Pope Francis is named by former Argentine junta insider as “prime mover” in child trafficking network.
Francis concealed Vatican – Crown of England “Holyrood Agreement” authorizing joint coverup of child rape in Anglican and Catholic churches

Exclusive reports from Madrid and Rome:
A former civil servant in the Argentine military junta who is living in exile in Spain claims that Pope Francis engineered the kidnapping and trafficking of children of political prisoners during the Dirty War of the 1970’s.
The man bases his claim on his personal involvement in meetings between Bergoglio and senior junta members that secured the child trafficking networks using Catholic orphanages and religious bodies as covers.
A Spanish reporter who has interviewed the former civil servant states,
“This guy is genuine and has many names and dates, and notes from meetings. Apparently, Bergoglio was promised the top spot in the Argentine church if he cooperated with the junta. So it’s small wonder that as the Pope, he’s made it harder for honest Catholics to report child abuse, considering his own complicity.”
In related news, a Vatican source claims that former Pope Benedict (Joseph Ratzinger) secured an agreement with Queen Elizabeth as head of the Church of England to conceal child rape in that body by adopting the provisions of the canon law “Crimen Sollicitationas”.
The agreement was made at Holyrood Castle in Edinburgh on September 16, 2010, during the Pope’s unprecedented visit to England that month, the first such visit in papal history.
The adoption of the notorious law by Queen Elizabeth was one of the conditions for the absorption of the Anglican church back into the Church of Rome. It compels all Anglican clergy to subvert the laws of their own countries by protecting child rapists in their ranks, silencing victims and not telling the police of the crime.
Pope Benedict resigned on February 11, 2013, followed in August by the equally unexpected resignation of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who helped to broker the Holyrood Agreement.
The cancellation of Queen Elizabeth’s novel trip to the Vatican in March, 2013 soon after the appointment of Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis 1 was connected to the new Pope’s concerns that the Holyrood agreement might surface.
“Papa Francis was determined to keep the Holyrood deal secret at whatever cost because of his own ‘reform’ image and his plans to entrench Crimen even more completely in church law, which he did in his July 11 Apostolic Letter” states the Vatican source.
“One of his conditions for being made Pontiff was the dismissal of Bertone, who might link him to Holyrood. As a Jesuit, Il Papa knows you must feign one thing while doing another”.
In response to these latest revelations, the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels is actively proceeding with its next major case, in which its Prosecutors’ Office will seek the prosecution of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, on a charge of criminal conspiracy and aiding and abetting human trafficking.
The Court will issue its first Statement of Claim and Summonses no later than March 30, 2014.
The same Court issued a Legal Declaration on August 4, 2013, naming the Crown of England and the Roman Catholic Church as Transnational Criminal bodies under international law.
Further consequences of these facts will be disclosed this Friday, February 7 at a special press conference convened by ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett, commencing at 11 am outside the Canadian consulate at 1251 Avenue of the Americas in New York City.
www.itccs.org (archives) , www.hiddennolonger.com (Crimen document, Appendix 9), www.iclcj.com
Issued by the Central Office, ITCCS
Monday, 3 February, 2014 (GMT)
“I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him.”
Chief Louis Daniels – Whispers Wind
Elder, Crane Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba
3 responses to “Pope Francis Identified as Principal in Child Trafficking In Argentina”
Child sexual abuse perpetrated by priests appears to have a long history within Christianity,[2] and is especially associated with the Roman Catholic Church, due to a number of high profile scandals which have come to light in recent decades.
Many of these scandals relate to molestations committed decades ago, which were hushed up by the Church at the time. This hushing up included pressurising abuse victims into silence, a practice supported by Church decrees such as the Crimen sollicitationis. This culture of secrecy and self-preservation is one of the factors which has allowed paedophiles to remain active within the clergy, together with the tradition of clerical celibacy which may attract those who cannot satisfy their sexual proclivities openly, and priests’ frequent access to children in the pastoral duties
21st century scandals
In the early 2000s, several priest molestation scandals broke that have rippled worldwide. Many cases were not prosecutable, as the evidence uncovered was from so long ago that the Statute of Limitations had expired. As a result of some of the cases, there was a push to alter these statutes so that adults who were molested as children would have a chance to testify and seek justice years after the event. In just one Australian state, Victoria, it is estimated between 600 and 10,000 children were abused since the 1930s.[3] It is estimated that at least 4% of Roman Catholic priests serving in the United States during the first half of the 20th Century abused minors. [4]
“”What gets me is it’s the same story every time and every place. Bishops appoint priests that they know have abused children in the past to new parishes and new communities and more abuse happens,
— Colm O’Gorman, former abuse victim [5] [6][7]
Colm O’Gorman directs an Irish charity assisting sex abuse victims.
[edit] Clerical celibacy
Some maintain that enforced celibacy leads to paedophilia
“” (…) what is it about Catholicism that fosters child rape among its supposedly godly representatives? Maybe, just maybe, it’s entirely unnatural to force a person to be “celibate?” Perhaps the priesthood attracts child molesters because of its unnatural structure that, by eliminating healthy sexuality, encourages perversion and also covers it up?
—”Does the Catholic Church foster pedophilia?” in Freethought Nation [8]
Andrew Brown also maintains that celibacy encouraged men who were “confused or in denial about their own sexuality” to become priests. Further Brown claims that celibacy drives sexual energy to murky, awful forms of expression. Andrew Brown however maintains celibacy played a more important part in the cover-ups. Brown believes a groupthink developed among the celibate brothers sharing the same temptations and frustrations. Friendship, affection and trust were diverted away from the enticements of non-Celibate outsiders and drawn inward to the ‘safer’ celibate community. Loyalty to the brotherhood and protecting brothers became more important than protecting victims. The substitute family of fellow celibate priests became more important than the welfare of parishioners. [9]
[edit] Papal hypocrisy
There are even accusations that Pope Benedict XVI earlier in his career covered up for abusive priests in Munich and later as hypocritically named “morals enforcer” for The Vatican.[10] Priests who had abused children were simply moved on to other parishes where, all too frequently, they re-offended. Pope Benedict XVI personally issued a document telling bishops to hush up allegations of abuse and avoid reporting abuse to the authorities. The bishops were instructed to keep this sensitive document in a safe at all times. Perpetrators and victims of abuse were sometimes pressured into silence with the threat of excommunication to keep them in line.[11] Other victims were bribed into silence.[12]
In 2012 Pope Benedict wrote:-
“”‘Children are the greatest treasure and the future of every society: truly caring for them means recognising our responsibility to teach, defend and live by the moral virtues which are the key to human fulfilment.’
Countless abuse victims have had their childhood, or their life, effectively ruined through the psychological trauma of abuse. Some victims were even driven to commit or attempt suicide.[14][15]
[edit] Abuse of trust
Roman Catholics are taught from early childhood to respect priests and to believe what priests tell them about God and religion. Paedophile priests can easily abuse this position. For example, Alexander Bede Walsh was convicted of serious sex assaults against boys. [16] [17] One child abuse victim said Walsh gave him alcohol, told him drinking it would get him to heaven; another believed abuse was the hand of god touching him.[18] Another man, who was a teenager at the time, claims abuse by Walsh drove him to attempt suicide.[19] Walsh, who was convicted in 2004 over computer indecency,[20] was allowed to work at Roman Catholic premises within yards of a playgroup. This is far less serious than the abuse allegations above, but it happened in 2009 and 2010, despite promises from the church that they would mend their ways. [21][22][23] Walsh has been sentenced to 22 years in prison.[24][25][26] Walsh and others took advantage of orphans, and nuns carried out abuse as well as priests. One man wants compensation.[27][28]
[edit] Concealment from police
An Australia priest named John Denham (now defrocked) is alleged to have assaulted two boys in the late 1970s, who complained to the school principal, Father Brennan. Instead of contacting police, Brennan allegedly caned the boys to make sure they wouldn’t complain again. In 2012 Brennan was charged with failing to report these serious crimes against the boys,[29] but died before court proceedings could begin, having been suffering from terminal cancer.[30]
Bishop Finn of Kansas city is on trial accused of concealing child abuse and child pornography from the police. The Reverend Shawn Ratigan, who worked under Finn, had indecent images on his computer. According to the prosecution, Finn knew about the offenses during 2010 to 2011, but failed to report the evidence to legal authorities.[31][32][33]
There have been cases where other similarly accused bishops reached agreements with the local authority and avoided prosecution.[34]
[edit] Liability in UK law
In a case relating to abuse committed by a Catholic priest (since deceased) in the 1970s, a High Court in the UK ruled in 2011 that the local diocese was “vicariously liable” for the abuse, as any other employer would be.[35] The Church launched an appeal against this decision, arguing that the relationship between bishop and priest is “different” from that of employer and employee. The victim claimed sex abuse and rape at a children’s home during the 1970s. Her lawyer commented that “this challenge to the High Court ruling is likely to be deeply offensive to victims of clerical abuse”.[36]
[edit] Blaming the disease
Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, of South Africa describes paedophilia as “illness, not a criminal condition” and claims abusers should be treated rather than punished. The cardinal says doctors should examine child abusers. [37] Treatment as well as punishment is common in liberal countries for illnesses that lead to crime.
B. Dorries from Chicago-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and herself a victim of priestly abuse when she was a child told the BBC:
“””If it is a disease that’s fine, but it’s also a crime and crimes are punished, criminals are held accountable for what they did and what they do. (…) “The bishops and the cardinals have gone to great lengths to cover these crimes to enable the predators to move on, to not be arrested, to keep the secrets within the church.”
Napier later apologized unreservedly for his comments. [39]
[edit] Leaked 1997 letter
In January 2010 an anonymous Irish bishop leaked a letter that undermined the Vatican’s claim that the Irish sex abuse scandals were an issue of local mismanagement. The letter was written by the then Vatican ambassador to Ireland, Luciano Storero, and sent in response to a 1996 agreement reached by Irish bishops to introduce mandatory reporting of suspected abusers to the authorities – kind of like what one would expect in any organisation that doesn’t consider itself to be above the law. Storero’s letter reinforces the need to stick with canonical law, and highlighted the possible embarrassment of subsequently seeing their decisions over-ridden by the Holy See. The full text of the letter is hosted by the New York Times here. The letter is being claimed by many, including abuse victims, as being a “smoking gun” that establishes complicity in Rome.[40] .
Thank you very kindly — omar
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