The Deadly Game Between The House of Rothschild and Freedom-Loving America by William Dean A. Garner

7 responses to “The Deadly Game Between The House of Rothschild and Freedom-Loving America by William Dean A. Garner”

  1. I don’t understand how those famillies create money and from where? How it is so simply? What mean money? Is it only paper or coin? If its as it is everybody can create wealth from nothing? Nobody can answer this question and i never found the answer and i am stilling looking after this answer.

    • understood this video, i have seen a lot like this but as i said every body can create money it is so simple! Excpecially with the fractionnal reserve.

  2. Let no man be deluded about this. The American Civil War was formented with Rothschild money and power. The destruction of the civilization of Jackson and Washington was the ultimate goal, and the mission was accomplished. The Southern leaders were the biggest pack of fools who ever lived. Every newspaper editor in the South was a tool of Rothschild. As payback for Jackson every Southerner has been under the heel of the 14th Amendment ever since!

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