- In May 1991 I took a trip accompanying the cacique, Aniceto, along the Petropolis River route. During the trip, Aniceto asked me the following questions: “Who has the right to make a martyr of the mountain? It’s still bleeding today. Why did they cut it that way? Why didn’t they respect it and make the curves that she suggested?”
- It’s another perspective, another way of living, of fraternizing with Nature. Who then is the barbarian and who is the civilized person? We are the barbarians, we’ve built the barbarous machines that we use first against human beings to exploit and enslave them. We attack women and then classes, races, and still not content, using the same logic, we attack Nature and make it submit to us. The moment has come to balance the accounts and see what can be saved; how to change the course of our path and how to elaborate in the collective conscience an ecological culture, a level of awareness that is not translated into ideas, because ideas do not change reality; what changes reality are attitudes transformed into action and practice. – Leonardo Boff [i]
After decimating the Iroquois and other northern cousins of Aniceto’s people, Western initiates of narcissism and prescient Orientalists remade the world and history in a pseudo-Caucasian likeness as if they were indeed, gods. This incontestable historicity belies mankind’s negligence of heavenly directives [Revelation) in favor of ideologies that superlatively embrace selfish pursuits. The responsible village chief however, much like our introspective Aniceto, is not interested in fabricated theorems from pale faced speculators who have never planted rice for a living.
Introspective existentialists are much the same as authentic Sufis who responsibly adjust to the divine scheme of things — there are very few of them mind you. Such folk are empiricists[ii] who seek and desire recognition of the earth’s essence and preservation of human dignity; conditions that are absolutely contingent for both realizations. This recognition requires that nature is respectfully exploited as basic human needs and rights are met for the governed by means of their respective contributions to the communities and ecologies of which they are integral.
Speculators have monetized these factors under mercantile narcissism which causes the denigration of farmers and menial laborers; something Lao Tse and Mohammad both condemned. This monetization is a calculated tool that demeans native identities in favor of those who print fiats while expanding abdominal girths and facilities that manipulate whatever currency and marketing ploys are used to plunder resources, human and otherwise. Laws, international and local, are then generated by ethically philandering politicos—many of whom are ‘lawyers’—that protect professional pilferage rights while armies, criminal tenders and institutions such as Blackwater and IRS mafias[iii] are raised to sustain the international mob by confiscating honestly earned wealth. This cyclical scheme is one that Americans and many ASEAN mimics—who thought they were homeowners until recently—are now bewailing.
Under this monetized worldview, culture becomes a commodity rather than a means of expressing distinctive native identity. Hegemonic tourists, business folk and sundry consumers make global rounds of indigenized “attractions” and dump the refuse of their condescension while gobbling unsustainable resources. The de-cultured melee calls for natives to dance for bread, wine and connubial pleasure as wives and daughters are either prostituted in vice dens or maltreated in sweat shops. Idols and chevrons of parody are proffered by local elites as concessions that further a facade of progress that covers endemic social decay after which they proudly stand for auspicious photo ops with ribbons and regalia like so many burgomasters.
I am therefore posting this call for concrete measures to end the mockery in order to definitively identify beneficial aspects of a post post-modern world that invites eco-friendly communication systems, energy sources, industrial technologies, transportation, sustainable water conservation and sewage treatment along with permaculture approaches to agronomy, etc. All of these and more must be sifted and innovated in order to engender lasting mutual exchanges between multi-cultural communities. Such efforts will erase the decay and elevate home-grown dignity for each country’s participants.
Although the “Central Kingdom” fell prey to far more than Wall Street’s gunships and red-starred ideologues in black frocks, the renaissance of interest in China’s classical culture reflects an immortal atavism that refuses to kowtow to the continuum of insult. The enduring popularity and literary depth of Musashi Miyamoto’s Samurai movies and the international elevation of China’s Fifth and Sixth generation filmmakers are challenged by Korean and Japanese rivals at present. ASEAN’s Muslims however, have failed to join this cinematic revival despite worshipful rhetoric given to their own golden era. Instead and for example, Malaysian TV, films and ‘pop-star’ venues offer tributes to the mindless conformity and moral degradation of typical Western psyop propaganda.
There are however, opportunities for entrepreneurs of genuine multi-cultural exchange to explore and exploit tools for cultural renewal along with market expansion. This can readily be achieved via the renaissance of Asia’s beleaguered higher cultures minus the neo-cominterns of Western plutocracy. However, any utopian projection of such efforts on the part of renewed Oriental genres will have only ephemeral effects if they are not joined to the following:
- pragmatic institutions of governance;
- and educational methodologies that anchor sentimental reverie and desire to unadulterated ways and means of expressing the dignity that defines a people’s identity and position under heaven’s gaze.
Hero worship, monetization and commercialism do not support human dignity when geared towards sensuality or adolescent fantasy and market lordship, such as it is now in the West. For example, a subconscious form of hero-worship is the use of skin whiteners; a booming business that insults the God-given beauty of many native women. This alone stands to indict construct-incursions that denigrate indigenous identity and self-worth. These themes and memes must fall afoul of any authentic renewal and renaissance.
With regards to an uncorrupt system of communal governance and way of life that preserves cultural identity and human dignity, I readily offer the Amish and Mennonite communities of North America as case studies in longevity, identity preservation, singular mono-cultural expression and the successful conservation that advances human dignity. Focault’s “imaginaire of globalization” has not saturated this culture’s collective folkway in the least detrimental fashion, except as a troublesome neighbor they’ve successfully and peacefully kept at arm’s length for more than the two-hundred years since Catholics and sundry cult-initiates caused their emigration to greener pastures. [iv] The principles of their genuine human progress should be explored as should comparable communities in non-Caucasian societies.
What is of significance in their case is that the Amish and Mennonites have institutionalized human satisfaction on a sustainable and dignified communal basis; one that co-exists in complete harmony with nature even as secularized neighbors came to respect if not admire them. In short, and despite their Judeo-Christian orientation, as individuals and communities they are far more Islamic than many Muslims I have encountered and even more Taoist or Confucian than the majority of Orientals I have met. Their reverence for nature and egalitarian concern for each other reflect a spiritual maturity and communal discipline that exceeds even the Malay Gotong Royong concept. This communitarian cohesion also demonstrates the ever ‘changing-permanence’ described by Prof. al-Attas; a phenomenon that honors Heaven, creation and humanity by the collective’s assurance that dignity and respect are maintained by and for all. This is success.

In a world of foreign incursions and monstrous materialist dominion, romantic nostalgia has little place in the tool chest of sustainable innovation and cultural renaissance. Rather than stocking posterity larders with abstractions, cupidity, exotic fantasies, electrified transformer-heroes, dragons and distressed damsels saved from black hats, we must feed our children with absolute truth and candor in school, on the streets, and on the front pages of our communities. Rather than service to avarice, romance needs to be reality oriented and passionately institutionalized as an authentic way of life that embraces communal struggle against the evils thus far described; wickedness that visits our infirmaries and media daily.
The mockery of ‘Reality TV’ has no place in cultural renaissance unless it sheds the snakeskin of pretense along with dumbed-down, ‘low-cultural’ Americanisms with Zionist friendly bias. As did the Amish, who simply took hold of the very best of their patriarchal legacy and successfully relocated and then applied it to earth and community; Orientals actually know what must be done. Aryan-centric reins must be removed from the irresponsible privileged as literary, re-educational and multi-media efforts in all genres become sharpened scythes in the hands of wise cosmopolitan leaders to harvest the fruits of respective societies. One must systematically separate wheat from chaff as conscious workers of adab in order to endorse those who represent the best in all human pursuits according to respective patrimonies. This is meritocracy as opposed to Ali Baba bank accounts from ‘cronyphillic’ hypocrites.
Rigorous attention to effective implementation of countermeasures is called for rather than succumbing to more-of-the-same wheel inventions that have defined academic protocols and development in favor of effete ritual, urbane reward and elitist propaganda for wealth confiscation. Leaders need measures that reach not only the hearts and minds of peoples governed, but also their visceral resolve—a force that must emerge from equanimized stomachs and elemental domains of human need for satisfaction and noble expression.
Far more important than bread or retirement programs is the contentment that pervades any community under the wise leadership of ‘benevolent’ elders who take stern measures to assure the continuum of cultural definitions that extract the magnanimity inherent to mankind’s dignity and earth’s nature. Political slogans and deference to the wheels of fabricated “progress” with unrestrained consumption do not in the least please the gaze of heaven, man’s soul, or memories of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs.
The time is now.
End Notes:
[i] “There’s No Heaven Without Earth,” ENVÍO MAGAZINE, Nov. 1997
[ii] Al-Attas says that the Essentialist and the Existentialists schools of the Islamic tradition address the nature of reality. The first is represented by philosophers and theologians, and the latter by Sufis. The Essentialists cling to the principle of mahiyyah (quiddity), whereas the Existentialists are rooted in wujud (the fundamental reality of existence) which is direct intuitive experience, not merely based on rational analysis or discursive reasoning. This has undoubtedly led philosophical and scientific speculations to be preoccupied with things and their essences at the expense of existence itself, thereby making the study of nature an end in itself. Al-Attas maintains that in the extra-mental reality, it is wujud (Existence) that is the real ‘essences’ of things and that what is conceptually posited as mahiyyah (‘essences’ or ‘quiddities’) are in reality accidents of existence. This is al-Haqq, the Truth, a wajh (aspect) of God. – [Elma Ruth Harder, op. cit.; Intuition of Existence, p. 6, 7]
[iii] “After much diligent research, several investigators have concluded that there is no known Act of Congress, nor any Executive Order, giving IRS lawful jurisdiction to operate within any of the 50 States of the Union.… When all the evidence is examined objectively, IRS appears to be a money laundry, extortion racket and conspiracy to engage in a pattern of racketeering activity, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951 and 1961 et seq.(“RICO”)… In other words, it is an organized crime syndicate operating under false and fraudulent pretenses.” …
See: Eustace Mullins; The World Order A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism The history and practices of the parasitic financial elite (1984)
Aaron Russo: America: Freedom To Fascism demonstrates: “The IRS is actually a private collection agency for the Federal Reserve System. It originated as the Black Hand in mediaeval Italy, collectors of debt by force and extortion for the ruling Italian mob families. All personal income taxes collected by the IRS are required by law to be deposited in the nearest Federal Reserve Bank [i.e. for Black Nobles].” “The Federal Reserve Act stipulates that the stock of the Federal Reserve Banks cannot be bought or sold on any stock exchange. It is passed on by inheritance as the fortune of the ‘big rich’,” Mullins relates. “Almost half of the owners of Federal Reserve Bank stock are not Americans.” These “foreign” [Black Nobility][iii] owners include the Fed’s originators, Vatican Jesuits.
[iv] At the close of the 18th century, and the dawn of the first few decades of the 19th century, Western Europe was rocked by a series of attempted revolts fomented by a number of covert socialist underground movements. These movements were closely tied together and coordinated through the thoughts and actions of a small group of intellectuals, belonging to an organization known to its members as The Perfectibilists. Theirs was a revolutionary faith, a religion of sorts, whose tenants are increasingly becoming known to historical scrutiny. They were part of a stream of thought that literally created the political and social world we now inhabit, in the west. This group was also known as the Bavarian Illuminati.
The Rawshaniyya – Islam’s Illuminati, and Bayazid Ansari – the Dark Elder by S. Kamal, 2006
See also: Congressional Historian, James Billington’s Fire in the Minds of Men; Terry Melanson’s The Perfectibilists; Omar Zaid’s The Hand of Iblis for history and further references.