they are about in all your society. They can assume any character, that of angels of light, or ministers of darkness, to accomplish their one great end, the service upon which they are sent, whatever that service may be.

They [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] are educated men, prepared, and sworn to start at any moment, and in any direction, and for any service, commanded by the general of their order [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT Superior General, the “Black Pope”], bound to no family, community, or country, by the ordinary ties which bind men; and sold for life to the cause of the Roman Pontiff.” – Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book “Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States”)

[Ed.: U.S. President] James Buchanan was poisoned [Ed.: on February 23, 1857] and almost died. He lived because he knew that he had been given arsenic poisoning and so informed his doctors. He knew that the JESUITS [Ed.: had] poisoned [Ed.: U.S. Presidents] Harrison and Taylor [Ed.: with arsenic]. The JESUIT ORDER fulfilled their oath again that they would poison, kill, or do whatever was necessary to remove those who opposed their plans. [Ed.: U.S. President Buchanan had temporarily thwarted JESUIT plans to split the Union when he refused to attack those southern states that had expressed a desire to leave the Union.] From 1841 to 1857, we saw that three [Ed.: U.S.] Presidents were attacked by the JESUITS as outlined in the Congresses of Vienna, Verona, and Chieri. Two died and one barely escaped [Ed.: death]. They [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] allow nothing to stand in their way of total domination of America, and the destruction of the  [Ed.: U.S.] Constitution.” – Bill Hughes (“The Secret Terrorists”; 2002; p 39)

“…The JESUITS have not yet killed me [Ed.: i.e., President Abraham Lincoln]. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore [Ed.: Maryland, in February of 1861], had I not defeated their plans, by passing incognito a few hours before they expected me…

The Pope and the JESUITS, with their infernal Inquisition, are the only organized powers in the world which have recourse to the dagger of the assassin to murder those whom they cannot convince with their arguments or conquer with the sword…

New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances, that they bring to my memory the massacre of St. Bartholomew [Ed.: i.e., the slaughter of French Protestant Huguenots in August of 1572] and the Gunpowder Plot [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT conspiracy to murder King James I of England and members of Parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder in 1605]. Our investigation [Ed.: i.e., of the assassination plots made against President Abraham Lincoln] indicate that they come from the same masters in the act of murder, the JESUITS…

            So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by JESUITS. The JESUITS are so expert in those deeds of blood, that Henry IV [Ed.: King of France, who was assassinated by the JESUITS on May 14, 1610] said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all that could be done to protect himself. My escape from their [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS’] hands, since the letter of the pope [Ed.: i.e., Pope Pius IX] to [Ed.: Confederate States of America President] Jeff Davis has sharpened a million of daggers to pierce my breast, would be more than a miracle.” – Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States; as told to his friend Charles Chiniquy; Pages 292, 294, 299, and 302 of the 1985 Chick Publications’ Edition of Chiniquy’s book “50 Years in the ‘Church’ of Rome”)

“The awakening of the president [Ed.: i.e., Lincoln] and the North [Ed.: i.e., the Union] came on the morning of April 12, 1861 with the firing on Fort Sumter [Ed.: in South Carolina]. [Ed.: Confederate States Army Brigadier] General Beauregard [Ed.: 1818-1893], JESUIT leader of the military operations, sent this opening shot of the rebellion. Beauregard was a professed Romanist and sprung from a distinguished family of JESUITS.” – C.T. Wilcox (“The Transformation of the Republic: The Origins of the Religious Hi-Jacking of the American Government and the Truth Behind the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 2005; Page 150)

“The [Ed.: American] Civil War [Ed.: of 1861-65] was not a ‘homespun’ affair. It was the result of the same upheavals that have changed the face of Europe. The promises and active help of the European empires and the Church of Rome along with the JESUIT ORDER had stiffened the resolve and attitude of the Southern leaders, some of whom were quite willing to see the monarchic principle triumph in North America.” – C.T. Wilcox(“The Transformation of the Republic”; 2005; Page 8)

“This [Ed.: American Civil] war [Ed.: of 1861-65] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the JESUITS. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis [Ed.: President of the Confederate States of America] nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the JESUITS, that under the mask of Democracy, the money and arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France, were at their disposal if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of [Ed.: Papal] Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know on that subject from the knowledge of the nation, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the JESUITS, if they could hear what Professor [Ed.: Samuel F.B.] Morse [Ed.: U.S. inventor of the telegraph] has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome [Ed.: by the Papacy and the Jesuits] to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissariesof thePope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here [Ed.: in the USA] as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.” Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States; as told to his friend Charles Chiniquy; from pages 296 and 297 of the 1985 Chick Publications’ Edition of Chiniquy’s book “50 Years in the ‘Church’ of Rome”)

“The JESUITS, with their ‘Holy Alliance’ of [Ed.: European] despots, conspired to overthrow Protestant republicanism, especially the Federal Government of these United States of America. For our government had been established upon the principles of the Bible of the English Reformation, the Authorized King James Version of 1611. Those principles were embodied in the Protestant documents known as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of rights. Therefore, pursuant to the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Council of Trent [Ed.: of 1545-1563] and JESUIT Oath, this ‘heretic nation’ was to be overthrown

            The method [Ed.: for overthrowing the American Constitutional Republic] was threefold. FirstAmerica must be invaded by foreign immigrants, Irish Roman Catholics especially; secondly, civil war must be incited resulting in the annihilation of the White Protestant and Baptist Southern culture; and lastly, the Protestant Constitution must be modified resulting in the centralization of power in Washington, D.C.

            Such was the plan. The following is how it was accomplished. The JESUITS, using Scottish Rite Freemasonry, first divided the country into geographical sections, North and South, with the Missouri Compromise. The Freemason used to that end was the centralist, Henry Clay. The JESUITS then brought in thousands of Irish Roman Catholics and settled them predominantly in Northern cities. In the 1820s British Secret Service agents under JESUIT control then fomented ‘the anti-slavery agitation’ Then a new political party, consisting of the centralizing, old Federalists, was created in the North called ‘the Republican Party’. The JESUITS used it to intensify the anti-slavery agitation with the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Meanwhile, the JESUITS with their Freemasonry created the radical secessionists in the South. They would hotly promote the withdrawing of the Southern States from the Union. Two Freemasons who were radical secessionists were John C. Calhoun and Robert Toombs.

The JESUITS, in control of the ‘Radical Red Republican Party’ insured the election of [Ed.: Abraham] Lincoln by disrupting the Democratic convention in Charleston with their Masonic tools, Stephen Douglas in particular

            The JESUIT ORDERhad used the high Freemasons of America to cut the nation in half, cause hatred and discord between the Northern and Southern peoples using ‘the anti-slavery agitation’, and then ignited a war of annihilation against the Protestant peoples of the South pursuant to the evil Council of Trent!

            The purpose [Ed.: of inciting the American Civil War of 1861-65] was to destroy the primarily Protestant States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia while only lightly afflicting the primarily Roman Catholic States of Louisiana and Florida. Hundreds of thousands of foreign mercenaries were hired [Ed.: by the North] ‘to extirpate the White Southern heretics from the face of the whole earth’. In addition to eleven thousand Germans, the JESUITS used hundreds of thousands of their most devoted Irish Roman Catholics to ransack the South just as they had done in Germany during the ghastly and nightmarish Thirty Years’ War [Ed.: in Europe, 1618-48]. [Ed.: Thousands of Irish Roman Catholic troops deserted from the Union Army after the publication of Pope Pius IX’s letter of support to Jefferson Davis in 1863.]

            The JESUITS would control both sides of the conflict [Ed.: i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-65] as they did during the Napoleonic Wars. They controlled the radicals in the North, particularly Thaddeus Stevens in the House, Charles Sumner in the Senate and Freemason Edwin Stanton, Lincoln’s Secretary of War. They also controlled the leadership in the South, particularly [Ed.: Confederate President] Jefferson Davis and Judah Benjamin, the Secretary of War.” – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; 1st Edition, 2001; Pages 304-309)

            “The death [Ed.: i.e., the assassination] of Abraham Lincolnwas instigated by the ‘Black’ pope, the [Ed.: Superior] General of the JESUIT ORDER – camouflaged by the ‘White’ pope, Pius IX [Ed.: pope: 1846-78] – aided, abetted and financed by other ‘Divine Righters’ of Europe – and finally consummated by the Roman [Ed.: Catholic]Hierarchy and their paid agents in this country [Ed.: i.e., the USA] and French Canada on ‘Good Friday’ night, April 14, 1865, at Ford’s Theatre, Washington, D.C.

            In closing, I [Ed.: i.e., Burke McCarty, author of the book “The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”] will leave it to my reader to decide whether I have proven my contention in the beginning of this book that the assassination of [Ed.: President] Abraham Lincoln [Ed.: in 1865] and four other [Ed.: U.S.] Presidents is but a part of the great conspiracy which was outlined in the secret Treaty of Verona [Ed.: in Italy in 1822] to destroy this, the most formidable Republic. [Ed.: And, that I, Burke McCarty, have proven]:

[1.] That the execution of this conspiracy in Lincoln’s case was delegated by the Pope of Rome to the JESUITS, aided and abetted by the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] priests of Canada and Washington, D.C., in the United States, and by their lay agents, the Leopoldines.

[2.] That instead of the use of bullets and bayonets, their method has been, and is still, to destroy from within by the subversion of all of the free institutions upon which this Republic is based.

[3.] That the [Ed.: JESUIT-controlled] Church of Rome has established a separate citizenship to promote its teachings and [Ed.: has done so] by its enormous wealth, a large proportion of which has been obtained by unconstitutional and illegal appropriations from public funds; that with this wealth (over two and a half billion dollars worth of church and other religious property, for the most part exempt from taxation) it has by a system of intimidation and bribery corrupted our free press and is in control of every avenue of publicity, so that the American people remain in almost total ignorance of its pernicious activities, which, if not curtailed, will succeed in accomplishing its object in these United States.” – Burke McCarty (“The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 1924; Pages 57, 260, and 261 of the 1999 Larry Harrison Edition)

“But if anyone has still any doubts about of the complicity of the JESUITS in the murder of Abraham Lincoln [Ed.: in 1865], let him look at the very elaborate plan of escape prepared by the priests of Rome to save the lives of the assassins and the conspirators.” – Charles Chiniquy (1809-1899; Ex-Roman Catholic priest; this quote was taken from page 313 of the 1985 Chick Publications’ Edition of Chiniquy’s book “50 Years in the ‘Church’ of Rome”)

“The JESUITS killed [Ed.: U.S. President Abraham] Lincoln [Ed.: on April 14th, 1865] and buried the evidence.

…There is not in the large collection of official condolences received by the United States Government upon the death of Abraham Lincoln, coming from every civilized country in the world, one word from the Pope of Rome. And this in view of the fact that the Pope was King of the Papal States and had more subjects in the United States than any other ruler in Europe.

[Ed.: Pope] Pius IX by his silence at this time, made a confession of his guilt in letters of fire – unquenchable fire – which brands him and his JESUITS with the brand of Cain in the hearts and minds of the American people, when they shall have been given a full knowledge of their (the JESUITS’) responsibility in the conspiracy of destruction of this popular government on that Good Friday night in Ford’s Theater, April 14, 1865 [Ed.: where President Abraham Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth].” – C.T. Wilcox (“The Transformation of the Republic: The Origins of the Religious Hi-Jacking of the American Government and the Truth Behind the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 2005; pp 12 and 250)

“It would seem that the JESUITS had had it in mind, from the beginning of the war [Ed.: i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865], to find an occasion for the taking off [Ed.: i.e., the assassination] of Mr. Lincoln.

These facts, as developed on the trial of the conspirators before a military commission, and on the trial of [Ed.: arch conspirator] John H. Surratt two years later [Ed.: in 1867], before a civil courtshow conclusively the hand of [Ed.: Papal] Rome [Ed.: and especially the JESUIT ORDER] in this stab at our nation’s life [Ed.: i.e., the attempt to decapitate the leadership of the USA on April 14th, 1865, when Lincoln was mortally wounded]. – U.S. Army Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris; “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 1897; Pages 41, 19)

            “[Ed.: Courageous Mexican President Benito Pablo Juarez] was the most dreaded enemy of the Society of Jesus [Ed. i.e., the JESUIT ORDER] while hating the Temporal Power of the Papal Caesar [Ed.: i.e., the pope] in Rome. Heexpelled 200 JESUIT priests [Ed.: from Mexico]. In 1872 he died at his desk, a victim of ‘the poison cup’.”  – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; 1st Edition, 2001; Page 319)

            “Alexander [Ed.: i.e., Czar Alexander II of Russia] had progressed well with his great reforms and had attached his signature to a Constitution to be adopted by Russia. The next day [Ed.: i.e., March 13th, 1881] a bomb was thrown at his carriage, which killed and wounded a number of Cossacks, who accompanied the carriage. The Emperor in deep sympathy left the carriage to look at the dying men, when a second bomb blew him to pieces.” – Arno Gaebelien (“Conflict of the Ages”; Publisher: The Exhorters; Page 85) [Ed.: Czar Alexander II had greatly offended the JESUITS and Papal Rome by supporting the Union during the American Civil War. He had sent part of the Russian fleet to U.S. shores, and had placed those ships under the direct command of President Abraham Lincoln.]

“Although first published in Russia in 1903, ‘The Protocols of Zion’ had their origin in France, and date from the Dreyfus Affair, of which the JESUITS were the chief instigators. These ‘Protocols’ of supposedly Jewish leaders are not the first documents of their kind fabricated by the JESUITS.” – Leo H. Lehmann (“Behind the Dictators”; 1942; Page 15)

“The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its JESUITS in the starting of two world wars – Edmond Paris (“The Secret History of the Jesuits”; 1975 Chick Publications’ Edition; Page 9)

            “After the JESUITS had launched the Bolshevik Revolution and concluded the bloody [Ed.: Russian] Civil War in 1922, that same year a ‘Relief Mission’, led by American JESUITS, was sent into the U.S.S.R. by order of JESUIT General Ledochowski. [Ed.: Edmund] Walsh, the Jesuit who founded the School of Foreign Service at [Ed.: JESUIT] Georgetown University, and led the mission as an expert on the internal affairs of the Soviet Union, appointed JESUIT-trained Joseph Stalin as the Secretary of the Communist Party.

During the 1930s, while [Ed.: JESUIT-trained] Freemason Stalin was outraging the world with his Purges murdering millions of his own countrymen, the [Ed.: JESUIT] Order pretended to be the foe of the very communism it had created and perfected on its Reductions in Paraguay [Ed.: in the 17th and 18th centuries]. The Society of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT ORDER] launched the illusion of its ‘worldwide systematic warfare against the common enemy of Christianity and civilization’, all the while financing it through its Papal Knights on Wall Street manning the Federal Reserve Bank and the Chase Manhattan Bank.

After the [Ed.: JESUITS’] Second Thirty Years’ War [Ed.: Phelps is referring to World War I and World War II], Francis Cardinal Spellman would continue to campaign against ‘godless Jew communism’ throughout the Black Pope’s Cold War during which the Inquisition’s International Intelligence Community was perfected and subordinated to the Papal Caesar [Ed.: i.e., the pope] in Rome.” – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; 1st Edition, 2001; Page 393)

By a ‘providential’ synchronism, when [Ed.: Italian dictator Benito] Mussolini seized power in Italy thanks to don Sturzo, [Ed.: who was a] JESUIT and chief of the Catholic party, [Ed.: then it was at that same time that] Monseigneur Seipel, a JESUIT, became chancellor of Austria. He held that position until 1929, with an interregnum of two years, and, during those decisive years, he led the Austrian interior politics on to the reactionary and clerical road; his successors followed him on that road which led to the absorption of that country into the German block. The bloody repression of working-class uprisings earned him [Ed.: i.e., JESUIT Seipel] the nickname ‘Keine Milde Kardinal’ – the ‘Cardinal without mercy’.” – Edmond Paris (“The Secret History of the Jesuits”; 1975 Chick Publications’ Edition; Page 139)

            “In the early days of May (1936), [Ed.: German Knight of Malta Franz] von Papen entered into secret negotiations with Dr. Schussnigg (Austrian Chancellor) working on his weak point [Ed.: i.e., he was a devout Roman Catholic] and showed him how advantageous a reconciliation with [Ed.: Nazi leader Adolf] Hitler would be as far as the Vatican’s interests were concerned; the argument may seem odd, but Schussnigg was very devout, and von Papen was the pope’s chamberlain [Ed.: i.e., a high official in certain royal courts].

            Not surprisingly, it was the [Ed.: pope’s] secret chamberlain [Ed.: in Germany – i.e., Knight of Malta Franz von Papen] who led the whole affair, which ended, on the 11th of March 1938, with the resignation of the pious Schussnigg (pupil of the JESUITS), in favor of Seyss-Inquart, chief of the Austrian Nazis. The following day [Ed.: March 12, 1938], the German troops entered Austria and the puppet government of Seyss-Inquart proclaimed the union of the country to the [Ed.: Nazi German Third] Reich. The event was welcomed by an enthusiastic declaration of Vienna’s archbishop, Cardinal Innitzer (a JESUIT).” – Edmond Paris (“The Secret History of the Jesuits”; 1975 Chick Publications’ Edition; Page 139)

“The JESUITSinstalled puppet dictators throughout Europe [Ed.: in the decade prior to, and during, World War II (1939-45)]. They were:

[1.] Bavarian Germany and the Third Reich – [Ed.: Adolf] Hitler [Ed.: born-died: 1889-1945] [Ed.: Hitler was put into power by JESUIT-controlled German Knight of Malta Franz von Papen and other influential German Roman Catholics, such as Monsignor Ludwig Kaas, a leader of the German Roman Catholic Center Party.]

[2.] Italy – [Ed.: Benito] Mussolini [Ed.: born-died: 1883-1945] [Ed.: JESUIT Don Luigi Sturzo, chief of the Catholic Party in Italy, helped bring Mussolini to power.]

[3.] ‘Vichy’ France – [Ed.: Henri Philippe] Petain [Ed.: born-died: 1856-1951]

[4.] Spain –  [Ed.: Francisco] Franco [Ed.: born-died: 1892-1975]

[5.] Austria – [Ed.: JESUIT-trained Arthur] Seyss-Inquart

[6.] Poland – [Ed.: Hans] Frank

[7.] Slovakia – [Ed.: JESUIT] Priest [Ed.: Monsignor Jozef] Tiso [Ed.: who was first to send Jews to Auschwitz]

[8.] Croatia – [Ed.: Ante] Pavelitch [Ed.: alternate spelling: Pavelic] [Ed.: and]

[9.] Belgium – [Ed.: JESUIT-trained Leon] Degrelle.

All these Roman Catholic, JESUIT-controlled, Jew-hating dictators were loyal to the greatest war criminal of all, Papal Caesar [Ed.: i.e., Pope] Pius XII and his master, JESUIT [Ed.: Superior] General Wlodimir Ledochowski.” – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; 1st Edition, 2001; Page 478)

“The German author Walter Hagen gives also this discreet information: ‘The JESUITS’ [Ed.: Superior] General, Count Halke von Ledochowski, was ready to organize, on the common basis of anti-communism, some collaboration between the German Secret Service and the JESUIT ORDER.’

            As a result, within the SS Central Security Service, an organization was created, and most of its main posts were held by [Ed.: Roman] Catholic priests wearing the black uniform of the [Ed.: Nazi] SS. The JESUIT ‘father’ Himmler [Ed.: i.e., the uncle of Heinrich Himmler] was one of its superior officers.” – Edmond Paris (“The Secret History of the Jesuits”; 1975 Chick Publications’ Edition; Page 168)

Kurt Heinrich Himmler [Ed.: was] chief of the Gestapo [Ed.: i.e., the secret police force of the German Nazi state], which meant he held in his hand the essential reins of power of the [Ed.: Nazi] regime. Was it his personal merits which earned him such a high position? Did Hitler see in him a superior genius when he compared him [Ed.: i.e., Heinrich Himmler] to the creator of the JESUIT ORDER [Ed.: i.e., Ignatius of Loyola]? It is certainly not what the testimonies of those who knew him imply, as they saw in him nothing more than mediocrity.

            Was that ‘star’ [Ed.: of Heinrich Himmler] shining with a borrowed ‘brightness’? Was it really Kurt Heinrich Himmler, the ostensible [Ed.: i.e., apparent] chief, who actually reigned over the Gestapo and the secret services? Who was sending millions of people, deported for political reasons, and Jews to their death? Was it the flat-faced nephew or [Ed: was it] the [Ed.: Jesuit priest] uncle, the former Canon at the Court of Bavaria, one of [Ed.: Jesuit General] Ledochowski’s favorites, a Jesuit ‘father’ and superior officer of the [Ed.: Nazi] SS?” – Edmond Paris (“The Secret History of the Jesuits”; 1975 Chick Publications’ Edition; Page 168)

            “The [Ed.: Nazi] SS had been organized by [Ed.: Heinrich] Himmler according to the principles of the JESUIT ORDER. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola [Ed: i.e., the founder of the JESUIT ORDER] constituted a model which Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment.” – Walter Shellenberg (Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitdienst [SD]) [Ed.: Blind obedience to orders is a maxim of the Jesuit Order.]

            “[Ed.: Roman] Catholic priest, Fr. Jozef Tiso [Ed.: a JESUIT monsignor], ruler of Slovakia’s Nazi puppet regime of 1939-45…sent that tiny country’s Jewish population of 70,000 to the extermination camps in [Ed.: German-occupied] Poland.” – Dave Hunt (“A Cup of Trembling”; Harvest House Publishers; 1995; Page 191)

            “Once [Ed.: Croatian Roman Catholic dictator Ante] Pavelic took power, [Ed.: JESUIT] Archbishop [Ed.: Aloysius] Stepinac issued a Pastoral Letter ordering the Croatian clergy to support the new Ustasha State. The involvement of [Ed.: Roman] Catholic clergy either in active participation or in blessing the Ustashi-run holocaust [Ed.: of 1941-45] is well documented. One Franciscan monk, Miroslav Filipovic, headed the Jasenovac concentration camp for two years, during which time he directed the extermination of no less than 100,000 victims, mostly Serbian Orthodox. [Ed.: JESUIT] Archbishop Stepinac headed the committee which was responsible for forcible ‘conversions’ to Roman Catholicism under threat of death – and was also the Supreme Military Apostolic Vicar of the Ustashi Army, which effected the slaughter of those who failed to convert [Ed.: to Roman Catholicism]. [Ed.: JESUIT Archbishop Aloysius] Stepinac was known as the ‘father-confessor’ to the Ustashi, and continually bestowed the blessing of Holy Mother Church [Ed.: i.e., the Roman Catholic Church-State] upon its members and actions.” – Dave Hunt (“A Woman Rides the Beast”; Harvest House Publishers; 1994; Page 302)

            “Two JESUIT prelates, Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric, respectively the archbishops of Zagreb and Sarajevo, planned, choreographed, and orchestrated the mass murder of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians in the Roman Catholic Fascist State of Croatia from 1941 through 1945. Roman Catholic Ustashi killer units, often led and urged on by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars, brutally tortured many of their victims prior to murdering them. This religious genocide was one of the most barbaric examples of mass murder seen in the 20th century.” – Darryl Eberhart (Editor of ETI & TTT Newsletters; January 18, 2010)

            “Avro Manhattan was a world-renowned authority on the Roman Catholic Church and the almost total control they have of politics throughout the world. He was a writer for the British Broadcasting Corporation. He has laid the blame for the Vietnam War [Ed.: c. 1957-75] directly at the feet of the JESUITS and the papacy.” – Bill Hughes (“The Enemy Unmasked”; 1st Edition, 2004; Page 94)

IV. Quotations about the Jesuits (of a general nature; sometimes with my amplification [enclosed in brackets] added within the quote, and/or my comments added following the quote):

            “The Company [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits], which went forth to restore Catholicism, became at length the corrupter of all morality – Andrew Steinmetz (“History of the Jesuits”; 1848)

            “The JESUITS dominate the Vatican.” – Abbé Fremont

“The organization of the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Hierarchy is a complete military despotism, of which the Pope is the ostensible [Ed.: i.e., apparent; seeming] head; but of which, the Black Pope [Ed.: i.e., the Superior General of the JESUIT ORDER], is the real head. The Black Pope is the head of the order of the JESUITS, and is called a General [Ed.: more specifically, the Superior General]. He not only has command of his own order, but [Ed.: also] directs and controls the general policy of the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Church. He [Ed.: i.e., the Black Pope, the JESUIT General] is the power behind the throne, and is the real potential head of the Hierarchy. The whole machine is under the strictest rules of military discipline. The whole thought and will of this machine, to plan, propose and execute, is found in its head. There is no independence of thought, or of action, in its subordinate parts. Implicit and unquestioning obedience [Ed.: i.e., blind obedience] to the orders of superiors in authority, is the sworn duty of the priesthood of every grade – U.S. Army Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris(“Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 1897; Page 29)

“The JESUITS are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is powerpowerin its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, powerto control the world by the volition of a single man [Ed.: i.e., the General of the JESUITS]. JESUITISM is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses

            The [Ed.: Superior] General of the JESUITS insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the JESUITS are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the JESUITS, or by the order [Ed.: i.e., at the command] of the [Ed.: JESUIT] General.” – Napoleon I, emperor of France (a.k.a. Napoleon Bonaparte; born-died: 1769-1821)

“The JESUIT ORDER is an association of highly organized warrior priests. They are politicians first and foremost and have been expelled from virtually every country they have had the opportunity to corrupt and destroy. Their modus operandi is political and educational infiltration and subversion and the fomenting of wars and revolutions in order to weaken and mold the target country into submissive pliability, to then be used to carry out their purpose of global ecclesiastically backed dictatorship. The United States is no exception to this.” – C.T. Wilcox (“The Transformation of the Republic: The Origins of the Religious Hi-Jacking of the American Government and the Truth Behind the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 2005; p 8)

            “Indeed, for two centuries, all the French kings, from Henry III to Louis XV, would confess to JESUITS. All German emperors after the early seventeenth century would confess to JESUITS, too. JESUITS would take the confessions of all Dukes of Bavaria after 1579, most rulers of Poland and Portugal, the Spanish kings in the eighteenth century, and James II of England [Ed.: king of England: 1685-88].

            The sacrament of confession kept JESUIT information channels loaded with vital state secrets. It also furnished the Society [Ed.: of Jesus – i.e., the JESUIT ORDER] an ideal vehicle for influencing political action.” – F. Tupper Saussy (“Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies”; 2001 First HarperCollins Edition; Pages 63, 64)

“Above all things, JESUITS are ‘confessors’. Their services unto the royalty were urged as a ‘need’, as they became assigned to hear the confessions of the aristocrats, emperors, kings, queens, princes, princesses, [Ed.: “royal”] mistresses, those in every level of government – they all revealed their secret plans, their intimate sins, their inner-most thoughts, as their lives became virtually an open book to the JESUITS. [Ed.: What an intelligence-gathering system!]

            Through various means of diplomacy, JESUITS worked their way into offices of State, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations. But it was ‘religion’ and its sacred duties of hearing the confessions of their penitents, and being their religious ‘wise’ guides, that was the key to their success. Without the ‘need’ of a religious confessor, the history of the JESUITS may have been quite different. And the JESUITS made very sure that it was they who filled that need as confessors [Ed.: especially to the rich and power elite] instead of the other orders of priests, by providing a most attractive policy of leniency as an enticement for their penitents.” – John Daniel (“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Pages 67, 68)

            “The JESUITS function like the Papacy’s secret worldwide police. They are very secretive and go to great lengths to keep their operations secret. They tell no one that they are JESUITS. To all outside appearances, they appear as normal people.” – Bill Hughes (“The Secret Terrorists”; 2002; Pages 9, 10)

“There was no disguise they (the JESUITS) could not assume, and therefore, there was no place into which they could not penetrate. They could enter unheard the closet of the Monarch, or the Cabinet of the Statesman. They could sit unseen in Convocation or General Assembly, and mingle unsuspected in the deliberations and debates.

            There was no tongue they could not speak, and no creed they could not profess, and thus there was no people among whom they might not sojourn, and no Church whose membership they might not enter and whose functions they might not discharge. The could execrate [Ed.: i.e., sharply denounce] the Pope with the Lutheran, and swear the Solemn League with the [Ed.: Scottish] Covenanter.” – J.A. Wylie (“The History of Protestantism”; Vol. 2; Page 412)

“The JESUIT dresses in all garbs, speaks all languages, knows all customs, [Ed.: and] can blend into any situation or set of circumstances. He is present everywhere although not always recognizable. The JESUITS in recent days have been to the forefront of Liberation Theology and have been prominent in revolutionary activity from Poland to the Philippines, from South America to South Africa.” (Quote from the Preface to the 1997 Edition of “The Jesuits in History” by Hector Macpherson)

            “The term ‘JESUIT’ has become synonymous with terms like deceit, chicanery, infiltration, intrigue, subversionmany organized JESUITS have been justly described as treacherous, traitorous workers, seducing many in the service of the Roman Pontiff [Ed.: i.e., the pope] away from national allegiance – J.E.C. Shepherd(“The Babington Plot”; 1987; p 9)

“The JESUIT ORDER, therefore, stands before us as the embodiment of a system which aims at temporal political domination through temporal political means, embellished by religion, which assigns to the head of the [Ed.: Roman] Catholic religion – the Roman Pope – the role of a temporal overlord, and under shelter of the Pope-King, and using him as an instrument [Ed.: i.e., a tool], desires itself the domination over the whole world.” – Count von Hoensbroech  (German nobleman and ex-Jesuit; “Fourteen Years a Jesuit”; 1911)

If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus[Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT General] are one and the same person.” – James Parton (American historian)

            “Both Freemasonry and the Society of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT ORDER] are (a) humanist religious orders, (b) secretive, (c) fraternal, (d) socially conscientious and politically active Both [Ed.: of these] orders (e) hold Tradition, Reason, and Experience in equal if not greater esteem than the [Ed.: Holy] Bible, (f) employ carefully structured programs of Gnostic visualization to achieve an ever-increasing knowledge of the ‘divine’, (g) condone ‘the end justifies the means’, and (h) require absolute obedience, secured by blood oath, to a hierarchy of superiors culminating in the Jesuit [Ed.: Superior] General – F. Tupper Saussy (“Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies”; 2001 First HarperCollins Edition; p 121)

            “The Rothschilds were JESUITS who used their Jewish background as a façade to cover their sinister activities. The JESUITS, working through Rothschild and [Ed.: financier Nicholas] Biddle, sought to gain control of the banking system of the United States.” – Bill Hughes (“The Secret Terrorists”; 2002; Page 24)

“Aware that the Rothschilds are an important Jewish family, I looked them up in [Ed.: the] Encyclopedia Judaica and discovered that they bear the title ‘Guardians of the Vatican Treasury’ The appointment of Rothschild gave the BLACK PAPACY [Ed.: i.e., the hierarchy of the JESUIT ORDER] absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church?” – F. Tupper Saussy (“Rulers of Evil”; 2001 First HarperCollins Edition; Page 160)

            “The JESUIT ORDER has very effectively used traitorous Jews as their agents to carry out awful crimes against humanity. So many things have been done by Jews who were being used by the JESUITS. [Ed.: The Bolshevik reign of terror in Russia in the early 20th century is a good example. Most of the Jews in the Soviet Politburo were murdered after being used by the Jesuits.] When the whistle is blown and someone cries foul, the Jew is left holding the bag and is blamed, while the JESUIT ORDER walks away clean. This has been the case time after time through the last 400 years.” – Bill Hughes (“The Enemy Unmasked”; 1st Edition, 2004; p 32)

“Through the school systems, where the Society of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit Order] concentrates so much of its energies, the JESUITS have been enabled time and time again to infiltrate governments with the premise that what is good for the Vatican is good for any and all nations of the earth Particularly is this obvious in the civil services; in newspaper editorials; state and foreign departments of Canada, Britain, the United States, and indeed all nations where JESUITISM has been granted a free hand in their order of ‘Separate Schools’, or the right to supervise and control the public schools.” – J.E.C. Shepherd(“The Babington Plot”; Wittenburg Publications, Toronto, Canada; 1987; Page 17)

            “For over 200 years, the goal [Ed.: of the JESUITS] has been the complete destruction of the United States Constitution.

            In the religious arena, the goal of the JESUITS is to wipe out any trace of Protestantism and other religions, and to restore worldwide domination by the pope.” – Bill Hughes (“The Secret Terrorists”; 2002; Page 138)

“The JESUITSare simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff [Ed.: i.e., pope] of Rome for emperorthat’s their ideal It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination – something like a universal serfdom with them [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] as masters – that’s all they stand for. They don’t even believe in God perhaps.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881; Russian novelist)(Statement made in 1880)

            “The JESUITS have a long, sordid, murderous, and twisted history, as many writers on them have shown. Malachi Martin and Peter McDonough, two modern Roman Catholic writers, have both written long tomes on the JESUITS. As Martin demonstrates, the JESUITS have been at the forefront of the war to make the world a Roman Catholic dominion.” – Dr. Ronald Cooke (“The Jesuit Kulturkampf in the United States”; 2008; Page 17)

“My history of the JESUITS is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [Ed.: and] is very particular and very horrible. Their restoration [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits’ reinstatement as a religious order by Pope Pius VII in 1814] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, perfidy, despotism, [Ed.: and] death.I do not like the appearance of the JESUITS. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola’s [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT ORDER]. – John Adams(1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States) [Ed.: This quote is taken from a letter written by John Adams to Thomas Jefferson in 1816.]

            “The JESUITS are the only religious order in the Church of Romewhich has lain under the ban of the [Ed.: “White”] Pope, or which has been expelled from any country because of its interference in politics. Hence we may expect to find that to obtain political power forms a main feature in the plans of the Society [Ed.: of Jesus – i.e., the JESUIT ORDER].” – M.F. Cusack (Ex-nun of Kenmore; author of the book “The Black Pope”; 1896)

            “The JESUITS, at one time, were so evil that they were actually suppressed by the pope of Rome. The Roman Catholic kings of Europe began to turn against the JESUITS who were working in their kingdoms to foment revolution. They began to expel the JESUITS from their kingdoms. These were Roman Catholic kings, and yet they wanted the JESUITS out of their countries. The pressure began to mount all over Europe on the papacy to do something to rein in the evil influence of the JESUITS.” – Dr. Ronald Cooke (“The Jesuit Kulturkampf in the United States”; 2008; Page 20)

“The JESUITS didn’t mind various [Ed.: Roman] Catholic versions of the Bible – they themselves made the Douay-Rheims. But they hated one Bible with a bloodthirsty passion: THE KING JAMES BIBLE [Ed.: emphasis in original]! They vowed to destroy it! – David W. Daniels (“Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible?”; 2005; Page 111)

            “The JESUITS have executed deeds of regicide many times over – assassination being, next to poisoning, the most favored method of choice. Volumes of such JESUIT crimes could easily be compiled, ad nauseam. History reveals that in almost every instance, the real cause of seditions, tumults, revolutions and disorder in France, Spain and Portugal was to be found with the JESUITS!” – P.D. Stuart (“CODEWORD BARBELON: Danger in the Vatican: The Sons of Loyola and Their Plans for World Dominion; Lux-Verbi Books, London; 2008; Page 56)

            “The favorite policy of the JESUITS [is] that of assassination.” – U.S. Army Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris; “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”; 1897; Page 19)

“I would remind you of Webster’s definition of a JESUIT: ‘a designer, an intriguer’. If the Church of Rome prevailed, the pope would be the universal king. The JESUITS are here [Ed.: in America] to plot and scheme and, if possible, take from us the noble heritage of our civil and religious freedom. The rules of the JESUIT ORDER justify theft, licentiousness, lying, false-witness bearing, suicide, and the murder of parents and other relatives. The greatest crimes in history committed against individuals and nations have been committed by the JESUITS. Wherever JESUITS are [Ed.: found], they have the torch to burn, the sword to slay, [Ed.: and] the inquisition to torture. They are the enemies of [Ed.: Bible-believing] Christianity. They live for conquest, fortune and glory.” – B.C. Oggel (American clergyman)

            “Wherever a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Nazi, a JESUITcan be found in the role of ‘advisor’ or leader; in [Ed.: Communist] Cuba Fr. Armando Llorente and in Argentina the neo-Nazis are led by Fr. Menvieille.” – Emanuel M. Josephson(American physician and historian; 1968)

“The presence of the JESUITS in any country, Romanist or Protestant, is likely to breed social disturbance.” – Henry Palmerston (1784-1865; British statesman & prime minister)

            “The [Ed.: British] East India Company was a major subsidizer of the JESUIT mission to Beijing [Ed.: China]. The JESUITS, in turn, interceded with oriental monarchs to secure lucrative commercial favors for the company, including monopolies on tea, spices, saltpeter (for explosives), silks, and the world’s opium trade. Indeedthe [Ed.: British East India] Company appears to owe its very existence to the Society of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS].” – F. Tupper Saussy (“Rulers of Evil”; 2001 First HARPERCOLLINS Edition; Page 167)

“All these things cause the Father-General [Ed.: of the JESUITS] to be feared by the Pope and sovereignsA sovereign who is not their [Ed.: the JESUITS’] friend will sooner or later experience their vengeance.” – Luigi Desanctis (Official Censor of the Inquisition)

“There is a Masonic Propaganda group, number twoknown as the ‘P-2 Club’, with its headquarters being in Rome. The P-2 Club is a propaganda society of the world’s elite which includes high-ranking Roman Catholic prelates and, of course, JESUITS.” – John Daniel (“The Grand Design Exposed”; 1999; Page 169)

“The Society of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit Order] is the enemy of man. The whole human race should unite for its overthrow. For there is no alternative between its [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit Order’s] total extirpation, and the absolute corruption and degradation of mankind.” – Robert J. Breckinridge (Pastor; author)

“There can be no shadow of doubt that the JESUITS and the Anglo-Romanist party in Britain have gained great influence over the Cable Services, Press Agencies, B.B.C., and chief newspapers of Great Britain – Albert Close (“Jesuit Plots from Elizabethan to Modern Times”; Page 169) [Ed.: The same thing (i.e., a JESUIT takeover of the press, the media, and the publishing industry) has also happened here in the USA!]

[Ed.: The JESUITS] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty. Nothing that stands in their way can become so sacred as to escape their vengeance

            Because of this, a sense of both duty and security demands that the history and character of this skilled and powerful adversary [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT ORDER]should be understood; as also [Ed.: should be understood] the causes which have led to the expulsion of the JESUITS from every country in Europe, the public odium which has rested upon them for many years, their long continued disturbance of the peace of nations, and the final suppression and abolition of their society [Ed.: in 1773] by one of the best and most enlightened of the popes [Ed.: i.e., Pope Clement XIV].” – R.W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy) [Ed.: The Jesuit Order was reinstated – restored – as a Roman Catholic order by Pope Pius VII in 1814.]

“But we recognize in the Roman Catholic priesthood, and the JESUIT brotherhood, two distinct political organizations, united in purpose and using religion as a mask for political purpose, as they always have done in all ages and countries.” – J. Wayne Laurens (American historian; author of the book “The Crisis: Or, the Enemies of America Unmasked”)

“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic JESUIT priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.” – Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general; served in the Continental Army under General George Washington)

            “The JESUITS arrived in North America with the early French settlers in Canada. They have been at work ever since to overthrow Protestantism in North America. Canada – in many ways – is already gone; and the United States is following close behind.” – Dr. Ronald Cooke (“The Jesuit Kulturkampf in the United States”; 2008; Page 22)

            “Today they [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] are stronger in the United States than they ever were in any of the countries of Europe which expelled them as a menace to the government.” – Jeremiah J. Crowley(Irishman; ex-priest in the Roman Catholic Church; author of the book “Romanism: Menace to the Nation”) (Statement made in 1912)

            “The present cultural struggle in the United States is JESUIT-inspired, and is obviously helping to Romanize [Ed.: i.e., to make Roman Catholic] rather than ‘Christianize’ this country.” – Dr. Ronald Cooke (“The Jesuit Kulturkampf in the United States”; 2008; Page 12)

            “The Protestants of earlier times looked upon the JESUITS as the greatest opponents of truth and righteousness that the world has ever seen.

            …Whereas the Protestant evangelicals of the present time[Ed.: do not] know anything about the long history of the JESUITS, who since their inception have had one main goal in view: the destruction of everything connected to the Protestant Reformation.” – Dr. Ronald Cooke (“The Jesuit Kulturkampf in the United States”; 2008; Page 20)

            “This society [Ed.: i.e., the JESUIT ORDER] which has dared to appropriate to itself the Name, which is above every Name, by calling itself ‘The Order [Ed.: or, Society] of Jesus’ deserved rather from the nature of its doctrines and from the work it has done in the world to be called the Order of Satan.” – McKinley Ash (“The Antichrist”; Page 81)

V. Quotations by Jesuits, from Jesuit publications, and about Jesuit publications (sometimes with my amplification [enclosed in brackets] added within the quotation, and/or my comments added following the quotation):

            “The  [Ed.: Roman] Catholic Church has the right and duty to kill heretics because it is by fire and sword that heresy can be extirpated.” – JESUIT Marianus de Luce (1901)

NOTE: This is the BEGINNING of excerpts of quotations made by Jesuit “doctors” and scholars that were taken from Henry Hadley Norris’ book, “Principles of the Jesuits”.

            “Although the doctrine of St. Augustine may be true, that it is not in any case lawful for a man to kill himself, unless God so command it; yet still it is not so plainly evident, that learned men may not fail to perceive itFor the Stoics have maintained, that self-destruction [Ed.: i.e., suicide] in our country’s cause is honorable. It is for this reason that the action of Cato [Ed.: a Roman statesman & philosopher] has been often commended, who killed himself [Ed.: i.e., he committed suicide] at Utica lest he should be compelled to look upon Caesar the tyrant and conqueror.” – JESUIT Paul Laymann (1627)

Ed. comment to the preceding quote: So suicide, in some cases, can be honorable and commendable, according to this Jesuit!

            “Christian and [Ed.: Roman] Catholic sons may accuse their fathers of the crime of heresy if they [Ed.: i.e., the fathers] wish to turn them [Ed.: i.e., the sons] from the faith [Ed.: i.e., Roman Catholicism], although they [Ed.: i.e., the sons] may know that their parents will be burned with fire, and put to death for it, as [Ed.: Jesuit Francis] Tolet teachesAnd not only may they [Ed.: i.e., the sons] refuse them [Ed.: i.e., their parents] food, if they [Ed.: i.e., the parents] attempt to turn them from the [Ed.: Roman] Catholic faith, but they [Ed.: i.e., the sons] may also justly kill them [Ed.: i.e., their parents], observing the moderation of a blameless defense, if they [Ed.: i.e., the parents] forcibly compel their children to abandon the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] faith.” – JESUIT Stephen Fagundez (1640)

Ed. comment to the preceding quotation: According to Jesuit Stephen Tolet and Jesuit Francis Fagundez, it is OKAY for sons to kill their parents – or to turn their parents over to the Inquisition to be burned to death – if those parents are trying to deliver their children from the Roman Catholic religion – a religion which is more pagan than Christian, having numerous unscriptural doctrines and practices, some of which are drawn straight out of the old Babylonian mystery religion – and/or to deliver their children from a Church-State system that has tortured and murdered millions of innocent Christians via “holy” crusades, and “holy” Inquisition, etc.!

            “Since secular princes [Ed.: i.e., rulers], without the privilege or consent of the sovereign pontiff [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome], have no power over the persons of the clergy [Ed.: the Roman Catholic clergy]the latter [Ed.: i.e., the Roman Catholic clergy] cannot be punished by them [Ed.: i.e., those princes – rulers – who do not have the privilege or consent of the pope of Rome].” – JESUIT James Platel (1679)

Ed. comment to the preceding quotation: This means that rulers [i.e., governments] and their agents – unless the pope of Rome specifically permits them – are not allowed to punish the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church-State living within their national boundaries, no matter how heinous a crime that any member of the Roman Catholic clergy may have committed against a citizen of that nation! Any government – especially a national government that has Roman Catholicism as its official State religion – that dares to prosecute and sentence a Roman Catholic priest for a heinous crime (without the express permission of Papal Rome), risks the wrath of the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State!

            “The sovereign pontiff [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome], as the vicar of Christ and the superior of Christendom, can directly annul and remit every obligation contracted with another upon the faith of an oath, when there is sufficient cause for it

            In this manner the oath is annulled by which subjects are bound to their prince [Ed.: i.e., ruler] or other superior, when the prince [Ed.: i.e., ruler], on account of some crime, is lawfully deprived by the sovereign pontiff [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome] or his superior, of the dignity or office in virtue of which the oath had been sworn to him, or when he is restrained from the exercise of his official functions.” – JESUIT Leonard Lessius (1621 and 1628)

            “Princes [Ed.: i.e., rulers] are bound to obey the command of the pope as the word of Christ; and if they resist, he [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome] can punish them as rebellious persons; and if they undertake anything against the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] church and the glory of Christ [Ed.: more specifically, against the glory of the pope of Rome as Christ’s alleged “vicar”], he [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome] may deprive them of their empire and kingdom, or he may transfer their dominions to another prince [Ed.: i.e., ruler], and absolve their subjects from their allegiance which they owe to them, and from the oath which they have sworn.” – JESUIT Alphonso Salmeron (1602 and 1612)

Ed. comments to the preceding two quotations:

(1) This is exactly what occurred during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England [queen: 1558-1603]. In 1570 Pope Pius V issued a papal bull deposing Queen Elizabeth I. (Her crime: She was a Protestant “heretic” ruling England – a ruler who refused to obey the pope of Rome and to bring England back under his “temporal power”.) This papal bull had the effect of releasing English Roman Catholics from any oath they had taken to support and defend their ruler, Queen Elizabeth I – and, of course, the annulling of such oaths was designed to embolden English Roman Catholics to rise up and overthrow their ruler!

(2) What follow are the words of Pope Pius V: “We do out of the fullness of our Apostolic power declare the aforesaid ELIZABETH [Ed.: Queen Elizabeth I of England], being a Heretic, and a favorer of Heretics, and her adherents in the matters aforesaid, to have incurred the sentence of anathema, and to be cut off from the unity of the Body of Christ. And moreover, we do declare her to be deprived of her pretended title to the kingdom aforesaid, and of all dominion, dignity, and privilege whatsoeverand we do command and interdict all and every noblemen, subjects, people, and others aforesaid, that they presume not to obey her or her monitions, mandates, and laws; and those who shall do the contrary, we do strike with the like sentence of Damnation.” (May 3, 1570)

(3) Thus a pope of Rome – controlled by his boss, the Jesuit Superior General – can annul the oaths taken by Roman Catholic subjects to their ruler or to their government or to their Constitution! Let us ponder the great danger here of having Roman Catholics in powerful and influential positions within a government that suddenly finds itself anathematized by Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome, with the annulling of all oaths that they have sworn to support and defend that particular government (or, its Constitution)! (We must never forget that the oath that an American Jesuit, or an American Knight of Malta, or an American Knight of Columbus, who is in the U.S. government, has sworn to the Roman Catholic Church-State or his religious order takes precedence over – in fact, supersedes – the oath he took to defend the U.S. Constitution!)

            “The spiritual power [Ed.: i.e., Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome] does not blend itself with temporal affairs, but it suffers [Ed.: i.e., allows, permits] all things to proceed as they did before they were united, provided they are not opposed to any spiritual object [Ed.: translation: provided the temporal affairs of various nations are not opposed to the desires and objectives of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome], or are not necessary to obtain it. But if any such thing [Ed.: i.e., any opposition to Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome’s objectives] should occur, the spiritual power [Ed.: i.e., Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome] may and must restrain the temporal power, by every mean and expedient which may be considered necessaryIt [Ed.: i.e., the spiritual power – Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome] may change kingdoms [Ed.: i.e., make “regime changes”], and take them from one to transfer them to another, as a spiritual prince, if it should be necessary for the salvation of souls [Ed.: translation: if it should be necessary for the advancement of papal and/or Jesuit power and influence – and/or to prevent Roman Catholics from deserting from the “Catholic faith” in large numbers, as occurred during periods of the Protestant Reformation]

            Christians may not tolerate an infidel or heretic king [Ed.: i.e., a ruler who is acting in opposition to the desires and objectives of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome], if he endeavors to draw his subjects to his heresy or infidelity. But it is the province of the sovereign pontiff [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome], to whom the care of religion [Ed.: translation: the care of the power and financial base of the Roman Catholic Church-State] has been entrusted, to decide whether the king [Ed.: i.e., the ruler] draws them [Ed.: i.e., his subjects] to heresy or not. It is therefore for the pontiff [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome] to determine, whether the king [Ed.: i.e., ruler] must be deposed or not– JESUIT Robert Bellarmine (1596 and 1608)

Ed. comment to the preceding quotation: What unmitigated gall is this “idea” that Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome has some sort of “divine right” to (1) cause “regime change”; (2) to assassinate rulers who do not follow Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome’s instructions or who oppose her objectives; and, (3) to foment sedition, revolutions, and/or civil war within a nation that is not “playing ball” with Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome!

            “[Ed.: The Apostle Simon] Peter condemned Ananias and Sapphira to death by the word of his mouth. In like manner the Roman Bishop [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome], the [Ed.: alleged] successor of Peter [Ed.: this allegation that the pope of Rome is the successor of the Apostle Simon Peter is one of the greatest hoaxes of all time], for the good of his flock, may now take away the life of the body [Ed.: of any human being] by his word (when other remedies are not sufficient), provided that he [Ed.: i.e., the pope of Rome] only makes use of the word of his mouth, without the outward service of his hands; and he may carry on war with heretics and schismatics by means of [Ed.: Roman] Catholic princes [Ed.: i.e., rulers], and may put them [Ed.: i.e., heretics and schismatics] to death.” – JESUIT Alphonso Salmeron (1604 and 1614)

Ed. comments to the preceding quotation:

(1) Numerous popes of Rome, “by the word” of their mouths, commanded Roman Catholic rulers and their agents, to execute millions of innocent people – men, women, and even children – through the so-called “holy” Inquisition – and through so-called “holy” crusades. (Papal Crusades – using professional armies – were launched, “by the word” of popes, against Bible-believing Christians, falsely called “heretics”. One example of this is the Albigensian Crusades of the early 13th century – a crusade where professional Roman Catholic armies succeeded in wiping out almost the entire population – men, women, and children – of Bible-believing Albigensian Christians in southern France!)

(2) Papal Rome tried to “wash her hands” of the murder of millions of Bible-believing Christians and Protestants by saying that it was the State that carried out the executions. It is true that the State (through Roman Catholic sheriffs and various Roman Catholic magistrates, etc.) carried out the executions for the Roman Catholic Inquisitors; however, these Roman Catholic officials of the State did so based upon the orders of Roman Catholic prelates and Inquisitors, knowing that if they refused, they too would be called before the Inquisition!

(3) Concerning Papal Rome’s allegation that the pope of Rome is the successor of [the Apostle Simon] Peter: The Roman Catholic Church falsely claims “apostolic succession” of its popes from [the Apostle Simon] Peter, and also falsely claims that Peter was the first Bishop of Rome (i.e., the first pope). Many writers have disproved these Roman Catholic allegations. Peter was not the first Bishop of Rome; in fact, he never was a “bishop” at Rome. (The apostle Paul, in his letter – his epistle – to the church at Rome, doesn’t even mention Peter!) It is far more likely that the popes of Rome can trace their “apostolic succession” to Simon Magi, a magician and sorcerer, rather than to the Apostle Simon Peter!

            “XII. When the opinions upon a point of law are on either side probable, a judge may deprive which party he pleases of the suit.

XIII. A judge may follow the less probable opinion, rejecting that which is more probable.” – JESUIT Poignant (1656 and 1657)

            “Of two contradictory probable opinions, touching the legality or illegality of any human action, every one may follow in practice, or in action, that which he should prefer; although it may appear to the agent himself less probable in theory.” – JESUIT Paul Laymann (1627)

Ed. comment to the preceding quote: This quote brings to my mind the following Bible verse found at the end of the book of Judges (Chapter 21, Verse 25): “In those days [there was] no king in Israel: every man did [that which was] right in his own eyes.” (Note: See also Judges 17:6.) Well, the LORD GOD Almighty has already set the “standards” for what is right and wrong in His Holy Word (the Bible), and His standards are the ones that ought to govern our actions – and not our own personal “preferences” or opinions!

NOTE #1: This is the END of excerpts of quotations made by Jesuit “doctors” and scholars that were taken from Henry Hadley Norris’ book, “Principles of the Jesuits”.

NOTE #2: After reading portions of Henry Hadley Norris’ book, “Principles of the Jesuits”, concerning the “moral maxims” and principles of the Jesuits – a book which uses excerpts from the very writings of various Jesuit “doctors” and scholars – I quickly came to the conclusion that these “moral maxims” of the Jesuits should more properly be termed the “amoral maxims” – or the “immoral maxims” – of the Jesuits.

Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome [Ed.: i.e., the Roman Catholic Church-State].” – “Civilta Cattolica” (Jesuit publication)

            “And yet more extreme forms of anti-Judaism also erupted among Catholic intellectual clerics in Rome during the reign of Leo XIII [Ed.: pope: 1878-1903], no doubt with an influence on ordinands [Ed.: i.e., candidates for ordination as priests] in the pontifical universities. Allegations of blood libel were raised once more in a series of articles published between February 1881 and December 1882 in ‘Civilta Cattolica’ [Ed.: an official JESUIT publication].

            In 1890 ‘Civilta Cattolica’ again turned its attention to the Jews in a series of articles republished in pamphlet formaimed at exposing the activity of the Jews in the formation of the modern liberal nation-state. The author charged that ‘by their cunning’, the Jews instigated the French Revolution [Ed.: of 1789-99] in order to gain civil equality [Ed.: The JESUIT pamphlet stated that] the Jews were ‘the race that nauseates’; they were ‘an idle people who neither work nor produce anything; who live on the sweat of others’. The pamphlet concluded by calling for the abolition of ‘civic equality’ and for the segregation of Jews from the rest of the population.” – John Cornwell (“HITLER’S POPE: The Secret History of Pius XII”; Penguin Books; 2000; Page 28) [Ed.: “The Jews” did not instigate the French Revolution of 1789-99. A JESUIT front group, the Illuminati, instigated the bloody French Revolution.]

VI. A sampling of expulsions of Jesuits from various nations (hopefully listed chronologically according to the 1st year of expulsion by various nations; in some cases the monarch who ordered the expulsion is listed):

1579, 1581, 1586, and 1602 – Elizabeth I, Queen of England

1604 – James I, King of England [This was the 5th expulsion of the Jesuits from England!]

1614 – Japan

1618 – the Kingdom of Bohemia

1716, 1783 – China

1719 – Peter the Great of Russia

1759 – King Joseph I of Portugal [He believed the Jesuits attempted to assassinate him in 1758.]

1764 – King Louis XV of France

1816 – Russian Czar Alexander I [He expelled the Jesuits from Moscow and St. Petersburg.]

1820 – Russian Czar Alexander I [He expelled the Jesuits from all of Russia.]

1820, 1835, 1868 – Spain

1834 – Portugal [2nd expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal]

1848 – Switzerland

1848, 1859 – Italy

1872 – Guatemala

1872 – German-Prussian Empire

1873 – Mexico

1874 – Brazil

1875 – Ecuador and Columbia

1880, 1901 – France [2nd and 3rd expulsions of the Jesuits from France]

1884 – Costa Rica

1901 – Portugal [3rd expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal]

NOTE: The Jesuits were expelled from England five times! The Jesuits were also expelled three times from predominantly Roman Catholic Spain, three times from predominantly Roman Catholic Portugal, and three times from predominantly Roman Catholic France! The Jesuits were also expelled numerous times from various predominantly Roman Catholic countries in South and Central America. Why were the Jesuits expelled so many times from so many nations of the world? Let us here repeat a quotation by Canadian author and historian J.E.C. Shepherd that was given earlier in this newsletter – a quotation that provides us with the answer:

“Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city-states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversive plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [Ed.: i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection.” – J.E.C. Shepherd(“The Babington Plot”; 1987; Wittenburg Publications, Toronto, Canada; Page 12)

VII. A sampling of leaders whom the Jesuits and their agents plotted against, and/or attempted – but failed – to assassinate – at least initially (hopefully in chronological order):

NOTE: It is important to remember, when reading this sampling of various leaders against whom the Jesuits and their agents plotted, that Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome hates (with a purple passion) civil and religious liberty – and strives to have a “monopoly” on religion in any nation where she has sufficient power and influence to force the State to make Roman Catholicism the official State religion (to the exclusion of all others)!

1571, 1583, 1586, and 1588 – Queen Elizabeth I of England: These years all saw failed attempts by the Jesuits to remove Queen Elizabeth I of England from her throne through Jesuit-instigated plots of assassination and/or rebellion in order to restore the pope’s “temporal power” in England. (Queen Elizabeth I was a strong Protestant ruler who opposed Jesuit efforts to place her beloved people once again under papal tyranny and despotism. Queen Elizabeth I had greatly angered the Jesuit Order by expelling the Jesuits from England in 1579.)

1582 – William I, Prince of Orange and Duke of Nassau: The first attempt on the life of William I, Prince of Orange was made by a Jesuit “tool” by name of John Jauregay, who was under the direction of a Jesuit who went by the name of Juan de Ysunka. On May 18, 1582 Jauregay shot a ball at point-blank range that penetrated just below William’s right ear. William I miraculously survived this attempted assassination, and Jauregay ended up getting hacked to death by a number of William’s dinner guests. (William I, Prince of Orange would two years later finally meet his end at the hand of an assassin, Balthazar Gerard [one book has “Gerhard”] – another Jesuit “tool” – who shot him with three poison-tipped bullets. William of Orange was greatly hated by the Jesuits because he had broken the pope’s “temporal power” over Holland.)

1857 – U.S. President James Buchanan: An attempt was made to poison President Buchanan to death on February 23, 1857 at the National Hotel in Washington, D.C. (Thirty-eight individuals died as a result of arsenic poison that was put in the sugar that was placed at the tables where President Buchanan and his supporters sat.) President Buchanan barely survived the poisoning, and did so only because he informed his doctors that arsenic had probably been used in this attempt to assassinate him. This attempt on President Buchanan’s life was the result of his refusal to make war on those southern states that were threatening to leave the Union – thus temporarily thwarting the Jesuits’ efforts to foment the American Civil War in order to split the Union. (President Buchanan was also a strong advocate of States’ rights!)

1866, 1879 and 1880 – Czar Alexander II: Unsuccessful attempts by Jesuit “tools” to assassinate Czar Alexander II were made in all three of these years. The Jesuits wanted Alexander II dead because he had twice broken diplomatic relations with the Papacy, and because he had supported the Union during the American Civil War of 1861-65. (Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome had supported the Confederacy.) Alexander II had sent part of the Russian fleet to U.S. shores and had placed those ships under the direct command of President Lincoln. This action kept France and England from coming in on the side of the Confederacy – and thus helped Lincoln to preserve the Union! (“Tools” of the Jesuits succeeded in assassinating Alexander II in 1881.)

VIII. A sampling of leaders assassinated by Jesuits and their agents (hopefully in chronological order):

NOTE #1: We should remember, when investigating any “murder scene” – including the assassination of a head of State or other powerful leader – to take note of which individual – or individuals (i.e., a group or organization) – had the motive, the means (which sometimes includes having sufficient finances), and the opportunity to organize and carry out the murder. To “pull off” the assassination of a head of State or of a powerful leader often requires at least one or more of the following: (1) lots of money, e.g., for buying off some individual or individuals on the “inside” – such as one or more of the guards of the leader, and/or for paying the salaries and bonuses of professional “hit men”; and/or (2) the ability to get one or more of your men into an “inside” position or positions to help break down or eliminate security surrounding the leader; and/or (3) professional intelligence-gathering capabilities and/or the necessary technical skills to overcome at least part of the high-level security system surrounding the leader, especially of a head of State; and/or (4) experience in such high-level, sophisticated assassination operations. (“Lone-nut” assassins seldom possess few – if any – of the above capabilities!)

NOTE #2: It is also important to remember, when reading this sampling of various leaders assassinated by Jesuits and their agents, that Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome hates (with a purple passion) civil and religious liberty – and strives to have a “monopoly” on religion in any nation where she has sufficient power and influence to force the State to make Roman Catholicism the official State religion to the exclusion of all others! The Jesuit Order also doesn’t care much for any head of State or powerful leader doing the following: (1) expelling the Jesuits and/or Roman Catholic prelates from a particular country; (2) opposing Jesuit and/or the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State’s plans and/or operations within a particular country, province, or region; (3) reducing the power and/or influence of the Jesuit Order and/or of the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State in a particular country, such as interfering with Roman Catholic control of all or part of the education system; and/or (4) giving religious liberty to all the citizens in a nation where the Roman Catholic Church-State previously had a monopoly on religion, i.e., Roman Catholicism was at one time the State religion, etc. Thus it is often easy to identify the Jesuit and/or Papal “motive” for the assassination of a head of State or powerful leader.

1572 – Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, leader of the French Huguenots:  Coligny was murdered on August 24, 1572 (at the beginning of the St. Bartholomew’s massacre). (Coligny was hated by the Jesuits because he was a major stumbling block to the Jesuits’ plans for destroying religious liberty in France, exterminating as many French Protestants as possible, and restoring the pope’s “temporal power” to all of France.)

1584 – William, Prince of Orange [a former principality of Western Europe]: He was shot to death with three poison-tipped bullets by a Jesuit “tool” by name of Balthazar Gerard [one book has “Gerhard”]. (William of Orange was hated by the Jesuits because he had broken the pope’s “temporal power” over Holland, and because he had given refuge to persecuted Jews in Europe.)

1589 – King Henry III of France [king: 1574-89]: He was stabbed to death by Jesuit agent Jacques Clement. (King Henry III was hated by the Jesuits because he had tried to thwart the Jesuit-led Catholic League’s plans for exterminating French Protestants.)


1610 – King Henry IV of France [king: 1589-1610]: He was stabbed to death by a Jesuit agent, the monk François Ravaillac. (This was Jesuit “payback” for his “Edict of Nantes” of 1598that had granted religious liberty to all French citizens.)

1769 – Pope Clement XIII [pope: 1758-69]: He was poisoned to death the night before he was scheduled to sign a Papal decree officially suppressing the Jesuits.

1774 – Pope Clement XIV [pope: 1769-74]: He was poisoned to death by Jesuit agents 14 months after he had “forever” abolished the Jesuit Order.

1825 – Czar Alexander I of Russia [czar: 1801-25]: He was poisoned to death by Jesuit agents. (This was Jesuit “payback” for his expulsion of the Jesuits from all of Russia in 1820.)

1841 – U.S. President William Henry Harrison: This U.S. president, despite robust health upon assuming office, died only 35 days later – poisoned to death with arsenic by agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome because he had spoken out against “government by divine right” – thus greatly offending the Jesuit-controlled, despotic “Divine Righter” monarchs of Europe.

1850 – U.S. President Zachary Taylor: This U.S. president was in good health when he was poisoned to death with arsenic by agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome because he had refused to authorize an invasion of Cuba. (The Jesuits and Papal Rome had hoped that such an American invasion of Cuba would provide the “excuse” for a number of despotic European monarchs to declare war on the young American Republic!)

1865 – U.S. President Abraham Lincoln: This U.S. president was shot in the back of his head. (This was Jesuit “payback” for his preservation of the Union, and his refusal to take loans with exorbitant interest from Jesuit-controlled European bankers during the American Civil War, etc.)

1872 – Mexican President Benito Pablo Juarez: This courageous Mexican president was poisoned to death by Jesuit agents. (This was Jesuit “payback” for his expulsion of 200 Jesuit priests from Mexico, and for his breaking of the pope’s “temporal power” in Mexico.)

1881 – Czar Alexander II of Russia [czar: 1855-81]: He was killed by a bomb. (This was Jesuit “payback” for the Czar’s support to President Lincoln and the Union during the American Civil War of 1861-65, for having twice broken diplomatic relations with the Papacy [in 1866 and in 1877], and for trying to give more freedom to the Russian people.)

November 22, 1963 – U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy: This U.S. president was shot to death in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963. (This was Jesuit “payback” for numerous reasons: threatening to splinter the CIA “into a thousand pieces”, making efforts to end American military involvement in the Vietnam War, and making efforts to end the Cold War, etc.)

1978 – Pope John Paul I: This courageous pope was poisoned to death in 1978 by Jesuit-controlled P2 Masons for several reasons: he was making preparations to launch an investigation into “irregularities” at the Vatican Bank; he was preparing to transfer many P2 Masonic Roman Catholic prelates out of their positions of power inside the Roman Catholic Church-State; and, he wanted make some “changes” in the operations of the Jesuit Order – and to challenge their “doctrinal deviations”. (Two books that have been written about the murder of John Paul I are: “In God’s Name” by David A. Yallop, and “The Murder of John Paul I” by Vance Ferrell.)

IX. A sampling of some famous and/or infamous leaders who have had Jesuits as “top advisors” and/or as their “father-confessors”:

(1) Emperor Ferdinand II [emperor of the Holy Roman Empire: 1619-1637]: JESUIT priest William Lamormaini was the “father-confessor” to Ferdinand II for much of the Thirty Years’ War [1618-1648] – a war instigated by the Jesuits with the goal of exterminating Protestants from off the face of the European continent.

(2) King Louis XIV of France (born-died: 1638-1715; king from 1643 to 1715): JESUIT priest François de la Chaise was the “father-confessor” – and a top advisor – to King Louis XIV. It was La Chaise – the Jesuit “father-confessor” – who had bragged about how he had used the confessional box to finally break King Louis XIV’s reluctance to abolish the Edict of Nantes of 1598 that had granted religious liberty to all Frenchmen – and to begin the slaughter of thousands of French Protestants. (La Chaise had told King Louis XIV during confession that Louis, in order to expiate his sins, should “root out all ‘heretics’ from his kingdom”. Louis, upon receiving the advice and instructions of his “father-confessor”, sent out French troops in 1685 to ruthlessly massacre thousands of innocent French Protestant Huguenots – men, women, elderly, and children – who had falsely been labeled as “heretics”!)

(3) King James II [King of England and Scotland: 1685-1688]: JESUIT priests Edward Petre and John Warner were “father-confessors” to King James II. These two Jesuit “father-confessors” urged King James II, according to author John Daniel, “to restore the power of the Roman Catholic Church [Ed.: in England], and make himself an absolute monarch”. (The Jesuits love to work with dictators and absolute monarchs!)

(4) Napoleon Bonaparte (born-died: 1769-1821; also known as Napoleon I; emperor of France from 1804 to 1815): One of his top advisers was the JESUIT priest Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes. Sieyes became a member of the “Directory” in France, and helped to orchestrate the coup d’état in 1799 that made Napoleon Bonaparte “First Consul”. (Fomenting and orchestrating revolutions, coup d’états, and wars are “specialties” of the Jesuits!)

(5) King Edward VII of England (born-died: 1841-1910; king from 1901 to 1910): One of his top advisers was the JESUIT priest Bernard Vaughan. According to author Albert Close: “King Edward [Ed.: VII] came under the powerful influence of the JESUIT, ‘Father’ Bernard Vaughan. He was often in his company with Sir Ernest Cassel, according to the Press.”

(6) Benito Mussolini (1883-1945; Italian dictator; Fascist prime minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943): One of his top advisers was the JESUIT priest Pietro Tacchi-Venturi, whom Mussolini “often consulted on important matters”. (Note: JESUIT Don Luigi Sturzo, chief of the Roman Catholic Party in Italy, helped bring Mussolini to power.)

(7) Fidel Castro (Born 1926; Cuban Communist dictator): This JESUIT-trained Communist dictator had as one of his top advisers, JESUIT priest Armando Llorente. (Fidel Castro spent eleven years in Roman Catholic boarding schools, seven years of which were at JESUIT institutions!)

NOTE: Please remember that the above is but a SMALL sampling of the many emperors, kings, queens, princes, etc., who have had Jesuits as their “father-confessors” and/or as top advisors!

X. Secrecy

The Jesuit Order is an extremely dangerous organization-society for a number of reasons. The first reason is their ability to keep many of their immediate – and long-term – goals secret, even from most of their membership. (Most lower-level Jesuits often have no idea of the “big picture”, of the part that they, as individuals, may be playing in the overthrow of governments, the assassination of heads of State, and the fomenting of wars and revolutions.) Please carefully consider the following quotations:

            “The care with which the Jesuits concealed the book of their varying Institute, betrays their consciousness of the suspicious nature of its contents.” – Henry Hadley Norris (“Principles of the Jesuits”; 1839)

“But the Jesuits, alone [Ed.: of all the Roman Catholic religious orders], shroud themselves intentionally in a darkness which the laity are completely forbidden to penetrate, and the veil is not even uplifted to many of their [Ed.: lower-level] members. There are among them [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits] a large number who have taken merely three vows, but not the fourth, and who are, in consequence, not at all, or at any rate not properly, instructed regarding the true principles, institutions and liberties of the Order. This secretis entrustedto only a small number, and whatever is especially important is known only to the [Ed.: Jesuit] Superiors and the [Ed.: Jesuit] General.

Besides, their [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits’] form of Government is not regulated according to the rules of the [Ed.: Roman] Catholic Church, but is carried on according to certain secret principles, only known to the chiefs, the motives being concealed from many of the subordinates, without reasons ever being given to them, or even the circumstance, investigated. In short, the Order of Jesus [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit Order] forms quite a peculiar institution, which is conducted neither according to the customary regulations of the [Ed.: Roman Catholic] Church nor according to the usual laws of reason, and it may, therefore, be well considered that its secret operations do not at all correspond to the words of Jesus [Ed.: Christ], ‘I am the Light of the World.’” – Bishop Juan de Palafox [Ed.: This quotation was taken from a letter written by Bishop Palafox to Pope Innocent X in 1649.]

Compare the secrecy of the Jesuit Order described by Roman Catholic Bishop Palafox with a statement about “secrecy” made by an American Roman Catholic, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy: “The very word ‘SECRECY’ is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to SECRET societies, to SECRET oaths, and to SECRET proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.” – President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Statement made in a speech to the Press Club)

XI. Total Blind and Slavish Obedience:

Another reason why the Jesuit Order is such an extremely dangerous organization-society is the total blind, slavish obedience that is required of all members of the order to the Jesuit Superior General and to all superiors within the Jesuit hierarchy. Please carefully consider the following quotation by Karl Theodor Griesinger, which is found in his book “The Jesuits”  (1883): “All who belong to the Society [Ed.: of Jesus] were bound to this supreme chief [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit Superior General]blindly to obey, without delay, without exception, without investigation, even without inward doubt, all his orders with as perfect punctuality as if they were the dogmatic laws of the [Ed.: Roman] Catholic Faith, and, like a living corpse, to carry them out as tools with no will of their own, and with entire abnegation [Ed.: i.e., renunciation] of all moral perception.”

XII. Absolute Dictatorship:

Another reason why the Jesuit Order is such an extremely dangerous organization-society is that the head of “The Society of Jesus”, i.e., the Jesuit Superior General – the “Black Pope” – is an absolute dictator – an absolute monarch. He answers to no secular or ecclesiastical ruler (including the “White Pope”). Please carefully consider the following quotations:

            “Their [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits’] crafty leader [Ed.: i.e., Ignatius Loyola, the first General of the Jesuit Order] knew the value of obedience, and he bowed the wills of his adherents [Ed.: in the Jesuit Order] as the spirit of one man. Bound by no laws himself, he secured the power of making them for others; and in the exercise of supreme authority, ruled the actions of his subjects with absolute and arbitrary sway. Constitutions, it is true, were framed and confirmed for the government of his spiritual [Ed.: absolute] monarchy: but they were neither permanent nor definite, because the power of changing them with the change of circumstances, was vested wholly in the [Ed.: Jesuit] General; and because they were but partially communicated, at his discretion, to those to whom they were given to direct.” – Henry Hadley Norris (“Principles of the Jesuits”; 1839)

            “Because, according to the constitutions [Ed.: of the Jesuit Order], a single individual, the [Ed.: Jesuit Superior] General, exercised an absolute monarchical power over the whole Society distributed throughout all regions of the world, and over all the individual members of the sameall who belong to the Society were bound to this supreme chief, even as to Jesus Christto whom [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit Superior General] they [Ed.: i.e., all Jesuits] owed implicit obedience, without, on the other hand, possessing any rights.” – Karl Theodor Griesinger (“The Jesuits”; 1883)

            “There is no record in history, of any man, be he king, emperor, or pope, exercising such absolute and irresponsible power over his fellowmen as does the General of the Jesuits over his disciples.” – Giovanni Battista Nicolini (“History of the Jesuits”; 1854)

XIII. Jesuit Maxims (or “Excuses” – or Loopholes) for Sins and Crimes:

Another reason why the Jesuit Order is such an extremely dangerous organization-society is found in Jesuit “maxims”, such as “The End Justifies the Means” and “For the Greater Glory of God”. Using such “maxims”, any member of the Jesuit Order can “justify” (or, excuse) any crime and/or sin, including murder, regicide, genocide, suicide, theft, fornication, adultery, etc.

Under the Jesuit “maxims” of “Mental Reservation” and “Equivocating Oath”, any member of the Jesuit Order may falsely swear an oath to an earthly government or military service – or bear false testimony – or commit perjury.

When one reads the “principles” of the Jesuits, as found in their constitutions and various writings, one finds that all sins and crimes can be – and have been – committed and “excused” in the service of the Jesuit Order.

XIV. Bible Verses and Passages (from the Authorized King James Version) with Special Applications to the Jesuits:

I have read a number of Bible verses that I believe one could apply to the Jesuit Order. Here are four of them:

1. [Ed.: The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking]: “For many shall come in My name [Ed.: i.e., in the name of Jesus Christ], saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:5)

Why do some folks who “interpret” this Bible verse assume that these many folks “saying, I am Christ” are claiming that they personally are “Jesus Christ”? Rather, might the above verse be referring to folks who come in Jesus Christ’s name, “saying” that Jesus is indeed “Christ”? Since Jesus Christ is here addressing Christians, how could “nut cases claiming to be Jesus Christ” be capable of deceiving Christians? Might not a more reasonable explanation for this capacity to deceive Christians be the explanation that these folks, who are saying that Jesus is “Christ”, are deceivers (and “wolves in sheep’s clothing”) in the very midst of the Church itself”? In other words, these deceivers are pretend (i.e., phony) Christians!

Two of the names used by the Jesuit Order in the past have been the “Society of JESUS and the “Company of JESUS. How many people have been deceived during the past four plus centuries by those Jesuits coming in JESUS’ name and professing that JESUS is “ Christ”?

2. [Ed.: The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking]: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte [Ed.: i.e., someone who has been converted to another person’s religion], and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” (Matthew 23:15)

This verse reminds me of the Jesuits’ missionary efforts in China, where they allowed their Chinese “converts” (i.e., proselytes) to mix their heathen belief system with Roman Catholicism, a religious system that has drawn some of its own doctrines and practices from pagan religions.

3. [Ed.: The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking]: “They shall put you [Ed.: i.e., believers in Christ] out of the synagogues [Ed.: this Greek word can also mean “an assembly” or “a congregation”]: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John 16:2)

Yes, thousands of Roman Catholics were put out of the Roman Catholic Church – i.e., excommunicated – by the Jesuit-controlled, monstrous “holy” Inquisition! (Many of these Roman Catholics were murdered by their own Church for their failure to believe in “transubstantiation” – that is, that Christ’s literal Body and Blood are actually “present” in the Eucharistic Host during the Sacrifice of the Mass.) Many thousands of Bible-believing Christians outside the Roman Catholic Church were tortured and murdered by the Jesuit-controlled, monstrous “holy” Inquisition, whose agents believed that torturing and murdering so-called “heretics” was doing “God service”! (Many tens of thousands of Jews, Muslims, Orthodox Christians, independent Bible-believing Christians, and Protestants were also murdered by Roman Catholic armies that believed that they were doing “God service”!) Of course, all of this torture, murder, and mayhem can be “justified” by the Jesuit “maxims”: “The End Justifies the Means” and “For the Greater Glory of God”.

Important Note: Lest anyone think that this record of torture, mass murder, and mayhem only occurred centuries ago, please consider this: Two Jesuit prelates, Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric, respectively the archbishops of Zagreb and Sarajevo, planned and choreographed a brutal religious genocide in the Roman Catholic Fascist State of Croatia from 1941 to 1945 that took the lives of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians! (This “Vatican Holocaust”, as author Avro Manhattan called it in his book, “The Vatican’s Holocaust”, occurred less than 70 years ago!)

4. [Ed.: The Apostle Paul wrote]: “For I bear them record that they have a zeal of [Ed.: i.e., a devotion to] God, but not according to knowledge.” (Romans 10:2)

While the Apostle Paul was “aiming” the above statement at his follow Israelites according to the flesh, his statement could also be applied to many Jesuits – and many Roman Catholics – who in the past tortured and murdered – or who instructed others to torture and murder – so-called “heretics”! Yes, in their “zeal of [or, devotion to] God”, they carried out the most heinous “crimes against humanity”!

If the Jesuits – and the popes – and the priests, monks, and friars of other Roman Catholic orders – and the Roman Catholic laity – had truly known and obeyed the ENTIRE counsel of God as found in the Holy Bible, they would never have carried out the torture and mass murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children – and committed many other heinous “crimes against humanity” – “in the name of [Jesus] Christ” and “for the greater glory of God” – because “the end justifies the means”.

XV. Conclusions:

First, to answer the questions that I asked earlier in the “introduction” section:

1. Yes, the Jesuit Order – at its higher levels – is the most evil organization the world has seen over the past 4½+ centuries. (Its evil is greatly compounded by the fact that it has often done its evil in the name of Jesus [Christ], claiming that their evil deeds were done “for the greater glory of God”!)

2. The Jesuit Order was expelled from numerous countries (including predominantly Roman Catholic countries) over the centuries because Jesuits were constantly mixing themselves up in the political affairs of various nations, frequently fomenting wars and revolutions, assassinating or attempting to assassinate various heads of State, and carrying out many other seditious, nefarious, and sinister activities to the great harm of many citizens of numerous nations.

3. Yes, the Jesuit Order and the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State are responsible for fomenting many wars and revolutions, such as World War I and World War II. They are also responsible for fomenting the Thirty Years’ War [1618-48], the French Revolution [1789-99], and the American Civil War [1861-65]. (NOTE: The French Revolution was fomented by a Jesuit front group, the Illuminati. The American Civil War was fomented by a Jesuit front group, the Knights of the Golden Circle, and by Jesuit-controlled high-level Freemasons on both sides of that conflict.)

4. Yes, the Jesuit Order is the greatest threat to civil and religious liberty that the world has seen over the past 4½+ centuries. (Numerous popes have condemned all the freedoms that we Americans cherish. A good example of this papal hatred of liberty is the “Syllabus of Errors” promulgated by Pope Pius IX in 1864.)

5. Yes, agents of the Jesuit Order have been responsible for assassinating many heads of State over the centuries. (Their victims include, for example, William of Orange, Kings Henry III and Henry IV of France, Czars Alexander I and Alexander II of Russia, President Abraham Lincoln, and Mexican President Benito Pablo Juarez.)

6. Yes, the Jesuit Order does sit at the very top of the “New World Order (N.W.O.) “pyramid”. (It controls, for example, the Papacy, the highest levels of Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, and the higher levels of the Knights of Columbus, and the highest levels of Opus Dei – and the numerous subgroups controlled through these powerful and influential organizations.)

7. Yes, the Jesuit Order, through its control of various secret societies, does control the International Intelligence Community. [Note: The Jesuit Order places Jesuit-controlled high-level Freemasons – and Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta – in key positions in the top intelligence agencies in the world. The Jesuit Order’s control of the International Intelligence Community allows it to spy upon the citizens of various countries, to carry out assassinations (using military personnel from “Special Operations”, Mafia hit men, and other paid assassins), and to cause “regime change” whenever “necessary” in various parts of the world, etc.]

8. Yes, the Jesuit Order, especially through its wealthy, powerful, and influential Knights of Malta, controls the International Banking Community. (NOTE: Some folks say that “the Jews” control the International Banking Community, and point to such folks as the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds indeed have a Jewish background; however, they are agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome, and they bear the title of “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury”!)

Secondly, we Americans must never forget that the Jesuit Order is a “dagger” pointed at the very heart of America’s Constitutional Republic! Yes, the Jesuits and Papal Rome urged despotic European monarchs to meet at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15, and at Verona, Italy in 1822, to plan the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic – and to fight against popular, representative government wherever it might appear! High-level Jesuits later met in Chieri, Italy in 1825 to “fine-tune” those plans for destroying the American Constitutional Republic and any other government that might arise, desiring to give freedom to its people. The bloody American Civil War of 1861-65 was one of the “fruits” of those three sets of meetings. When the Jesuits, Papal Rome, and the despotic European monarchs failed in their plans to divide the American Constitutional Republic into two separate nations, they reverted to “Plan B”, i.e., to concentrate nearly all governmental power into the Central/Federal government in the USA, and to begin the incremental process of eroding our God-given Rights as spelled out in the U.S. Constitution and its “Bill of Rights”. This war against our Constitution and our God-given Rights and liberties has been going on for quite some time, and our enemies have made tremendous progress! Indeed, Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome is preparing to soon pound the “final nails” into the coffin of the U.S. Constitution and the American Constitutional Republic!

XVI. Final Quotation (to consider):

            “Do you wish to excite troubles, to provoke revolution, to produce the total ruin of your country? Call in the JESUITS; raise up again the monks; open academies, and build magnificent colleges for these hotheaded religionists; suffer [Ed.: i.e., allow] those audacious priests, in their dictatorial and dogmatic tone, to decide on affairs of State.” – Abbé M. De La Roche Arnauld (Former Jesuit)

XVII. What should we do?

1. We need to learn as much as possible, as quickly as possible, about this Jesuit Order that poses a grave threat to our civil and religious liberty. We should obtain as many books as possible that tell the “hard truth” about the Jesuit Order, read them, and then share them with others.

2.We should visit Internet websites to read articles dealing with the Jesuit Order and the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State. (See item #14 in Section XVIII for such websites.) If we find any articles that we particularly like, then we should make printed copies of them to share with others. We should also let lots of folks know about such Internet websites.

3. We should listen to broadcasts that deal with the Jesuit Order and the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State, such as “The Investigative Journal” (hosted by Greg Szymanski), “Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy” (hosted by Eric Jon Phelps), and “Inquisition Update” (hosted by Tom Friess). We can listen to these broadcasts “live” on the First Amendment Rights Media network on Internet website: www.libertyradiolive.com. (Information on broadcasts times can be found by visiting Internet website: www.firstamendmentradio.com.) NOTE: If you like these broadcasts, then please tell as many folks as you can about them! You can also listen to past broadcasts by visiting the “archives” section of First Amendment Rights Media network.

XVIII. For further research on the Jesuit Order – and the assassinations and genocide instigated by the Jesuits:

1. Two excellent books on the Jesuits, i.e., “Vatican Assassins” (1836-page electronic book on CD-ROM in PDF Format) by Eric Jon Phelps, and the 550-page paperback book, “Codeword Barbelon” by P.D. Stuart, can be ordered via credit card by calling LOWVEHM, Inc. at 1-610-589-5300. (Note: The electronic book, “Vatican Assassins”, is the premier exposé of the Jesuit Order in existence today. An additional CD-ROM containing 13 rare books about the Jesuits is provided free of charge with the purchase of “Vatican Assassins”.) [His Internet website is www.vaticanassassins.org.]

2. The 206-page paperback book, “The Secret History of the Jesuits” by Edmond Paris, can be ordered via credit card by calling Chick Publications at 1-909-987-0771. (This book provides evidence showing that the Jesuits and Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome fomented both World War I and World War II.) [Their Internet website is www.chick.com.]

3. The 93-page, illustrated paperback book, “Smokescreens” by Jack T. Chick, can be ordered via credit card by calling Chick Publications at 1-909-987-0771. (This book deals with three cases of genocide carried out by agents and adherents of the Roman Catholic Church-State. Two of those cases – the slaughter of Irish Protestants in 1641, and the massacre of Serb Orthodox Christians in Fascist Croatia from 1941 to 1945 – were incited and orchestrated by the Jesuits.)

4. The 366-page paperback book, “Fifty Years in the ‘Church’ of Rome” by Charles Chiniquy, can be ordered via credit card by calling Chick Publications at 1-909-987-0771. (This book was written by a former Roman Catholic priest of 25 years. Charles Chiniquy, while a priest, spoke out against alcoholism and other abuses within the Roman Catholic priesthood, such as the abuses that occur in the confessional box. This courageous and kind priest was “rewarded” for his efforts for reform by being persecuted by his own Church – and was “framed” for a crime that he did not commit. A young lawyer named Abraham Lincoln successfully defended Chiniquy in court, thanks to a lady who came forward to testify that she had overheard a Roman Catholic priest named Lebel asking his sister to “frame” Chiniquy! Charles Chiniquy became friends with Abraham Lincoln, and met with him in the president’s office after Lincoln had become the 16th U.S. President. Chiniquy took notes on many of the conversations that he had with President Lincoln, and provides an account of those conversations in this book. Charles Chiniquy provides information in this book that shows that the Jesuits and the Papacy were responsible for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.)

5. Two books in one volume – “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln” by U.S. Army Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris, and “The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln” by Burke McCarty – can be ordered from Ozark Books by making check or money order for $14 [includes S&H to U.S. locations] payable to “Ozark Books”, and mailing it to: Ozark Books // P.O. Box 3703 // Springfield, MO 65808. [Note: Orders for Canadian addresses, including S&H: $19 in U.S. funds only.] (These two books in one volume provide lots of evidence of the Jesuit Order’s involvement – and Papal Rome’s involvement – in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.)

6. The 236-page paperback book, “The Vatican’s Holocaust” by Avro Manhattan, can be ordered from Ozark Books by making check or money order for $9.95 [includes S&H to U.S. locations] payable to “Ozark Books”, and mailing it to: Ozark Books // P.O. Box 3703 // Springfield, MO 65808. (This book tells the story of the horrible religious genocide carried out by the Roman Catholic Ustashi in the Fascist State of Croatia from 1941 to 1945 – a genocide that took the lives of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians. This genocide was planned and choreographed by two Jesuit prelates, Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric – respectively the archbishops of Zagreb and Sarajevo.)

7. Bill Hughes’ two excellent books on the Jesuits, “The Secret Terrorists” and “The Enemy Unmasked”, can be obtained for a total of $10 [includes S&H to U.S. locations]. To order these two books, please make your check or money order in the amount of $10 payable to “Truth Triumphant”, and mail it to:  Truth Triumphant // P.O. Box 1417 // Eustis, FL 32727-1417.

8. John Daniel’s 411-page paperback book, “The Grand Design Exposed”, can be ordered by making your check or money order for $20 [includes S&H to U.S. locations] payable to “American Sentry Books”, and mailing it to: American Sentry Books // P.O. Box 14 // Crawley, WV 24931. (This books deals with the Jesuit takeover of the highest levels of Freemasonry, Jesuit involvement in early America, and Jesuit involvement in the French Revolution, etc.) [His Internet website is www.vaticandesignexposed.com.]

9. C.T. Wilcox’s well-researched book, “The Transformation of the Republic”, can be purchased on Internet website www.lulu.com. (This book deals with the Lincoln assassination, the conspirators who were involved, the subsequent military and civilian trials, and Papal Romish and Jesuit involvement!) [His Internet website is www.ctwilcox.com.]

10. The book, “The Jesuit Kulturkampf in the United States” by Dr. Ronald Cooke, and two excellent books about Jesuit involvement in British history (i.e., “The Babington Plot: Jesuit Intrigue in Elizabethan England” by J.E.C. Shepherd, and “Jesuit Plots-From Elizabethan to Modern Times” by Albert Close) can be obtained from The Conversion Center, Inc. For order information (e.g., prices, S&H, etc.), please call 1-919-782-6140. To order the books by phone (no credit card orders), please call 1-800-631-8220.

11. Please visit your local Barnes & Noble bookstore to see if they can order the following books for you that I recently ordered through my local Barnes & Noble bookstore (and quickly received via UPS shipping):

a. “The Jesuits” (1883) by Karl Theodor Griesinger (an excellent history of the Jesuit Order)

b. “History of the Jesuits” (1854) by Giovanni Battista Nicolini (an excellent history of the Jesuit Order)

c. “History of the Jesuits” (1848) by Andrew Steinmetz (an excellent history of the Jesuit Order)

d. “The Jesuits: Their Moral Maxims and Plots” by James Aitken Wylie

e. “Principles of the Jesuits” (1839) by Henry Hadley Norris (a brief history of the beginning of the Jesuit Order, plus quotations by many Jesuits on various topics) [Note: You will be able to read, in the Jesuits’ own words, how they “excuse” and/or “justify” many sins and/or crimes, including that of Roman Catholic sons turning in their own fathers for the “crime of heresy”, even when those sons “may know that their parents will be burned with fire”.]

NOTE: For reprints of old and rare books, such as those listed immediately above, please visit these two Internet websites: www.general-books.net and www.kessinger.net.

12. Please do a “google”-style search on the Internet for the following books:

a. “RULERS OF EVIL: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies” by F. Tupper Saussy (328-page hardback book; Publisher: HarperCollins; 2001) [Note: I strongly disagree with the extreme pacifist position taken by Saussy in his book; however, Saussy’s book does contain some important information on the Jesuit Order that is not found in most other books dealing with the Jesuits.]

b. “The Vatican against Europe” by Edmond Paris [Note: My copy is a 311-page paperback book published by THE WICKLIFFE PRESS, London. This book covers Jesuit and Papal activity immediately preceding – and during – both World War I and World War II.]

c. “The Jesuits in History” by Hector Macpherson [Note: My copy is a 156-page paperback book published by OPEN-BIBLE MINISTRIES, Belfast, Northern Ireland.]

13. Volume 2 of “The History of Protestantism”, part of a 3-volume set written by J.A. Wylie, contains a number of chapters dealing with the Jesuit Order. This three-volume set of books has been published in an 8½” X 11½” format, and would probably be the equivalent of several thousand pages if published in three smaller-sized (width and length) paperback books. (Note: The volumes are not sold separately.) I believe that these three volumes are an absolute must-read for Christians! These three volumes tell the story of the development of the Papacy; the story of early Christian groups, such as the Waldenses and the Paulicians; the story of the Protestant Reformation; and the story of the Jesuit Order that led the Counter-Reformation; and much more. To purchase this 3-volume set of books, you can make a check or money order in the amount of $122.50 (includes insurance and S&H to U.S. locations) payable to “Leaves of Autumn Books, Inc.”, and mail it to: Leaves of Autumn Books // P.O. Box 440 // Payson, AZ 85547-0440. Or, you can order this 3-volume set of books via credit card (Master Card or Visa) by calling 1-928-474-3654. (Price is current as of January 11, 2010.)

Note: The most important book to read and study is the 1611 Authorized King James Bible.

14. Visit and “check out” the following Internet websites (hopefully listed alphabetically) that have articles and/or podcasts about the Jesuit Order, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism:

www.arcticbeacon.com (Greg Szymanski of “The Investigative Journal” broadcast: This website has lots of articles dealing with the Jesuit Order and Papal wealth, influence, and power.)

www.bereanbeacon.org (Richard Bennett of the “Berean Beacon”: Richard is a former Roman Catholic priest of 22 years – his ministry exposes the false gospel of Papal Rome while proclaiming the true Gospel of salvation by faith in Christ alone, by God’s grace alone: this website has numerous audio and video clips and articles dealing with Roman Catholicism.)

www.chick.com (Chick Publications: This website has information on a number of books, DVDs, and tracts available through Chick Publications that deal with the unbiblical doctrines & practices of Roman Catholicism; it also has articles dealing with Papal Rome and Catholicism.)

www.ctwilcox.com (C.T. Wilcox, author of “The Transformation of the Republic”: This website exposes Papal Rome’s involvement in the assassination of Lincoln, and has numerous articles that deal with Papal Rome.)

www.gordoncomstock.com (Check out his podcasts by clicking on the AUDIO “marker” on his homepage. “Gordon Comstock” has interviewed the writer of this newsletter a number of times.)

www.toughissues.org (My website: It has over 70 articles, many of which deal with Papal Rome’s bloody history and the unbiblical doctrines & practices found in Roman Catholicism.)

www.vaticanassassins.org (Eric Jon Phelps, author of the book “Vatican Assassins”: This website has many articles dealing the Jesuit Order, the Knights of Malta, and Papal Rome’s wealth, influence, and power.)

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? [Or] who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”  (Psalm 94:16)