MURDER INCORPORATED REACHES THE CRADLE: Medical Journal: Legalize ‘After-Birth Abortions’, ‘Infants Are Not People’

3 responses to “MURDER INCORPORATED REACHES THE CRADLE: Medical Journal: Legalize ‘After-Birth Abortions’, ‘Infants Are Not People’”

    • Salaam Nida,

      Unfortunately this heralds mass euthansia, selective infanticide, genocide on a greater scale for population control and a generic return to traditionally satanic human sacrifice. Insh’Allah, Prophet Isa comes soon … as there is no other way to stop this insanity …

      • Absolutely, the Qur’an universally condemned this practice a little over 1400 years ago; yet the rise in abortions, extreme violence and mass murder are only symptoms of a greater spiritual crisis, a very malignant disease spreading across the human corpus, they call it ‘progress’.

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