From 'role models' to sex workers: VIRAL SCAM & Lockdown cause child poverty to soar in Kenya 

2 responses to “From 'role models' to sex workers: VIRAL SCAM & Lockdown cause child poverty to soar in Kenya ”

  1. I actually did a whole study on Prostitution in general on the negative consequences of it to the individual and society (it was initially out of spite for another classmate – but slowly changed with the question in mind “Allah SWT forbade Zina for a reason, so what’s the negatives that’s come from prostitution?”) – I obviously found that the narrative of legalizing it would somehow make it better is a lie and that also the majority of sex workers come from low income backgrounds.

    It hence makes me mad that people defend prostitution in using the “freedom” and freedom of choice narrative (it’s not truely a choice for most sex workers when you look deep into it though…).

    Also, a question on that article. If movement is so restricted then how are those perverted men going on hiring minors for sex? Lack of security, or something more sinister?

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