

… the author claims Malcolm-X exposed contemporary authorities as the ‘Mystery Of Iniquity’. He says, “they murdered him before his apocalypse gained traction.” At the core of this organized evil sit ancient protocols for cultural subversion that promote infidelity. Dr Zaid gives us an evidence-based remedy in terms defined by NOI’s drama as well as by the history of civilization. To this end he adds NOETIC SCIENCE and HOLY SCRIPTURE.
The result is tsunamic.

Your Closest Neighbor

This book describes seven fundamental emotional and psychic needs for men and women. Other gender identities are not discussed, but they too will benefit from the wisdom presented. These gendered needs are described for each spouse in two separate chapters. You will be interested to know what they are, aren’t, and how they differ. Dr. Zaid then presents a very convincing panscriptural essay that describes the purpose of marriage. If you want to acknowledge the divine in your marriage, and do this consciously together with your loved one. Buy this book. Read it. Keep it as a bedside companion.

Campfire Talks

My Campfire Lectures have been years in the making and offer a unique view of occult history and other matters that clarify and re-order our worldview with a gestalt knowledge synthesis approach that will completely change the way you look at creation and the world we live in.

They are not for everybody, nor are they offered lightly. I personally require that you, the purchaser, do not share them in any way except for private study. I give no permission for their reproduction. If anyone wishes to use them for formal educational purposes, please write to me for specific permission.

~ Dr. O

Campfire Talk 2.0

[under development]

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