Vaccines now being used to harvest biometric identities of everyone; Big Brother merges with Big Pharma – NaturalNews.com
Source: Vaccines now being used to harvest biometric identities of everyone; Big Brother merges with […]
Relativity says we live in four dimensions. String theory says it’s 10. What are ‘dimensions’ and how do they affect reality? – GOVERNMENT SLAVES
By definition, he said, ‘nothing’ cannot be. Source: Relativity says we live in four dimensions. […]
Facebook bans all content on vaccine awareness, including facts about vaccine ingredients, vaccine injury and vaccine industry collusion | From the Trenches World ReportFrom the Trenches World Report
Source: Facebook bans all content on vaccine awareness, including facts about vaccine ingredients, vaccine injury […]
Drilling Down into Flu Deceptions and Mind-boggling Lies
The CDC has been lying for decades … your doctors are dupes Source: Drilling Down […]