Editor’s Note: This is a continuation from an earlier post, ‘Understanding the Present Eschatology” (http://zaidpub.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/winged-demon-assyia.jpg?p=2802).
Notwithstanding the astonishing anecdotes from communities and individuals, what is unknown to pedestrian Muslims is that the Qur’an, Sunnah, and Sirah of our Prophet were subjected to apologetics and speculations in veiled support of materialism ala the notorious Abdullah ibn Maymun and a host of camouflaged babblers while the masses lay in the squalor of deliberate campaigns to keep them somnambulant and ignorant. The latter neglect included passing over women in addition to rather vigilant hadith wars,[1] which, for the most part, served to obscure the simplicity of divine law in order to excuse opulence, extra-judicial excesses and disgusting male chauvinism. To substantiate these statements as more than an opinion, I offer the following:
Abdullah ibn Maymun’s Protocols [2]
To link together into one body the vanquished and the conquerors;
to unite in the form of a vast secret society with many degrees of initiation free-thinkers—who regarded religion only as curb for the people—and bigots of all sects;
to make tools of believers in order to give power to skeptics; to induce conquerors to overturn the empires they had founded;
to build up a party, numerous, compact, and disciplined, which in due time would give the throne, if not to himself, at least to his descendants.