Jesuits & Freemasonry: What You Need To Know from reliable sources

95 responses to “Jesuits & Freemasonry: What You Need To Know from reliable sources”

    • Hello, very quickly, ‘yes’. Jesuit system is one of the blind following the blind, was initiated by Jews disguised as Catholics, and as Freemasonry is based on Kabbalistic doctrines, all three institutions are related, even though respective proponents may extrinsically oppose one another. We also know that Freemasonry was infiltrated by the jesuit institution after it was banned by the pope, and then reinstated by the same pope after napoleon (educated by Jesuits) held him prisoner for 12 odd years. … YES, all three institutions are intimately related, filled with transhumanoid conditioned morons, and are working for mankind’s eternal damnation … – oz

    • Hello, Thanks, I believe so but it is a perversion of pure Monotheism. The expert on this is Frank O’Collins of UCADIA Publications. He’s on you tube. He has some prima fac Jesuit insight in Ecclesiatical Law, which is based on the same system. Washington DC was owned by the Catholics long before it became the New Roman World Order as part of the Satanic Plan.


    • Salaam, Yes …. Jesuits infiltrated them and are responsible for drafting some of the upper degrees. Remember, Jesuits founded by crypto-Jews

  1. […] sein Freund David Rockefeller und die EU-Spitze  – alle dem Schwarzen Papst untergeordnet. Die Jesuiten waren die Urheber der Freimaurerei der NWO – nicht zuletzt über die Rosenkreutzer. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Malteser -siehe vorigen Link) […]

  2. […] sein Freund David Rockefeller und die EU-Spitze  – alle dem Schwarzen Papst untergeordnet. Die Jesuiten waren die Urheber der Freimaurerei der NWO – nicht zumindest über die Rosenkreutzer. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Malteser -siehe vorigen […]

  3. […] sein Freund David Rockefeller und die EU-Spitze  – alle dem Schwarzen Papst untergeordnet. Die Jesuiten waren die Urheber der Freimaurerei der NWO – nicht zumindest über die Rosenkreutzer. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Malteser -siehe vorigen […]

  4. […] sein Freund David Rockefeller und die EU-Spitze  – alle dem Schwarzen Papst untergeordnet. Die Jesuiten waren die Urheber der Freimaurerei der NWO – nicht zumindest über die Rosenkreutzer. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Malteser -siehe vorigen […]

  5. […] Europa wird schnell islamisiert. Steckt die Muslimische Bruderschaft mit ihrem bekannten Plan der Islamisierung Europas dahinter? Wird ihr durch mächtige Freimaurer dabei geholfen? “Wir sind ja alle Jesuiten”, schlug EU-Ratspräs. van Rompuy fest – und die Jesuiten sind die Urheber der Freimaurerei. […]

  6. […] Europa wird schnell islamisiert. Steckt die Muslimische Bruderschaft mit ihrem bekannten Plan der Islamisierung Europas dahinter? Wird ihr durch mächtige Freimaurer dabei geholfen? “Wir sind ja alle Jesuiten”, schlug EU-Ratspräs. van Rompuy fest – und die Jesuiten sind die Urheber der Freimaurerei. […]

    Europe is rapidly Islamized. Puts the Muslim Brotherhood with its famous plan of the Islamization of Europe behind it? If you helped by powerful Masonic here? “We’re all Jesuits,” suggested EU Ratspräs. van Rompuy fixed – and the Jesuits are the authors of Freemasonry

  7. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

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  9. […] nehme an, dass diese Grosslogen auch im Namen ihrer Meister, der Jesuiten/Rothschild sprechen. Die Jesuiten waren über die aufgenommenen Rosenkreuzer die Urheber der heutigen Freimaurerei   – und ihr Schwarzer  Papst kontrolliert die  Rothschilds und die […]

  10. […] nehme an, dass diese Grosslogen auch im Namen ihrer Meister, der Jesuiten/Rothschild sprechen. Die Jesuiten waren über die aufgenommenen Rosenkreuzer die Urheber der heutigen Freimaurerei   – und ihr Schwarzer  Papst kontrolliert die  Rothschilds und die […]

  11. […] nehme an, dass diese Grosslogen auch im Namen ihrer Meister, der Jesuiten/Rothschild sprechen. Die Jesuiten waren über die aufgenommenen Rosenkreuzer die Urheber der heutigen Freimaurerei   – und ihr Schwarzer  Papst kontrolliert die  Rothschilds und die […]

  12. […] nehme an, dass diese Grosslogen auch im Namen ihrer Meister, der Jesuiten/Rothschild sprechen. Die Jesuiten waren über die aufgenommenen Rosenkreuzer die Urheber der heutigen Freimaurerei   – und ihr Schwarzer  Papst kontrolliert die  Rothschilds und die […]

  13. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

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  15. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

  16. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

  17. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

  18. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

  19. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

  20. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

  21. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

  22. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

  23. […] The Jesuits were the originators of  NWO´s  Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons.  The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU. […]

    “Within twenty years this country is going to rule the world. Kings and Emperors will soon pass away and the democracy of the United States will take their place…..When the United States rules the world the Catholic Church will rule the world…… Nothing can stand against the Church. I’d like to see the politician who would try to rule against the Church in Chicago. His reign would be short indeed.”

    Roman Catholic Archbishop James E. Quigley (October 15, 1854 – July 10, 1915) Chicago Daily Tribune, May 5, 1903

    You are duly warned:

    The relentless approach of global feudalism:

    “In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.”

    Prof. Carroll Quigley (Tragedy & Hope)

    “The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission – founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller – and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.”

    Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., former German defence ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner (2001)

    “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”
    Zbigniew Brzezinski.

    In the past, Jesuits had focused primarily on assassination and court influence, both fraught with great personal peril. But in building the global financial network, allied with loyal families, themselves aligned to the ancient Jewish noble families, the Jesuits could effectively start huge wars and never risk direct implication.

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