Serapis, the Serpent God of Ancient Palestine, Syria and Egypt, And his Roman Remake into Jesus shortly after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus
Serapis, the Serpent God of Ancient Palestine, Syria and Egypt, And his Roman Remake into Jesus shortly after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus

Salaam To All,

This section is dedicated specifically to the many forms of Satanism.  The images above represent an example of Satanism’s ‘Right Hand Path’ of religious conditioning for mass mind-control as practiced by the families of Titus (the son of Vespasian) and Philo of Alexandria (a Jew), who were joined in marriage and then embarked on a new Gnostic campaign.


The Romans constantly initiated new religious cults for this purpose and that which Constantine began was no different.  He was never truly Christian or Catholic: all of it  is/was a lie, which is part and parcel of the Right Hand Satanic Path of Political Science as per John Kenneth Galbraith:


That this is Satanic is empirically self-evident.  If you wish to further understand the ages past as well as the present, I invite you to survey the various subtopics under this title page.  Insh’Allah, I will post more as time goes by.

Tantric Sex Magic, the real origin of the Baphomet