“I am quite convinced that water fluoridation,
in a not-too-distant future, will be consigned to medical history.”
– Dr. Arvid Carlsson, Winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Medicine
Fluoridated Water Causes Brain Damage in Children
Originally published December 23 2010 /
NaturalNews.comby Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
A new study pre-published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives confirms that fluoridated water causes brain damage in children. The new study so strongly proves that fluoride is a dangerous, brain-destroying toxin, that experts say it could be the one that finally ends water fluoridation.
- “This is the 24th study that has found this association,” explained Paul Connett, Ph.D., director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). “[B]ut this study is stronger than the rest because the authors have controlled for key confounding variables and in addition to correlating lowered IQ with levels of fluoride in the water, the authors found a correlation between lowered IQ and fluoride levels in children’s blood.”
For the study, researchers evaluated 512 children ages 8-13 in two Chinese villages, one village with higher than average fluoride levels and the other with lower than average fluoride levels. After accounting for external variables like lead exposure, iodine deficiency and other conditions that might affect brain health, the team still found that the number of higher intelligence children in the low fluoride community was 350 percent higher than the number in the high fluoride community.
- “In this study we found a significant dose-response relation between fluoride level in serum and children’s IQ,” wrote the study authors.
Though there have been numerous studies over the years that identify fluoride as a neurotoxin, most mainstream medical professionals in the U.S. have ignored them and continue to support water fluoridation. But the evidence continues to mount, and sooner or later the medical community will have to come to grips with the truth about fluoride.
- “This should be the study that finally ends water fluoridation,” explained Tara Blank, Ph.D., Science and Health Officer at FAN. “Millions of American children are being exposed unnecessarily to this neurotoxin on a daily basis. Who in their right minds would risk lowering their child’s intelligence in order to reduce a small amount of tooth decay, for which the evidence is very weak.”
To learn more about the dangers of fluoride, visit:
Industry and Fluoridation
Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb
Suppression of Scientific Dissent on Fluoride’s Risks and Benefits
The Fluoride Debate
Fluoride Action Network
Influence of Fluoride Exposure on Reaction Time and Visuospatial Organization in Children
Epidemiology: July 2000, Volume 11, Number 4 Supplement S153.
Jaqueline Calderon, Machado Blenda, Navarro Marielena, Carrizales Leticia, Ortiz Maria Deogracias, Diaz-Barriga F.
University of North Caroline. Email: Jaqueline.Calderon@sph-unc.edu
Fluoride exposure is an important public health problem in several Mexican states. In the city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, above 90% of the children have some degree of dental fluorosis. The main source of exposure to fluoride is tap water…
After controlling by significant confounders, urinary fluoride correlated positively with reaction time and inversely with the scores in visuospatial organization. IQ scores were not influenced by fluoride exposure. An increase in reaction time could affect the attention process, also the low scores in visuospatial organization could be affecting the reading and writing abilities in these children.
Neurotoxicity of fluoride,
Fluoride, 1996, 29:2, 57-58 (Editorial by AWB and JC)
The August 1995 issue of this journal contained an abstract (pages 151-152) of an interesting paper by Dr Phyllis Mullenix and her collaborators.1 They recorded behavioral changes in rats after ingestion of fluoride, and found that the severity of the effect on behavior increased directly with plasma fluoride levels and fluoride concentration in specific brain regions. A reading of the full paper is well worthwhile. In their Introduction, after referring to the increase in dental fluorosis in humans after decades of water fluoridation, the authors comment:
- “One concern that has not been fully investigated is the link between fluoride and effects an the central nervous system (CNS)…. Many years of ubiquitous fluoride exposure have not resulted in obvious CNS problems such as seizures, lethargy, salivation, tremors, paralysis, or sensory deficits. Still unexplored, however, is the possibility that fluoride exposure is linked with subtle brain dysfunction.”
Effect of Fluoride Exposure on Intelligence in Children
Fluoride, 1995 Nov, 28:4, pp 189-192 / Li XS, Zhi JL, Gao RO,
The intelligence was measured of 907 children aged 8-13 years living in areas which differed in the amount of fluoride present in the environment. The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of children living in areas with a medium or severe prevalence of fluorosis was lower than that of children living in areas with only a slight fluorosis or no fluorosis. The development of intelligence appeared to be adversely affected by fluoride in the areas with a medium or severe prevalence of fluorosis but to a minor extent only in areas with only a slight prevalence of fluorosis. A high fluoride intake was associated with a lower intelligence. No correlation was found between age and intelligence in the areas with a medium and severe prevalence of fluorosis. The effect of exposure to a high level of fluoride on intelligence may occur at an early stage of development of the embryo and infant when the differentiation of brain nerve cells is occurring and development is most rapid.