Dear brothers and sisters, I hope to find you in Allah’s mercy as you folks read through… I am Muhammad Anas Naeem aka Dr. Omar Zaid’s GM, IT Guy and CEO of LIGHT ON LIGHT PUBLISHING ® © ™. I am his first “Campfire Companion“…
I am a Computer Scientist by career based in Lahore, Pakistan. I graduated in the Spring of 2010, since then life took me on many adventures starting from developing many many softwares which included real-time trading Engines used in Forex and Stock markets,Electronic Medical Records, Document Security software, mobile apps for Android, iOS, etc… then the time when Allah charged me with a task that would change my destiny and thinking for the remaining years of my life.
I found Dr. Omar, in 2011 when I started reading his blog. I wasn’t much into those subjects and realms that Doc was dealing with at that time. But over the course of few months and years to follow I found myself misfit for worldly desires, etc., and found it harder to comprehend what exactly was happening in my surroundings — like a falcon who’s trying to “fly” in the ocean when it’s destined for the skies…
I first contacted Dr O, at the end of 2013 and from that point onward we started corresponding regularly but this correspondence was only through emails… And it took a while to mature our relationship over the upcoming years…There was nothing like his online forum at that time…but I was always willing to help him in any way whatsoever that be in improving his site to securing and digitally signing his work in electronic format to preserve it from getting sabotaged and everything in between, and stayed steadfast.
Doc and I never brought the money game but charity into our relationship, and by this point Dr was confident enough to let me enter his Campfire, by saying “I want someone like you to continue my legacy… when I am gone… and Alhumdulilah Allah helped me to accomplish that through LIGHT ON LIGHT PUBLISHING ® © ™,”
It was not an easy task and took me 7 years+ to get to where I am and Alhumdulilah I feel blessed. Allah paved the way… I am his adopted daughter’s husband and a father of a little angel who was directly observed by Dr Omar whenever she was in trouble regarding her heallth and when she was vaccinated cynically…Alhumdulilah ! I have no words to express my gratitude for his help… And the companionship we hold together… This is a small very informal introduction… May Allah bless dear Dr. Omar Zaid and raise him high in ranks in both worlds… Ameen. I hope I am too tagged with that…
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