Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from “Murder By Injection” by the late Dr. Eustace Mullins [Highly Recommended].
Murder By Injection, 1988, Eustice Mullins
Even more details can be had from a book entitled “Cocaine, An Unauthorized Biography” by Dominic Streatfield’ [Highly Recommended] …
No chronicle of the world’s important drug firms would be
complete without relating the connection between drug firms and
the world drug operation known as “Dope, Inc.” It began with a
small group of international financiers, headquartered in London,
who officiated in the setting up of an “American” intelligence
service, which was initially known as the Office of Strategic
Services during World War II. This organization was set up under
168the close supervision of the British Secret Intelligence Service and
was later disbanded by President Truman, who was highly
suspicious of its operations. The OSS then went underground at the
State Department as a “research group” working on “behavioural
theory.” It was led by one Evron Kirkpatrick, whose wife, Jeane
Kirkpatrick, is a director of the Rockefeller financed Trotskyite
group, League for Industrial Democracy and who is frequently
touted as “a great anti-Communist,” the catch being that all good
Trotskyites are vehemently opposed to the Moscow branch of the
Communist Party. They still mourn the passing of their leader, Leon
Trotsky, who was murdered by a Stalinist agent in Mexico City in
1940. The Kirkpatrick group then resurfaced as “the Central
Intelligence Agency,” headed by Allen Dulles, a partner in the
Schroder Bank, the bank which had handled Adolf Hitler’s personal
bank account. Dulles’ brother, John Foster Dulles, was then
Secretary of State under President Eisenhower.
Whatever interest the CIA may have had in “intelligence,” it
soon became clear that its primary interest was in the realization of
the enormous profits to be made in the international dope trade.
Because British fortunes in the early nineteenth century had been
founded in this trade, it was logical that the SIS operatives who set
up our OSS, later CIA, would have been programmed to go into this
business. It later became known by the inside sobriquet, “the
Company,” meaning, of course, an enterprise in which one became
engaged for profit. The excuse advanced to justify going into this
business was that a “stingy” Congress refused to advance enough
money to the CIA to finance its covert operations; therefore a loyal
CIA agent would do whatever possible to aid “the Company” to
raise funds needed for this work. In fact, some of its most active
agents, such as Edwin Wilson, suddenly wound up owning six
million dollar estates in the developing area off the Washington
Beltway, a certain indication that there was indeed a lot of money
coming in from somewhere. What is the present magnitude of the
CIA world drug operation? Lt. Col. Bo Gritz, who has thirty years
of distinguished service with the United States Army Special
Forces, testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee
International Narcotic Task Force that 900 tons of heroin and opium
would enter the free world in 1987, the source being Southeast Asia
and the Golden Triangle. Col. Gritz had been to Asia a number of
times to confer with one of Asia’s largest drug producers, Khun Sa.
Khun Sa then laid the blame for the world drug operation squarely
at the door of some well known CIA operatives, including Theodore
Shackley, who served as chief of station for the CIA in Laos from
1965 to 1975. Khun Sa stated that Shackley had worked closely
with Mao Se Hung, who was then the leading drug smuggler in
Southeast Asia.
Another colleague of Shackley was a “civilian” named Santos Trafficante. Trafficante had long been a leading figure in the Mafia, and had been called before Congress to testify about a possible attempt on the life of Castro in Cuba. When the Communist regime took over, the Mafia lost an empire of gambling and prostitution in Havana and other cities. They sought revenge.
Trafficante was commissioned by Meyer Lansky, the Moneybags of
the Syndicate, to get rid of Castro. Whether the attempt failed, or as
is more likely, the Mafia came to an understanding with Castro
about the dope traffic, is not yet known. Trafficante then became
heavily involved in the Pacific area of the drug traffic, becoming a
go-between for the Nugan Hand operation, the drug bank in
Australia and the Golden Triangle.
Another prominent personality identified by Khun Sa and
others as active in the drug trade was Richard Armitage, whose drug
operations began during the Vietnam War. He later moved to the
U.S. Embassy in Bangkok. From 1975 to 1979, according to
witnesses, he used his embassy position to carry on drug operations.
He then left that post, establishing the Far East Trading Corporation
in Bangkok. Armitage was later appointed by President Reagan as
Assistant Secretary of Defense in charge of International Security
Affairs, reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense, Casper
Weinberger. Business tycoon Ross Perot then learned of Armitage’s
history. He went to the White House, demanding that Armitage be
fired. He talked to George Bush, former head of the CIA, who gave
him the brushoff by sending him to FBI Director William Webster
(shortly afterwards, Webster was quietly appointed head of the
CIA). Webster refused to act on Perot’s complaints, which opened
the door for his appointment to the CIA post. Meanwhile,
Weinberger, fearful that the role of the Defense Department in the
drug scandal was about to unfold, hastily resigned. He was
succeeded by Frank Carlucci, who was then serving as National
Security Advisor, and who was well versed in the entire operation.
Carlucci personally ordered Perot to drop his crusade against
Armitage. Because Perot’s fortune had been built on huge
government contracts, he had no choice but to back off. Other
personages involved were General Richard Secord, who surfaced as
a figure in the Iran-Contra affair, who had boasted of flying plane
loads of gold to Southeast Asia to pay off the drug smugglers.
The daytime soap opera known as the Iran-Contra affair was
made to order for the secretive operatives of the CIA. They
delighted in leading the obtuse members of Congress on one wild
goose chase after another, while the real story remained untold. It
was chef’s surprise, a culinary delight of drugs, the sale of arms to
belligerents, and money, well seasoned with political sauce, stirred
with various commitments to the State of Israel by leading
Washington politicians, and topped with luscious Swiss bank
accounts. In fact, the Iran Contra affair was the logical culmination
of the longtime involvement of the Rockefeller interests and the
Drug Trust in pro-Communist activity. John D. Rockefeller himself
had tucked the sum of $10,000 in cash into Leon Trotsky’s pocket
before seeing him off to start the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
The Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party which was left behind to
subvert the United States, was operating under the name of the
Socialist Workers Party. It was then given the cover name of League
170for Industrial Democracy. Thus the Drug Trust, while maintaining
the Stalinist Communist government in Russia, simultaneously
maintained a Communist backup regime in the United States, the
Trotskyite movement, in case the Stalinist regime should fall.
Noticeably irked by this competition, Stalin sent an agent Mexico to
eliminate his rival, whom he had previously exiled, realizing that
Trotsky was still too popular in Russia to be murdered there.
The Trotsky organization now had its political martyr. During
the 1950s, it quietly placed its members in power in the media, the
universities and the government, replacing, in most instances, the
incumbent Stalinist hardliners. The Stalinists in Washington who
had surrounded Roosevelt and Truman were gradually replaced with
“neoconservatives,” that is, hard-line anti-Moscow ideologues, who
later added to their masquerade by additional and impressive noms
de plume, such as “the Hard Right,” “the New Right,” “the Religious
Right,” or, in some instances, merely as “conservatives.” None other
than the Hollywood man on the white horse, Ronald Reagan, rode
into power in 1980 on a tide of “neoconservatism.” His principal
backing came from the CIA, which by then was only a mouthpiece
for the neoconservatives, and its house organ, the National Review,
whose editor, William Buckley, boasted that the only job he had
ever had was with the CIA. Jeane Kirkpatrick, of the Rockefeller
financed League for Industrial Democracy, became the spokesman
for the new policy, while Reagan’s entire team was dominated by
the Hoover Institution, whose two senior fellows, Sydney Hook and
Seymour Martin Lipset, were on the board of LID. Thus David
Rockefeller maintained close liason with the Stalinist Communists
in Moscow, while other Rockefeller interests directed the “anti-
Communist” stance of the Reagan regime. It was a classic Hegelian
operation of thesis and antithesis, with the still unresolved synthesis
yet to come. The power of the LID lay in its domination of the CIA
and its total commitment to the State of Israel as the world
headquarters of the Trotskyite Communist movement. Thus Elliott
Abrams, son-in-law of the Israeli propagandist Norman Podhoretz,
who was editor of the American Jewish Committee organ,
Commentary, was appointed by Reagan to direct the Contra
operation in Nicaragua, a classic standoff between the Stalinist
regime in Managua and Trotskyite directed rebels in the hills.
The drug involvement in this operation should surprise no one,
because the Rockefeller interests, having established the American
Drug Trust, had long been active not only in ethical drugs but in
unethical ones as well. The contra affair not only threatened to blow
the lid off the Iran Connection; it endangered the Israeli Connection,
the Swiss Connection, and the Rockefeller Connection as well. The
danger was averted by astute maneuvering of the docile
congressmen, and by adroit manipulation of the media to focus on
Col. Oliver North and Admiral Poindexter, to the exclusion of their
controllers. Thus a “crusade against Communism,” a noble effort to
contain the Communists a la George Kennan, to be financed with
“dirty” money from the sale of drugs, was at last revealed to be the
171same old crew of CIA agents peddling their drugs and laundering
their money in various parts of the world. (The present writer is now
researching a book which will document all of these operations.)
The CIA drug connection was not only deeply rooted in the
quest for easy profits, but also in the concurrent plan to achieve total
control over the people of the world by the masters of the Drug
Trust. Thus Bowart states, “The Cryptocracy is a brotherhood
reminiscent of the ancient secret societies, with rites of initiation and
indoctrination programs to develop in its loyal membership the
special understanding of its mysteries. It has secret codes and oaths
of silence which reinforce the sense of elitism necessary for the
maintenance of its strict loyalty.” The present writer has described
some of these secret rites in “The Curse of Canaan.”
The emphasis on drugs and experimentation which originated
with the German allopathic school of medicine, and which was
brought to this hemisphere by Illuminati initiates such as Daniel
Coit Gilman, was the first step in transforming the entire medical
practice of the United States from a patient-oriented, healing process
to a totally different approach, in which the patient became an
instrument to be manipulated for the benefit of various other
programs, mainly experimental science. This had been typified by
Dr. J. Marion Sims, the “mad doctor” responsible for setting up
what is now the Rockefeller controlled Memorial Hospital Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center in New York. This total commitment to
“Science” also guided and inspired the CIA drug programs, Projects
Bluebird, Artichoke, MK Ultra, and MK Delta, in which some 139
drugs were used on unsuspecting victims, the substances abused
including cannabis, LSD, Scopolamine, Sodium Amytal, Chloral
Hydrate (the knockout drops of the Old West), ergot, cocaine,
morphine and heroin.
The CIA drug story begins in 1943, when the organization was
still known as the OSS. A Dr. Albert Hoffmann was experimenting
in the Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland (Sandoz was then
controlled by the Warburg family). Although Sandoz has been
manufacturing a substance known as LSD, or lysergic acid, since
1938, it had only been used in experiments with monkeys. A later
form of this substance, LSD-25, produced amazing psychotropic
effects, as Dr. Hoffmann accidentally discovered, when he absorbed
a small quantity of rye fungus, the base for the drug, while he was
working. This happened during August of 1943, at the height of the
Second World War. Dr. Hoffmann later reported, “There surged
upon me an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images of
extraordinary plasticity and vividness and accompanied by an
intense kaeleidoscopic-like play of colors … I thought I was dying or
going crazy.” This was the first “trip,” the precursor of millions of
such experiences by drug cultists. By 1958, Dr. Hoffmann had
expanded his interests to Mexican mushrooms and mescaline, both
of which then became very popular among leading bankers in New
York, and among prominent Hollywood personalities.
At the time of the discovery of LSD, Allen Dulles was posted
in Switzerland, as though by precognition. It was under his
leadership that the CIA became transformed into the foremost
operation of Dope, Inc. He was then engaged in various activities
with officials of the Nazi regime. To this day, no one has been able
to ascertain whether he was trying to preserve the Hitler regime, or
to overthrow it. The most likely assumption is that he was trying to
preserve it to a point, lest the war end too soon for the profit-minded
munitions makers, but at the same time to prevent any sort of
victorious ending for his Nazi cohorts. The notes of
Gotterdammerung had already been sounded. Dulles’ association
with the Hitler regime went back to a fateful meeting in Cologne in
1933, when he and his brother, John Foster Dulles, assured Hitler
the money would be forthcoming to guarantee the fruition of his
goals as he had set them forth in “Mein Kampf.” Allen Dulles later
became a director of the Schroder Bank, which handled Hitler’s
personal bank account. Interestingly, enough, no one has ever been
able to trace one cent of Hitler’s considerable personal fortune,
which he had received from the sale of his books and other income.
Unlike his opponent, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Hitler had no trust fund
from his mother (the proceeds from the China opium trade).
Dulles, as an international spymaster, would probably have
been aware of Dr. Hoffmann’s experiments. After he had returned to
the United States and became director of the newly created CIA,
Dulles ordered 10 kg of LSD from Sandoz, the stated purpose being
“for use in drug experiments with animals and human beings. As
there are some 10,000 doses per gram, this meant that Dulles
ordered one hundred million doses of LSD. Meanwhile, a Dr.
Timothy Leary had been hired by the National Institute of Health to
experiment with psychedelic drugs, including LSD. Leary had
already been forced to resign from West Point, and was later fired
from the faculty at Harvard, perhaps the only person who could say
this. Leary’s NIH study was financed by a grant from the Uris
Foundation of New York City. It continued from 1953 to 1956,
when it was moved to the U.S. Public Health Service, the
experiments going on until 1958, and also at HEW from 1956 to
1963. A CIA Memo dated November 1, 1963 featured glowing
accounts of the work of Dr. Leary and his associate, Dr. Richard
Alpert (who also was later fired from the staff at Harvard). They
invented the turn on, tune in, drop out movement which
incapacitated the youth of America for an entire generation. The
movement, in which the CIA always had a proprietary interest, was
given academic status when it was launched from the ivy-covered
halls of Harvard by Leary and his group. After their forced
departure from Harvard, they were esconced in a million dollar
estate in New York by the wealthy Mellon heir, Tommy Hitchcock.
Their movement swept over the campuses of American universities
and destroyed the educational opportunities for thousands of
American youths.
One response to “the connection between drug firms and the world drug operation known as "Dope, Inc."[aka: CIA], by Eustace Mullins”
…the creed of cain continues to create the problem and present a solution…based on profit upon profit….with the side effects of the solution having another problem and more profits..it is high time that the PROPHETS take over and clean the world.