Stalin & Castro: The Jesuit Connection

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    Is it true that ALL or most of the secretaries of the Allied Leaders at Versailles were Jewish?

    The Treaty for War; The War Treaty of Versailles, signed on 28th June 1919 was the work of International Bankers. They took all the measures necessary to ensure the next World War. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote:

    “The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs. The American President, Woodrow Wilson, was “advised” at Versailles by (JEW)Bernard Baruch, The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, was “advised” by (JEW) Alfred Milner, Rothschild employee, and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct descendent of Mayer Amschel Rothschild,

    The French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was “advised” by his Minister for the Interior, Georges Mandel, (JEW) whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild. The interpreter was Mantoux; and the Military Adviser was Mr. Kish. Interestingly all the advisers were Jews most of them representing International Bankers. The “leaders were hazy about geography. However, their Jewish secretaries were very much on the spot on such matters. These Jews met at 6 p.m. in the evenings to plan the next World War; and accordingly, mapped out the decisions for the following day’s conference of the “Big Four”.

    Under the War Treaty of Versailles, Poland was given a “corridor” to the Baltic Sea, along with large areas of West Prussia that were populated by Germans. This “corridor” completely separated East Prussia from the Reich, making trade and communication difficult or impossible. During Allied discussions on the peace treaty, Lloyd George, the then British Prime Minister, tapped this spot on the map and probably echoed the words of his secretary said an evening before;

    “This is where (we have planned) the next world war will begin!”

    Unknown to Hitler this was how International Bankers had planned 2nd World War to begin 20 years earlier on 28th June 1919. Under the War Treaty of Versailles, Jewish International Bankers cut Germany in several pieces and gifted it to other European Countries.

    A piece of Germany – Alsace-Lorraine was gifted to France, A piece of Germany Saar Region of Coal mines was forcibly brought under French Protectorate, A piece of Germany – Eupen, Malmedy, Moresńet, and St. Vith was gifted to Belgium, A piece of Germany – Northern Schleswig was gifted to Denmark, several pieces of Germany – Hultschin and Opava was gifted to Czechoslovakia, several pieces of Germany – West Prussia, Danzig, Posen and Upper Silesia were gifted to Poland, several pieces of Germany – Rhineland and Memel were brought under the League of Nations and people of these regions were to vote in future, to decide whether they want to remain in Germany or not. League of Nations also took control of land won by Germany under treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was gifted to Poland and some made into new states of Estonia, Lithuania and Latavia.

    Jewish International Bankers also cut Habsburg Empire in several pieces and these pieces gifted to other nations. First it was cut into two separate countries; Austria and Hungary who then had to sign two separate treaties;- Austria was forced to sign Treaty of Saint Germain Hungary was forced to sign Treaty of Trianon Hapsburg Empire was not only cut in two but large piece is further cut out of Empire to form a totally new country Czechoslovakia. Several Pieces of Hapsburg empire i.e. Bohemia, Moravia, Opava Silesia and the western part of Duchy of Cieszyn, Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia formed the new Czechoslovakia. Several Pieces of Austria i.e. Galicia, eastern part of Duchy of Cieszyn, northern County of Orava and northern Spisz were gifted to Poland. Several Pieces of Austria – Bolzano-Bozen and Trieste were gifted to Italy. Several pieces of Hungary – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia-Slavonia, Dalmatia, Slovenia, and Vojvodina were gifted to Serbia to form the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later Yugoslavia. (Several ethnic minorities were deliberately merged in Yugoslavia by International Bankers so that they can earn money from future wars between these ethnic minorities). Several pieces of Habsburg Empire Austria-Hungary – Transylvania and Bukovina were gifted to Romania. All states of Eastern Europe became hub of large national minorities. One eighth of German population found themselves in the newly created countries as minorities. One third of ethnic Hungarians found themselves living outside of Hungary as minorities.

    From its borders before World War I, it lost 72% of its territory, which was reduced from 325,111 square Kilometers (125,526 sq mi) to merely 93,073 square Kilometers (35,936 sq mi). It also lost 64% of its total population, which was reduced from 20.9 million to 7.6 million, and 31% (3.3 out of 10.7 million) of its ethnic Hungarians, who suddenly found themselves living outside the newly defined borders of Hungary. Hungary lost five of its ten most populous cities and was deprived of direct access to the sea and of some of its most valuable natural resources.


    After the Kingdom of Solomon was divided into two parts under his son Rehoboam, Sennacherib of Assyria launched his campaign of conquest. First he conquered Gad, Reuben and the half tribe of Manasseh, deporting them to the land of the Medes. Then, he attacked Samaria and likewise deported them. Phase three was to attack all the fenced cities of Judah, which included the Tribe of Benjamin, where he was again successful, deporting 200,150 men. Women and children would augment this number by at least five times.

    The importance of this becomes apparent when we remember that the Israel people were divided into TWO separate nations — Israel and Judah, and that when the Assyrians conquered Israel and drove the Israelites away into captivity in MEDIA, they also took some of the people from the country districts of Judah. It is certain, therefore, that among the Israelites in Media there was a distinct group who would be known by a plural form of the name Judah — Judahites, Judae, Judai, Judi, or Judes.

    Phase four of Sennacherib’s plan was to defeat Jerusalem but it never happened! Sennacherib’s army was destroyed and he returned to Assyria where his sons murdered him. The attacks continued until Nebuchadnezzar defeated and destroyed Jerusalem. They were then deported to Babylon for seventy years, until it was decreed that they could return home and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. About 50,000 Judahites returned and their families are listed in the Jewish Bible.

    So, the 200,150 men of Judah and Benjamin were united with the ten tribes and migrated westward with their brothers.

    The Judahites settled in the land of Sepharad (or Sefarad), as Spain was known in the Hebrew language, very early on. It was also claimed that a large number of them arrived in Spain soon after the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple in 586 B.C. There was a legend among the Sephardim that Toletum (Toledo), the capital city of Spain, was founded by Judahite refugees from Jerusalem. A popular etymology explained its name (pronounced by the Judahites “Tolaitola”) to be derived from the Hebrew word “tolatola” meaning exile or, according to another explanation, from “toledoth” meaning generations.

    The Sephardim considered this city a second Jerusalem and recreated a virtually new Palestine around it: the towns of Escaluna, Maqueda, Jopez and Azeque were erected in the adjacent lands in memory of the Palestinian Ashkalon, Makedda, Joppa (Yafo) and Azeka. The Ibn-Daud and Abrabanel (Abravanel) families were proud to claim their descent from the House of King David — Solomon’s father. Judahite communities were also founded in Cathago Nova (Cartagena), Cordoba, Granada, Saragosse (Zara-gossa), Taragona and all over the Iberian Peninsula.

    After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D., these early Iberian Judahite immigrants were joined by those who had been enslaved by the Romans during the Jewish-Roman Wars (70 and 135 A.D.) and dispersed to the extreme west. One estimate (although acknowledged as being perhaps “exaggerated”) places the number of Judeans (Judahites) carried off to Iberia during this period at 80,000. Notes the Encyclopaedia Britannica:

    “Already, before the destruction of Jerusalem [70 A.D.], the Diaspora had been a familiar phenomenon in Europe. The prisoners captured in innumerable wars [with the Romans] and distributed through the Empire as slaves had been followed (if not preceded) by merchants and traders. Latin writers from the period of Augustus [Caesar] onwards show the extent to which Jewish [Judahite] practices were spread throughout the civilized world of their day. Paul found them in Greece and Italy, and the infant church consistently advanced where the synagogue had blazed out the way. By the beginning of the 4th century, settlements were to be found as far afield as Spain and the Rhineland” (1943, Volume 13, p. 56).

    It is certain that subsequent Judahite immigration into Iberia existed, reaching the region by traveling along both the northern African and southern European coasts of the Mediterranean. In fact, during the second and third centuries Judahites had established communities in towns throughout the Roman Empire.

    Often overlooked is the fact that the vast majority of the tribe of Judah ended up in the western confines of the Roman Empire! Among the Saxon invaders of Britain were the JUTES, a people who came (under the leadership of the brothers Hengist and Horsa) from a part of Denmark still called JUTLAND, to settle in Kent and the Isle of Wight. This occurred in the year 449 A.D. Those of the Tribe of Judah were known as Jutes and made their way through Jutland to Britain where the Zarah tribe had previously migrated.

    This becomes clear when we remember the great change which took place in the languages of northern Europe some time previous to 100 B.C., whereby a great many words which had previously had in them the sound of our letter “d” changed this to the sound of “t”. (Grimm’s Law). As this change occurred during the years in which the Saxons were migrating to Western Europe from their old home east of the Black Sea, it is obvious that the people who arrived in Denmark as Jutes must have started out as JUDES or Judai.

    Further, as all of the Saxon tribes, including the Jutes, were descended from the SACAE (Sacasene) of Media, it follows that the Sacae must have had among them a tribe called Judes or Judai even before they left Media.

    We have, therefore, seven known facts to consider:

    (1) that when the Israel people were deported to Media by the Assyrians, part of the people of the Kingdom of Judah were taken with them; (2) that, as a consequence, there was among the Israelites in Media a group of Judahites, Judai, or Judes; (3) that following the Jewish-Roman wars of 70 and 135 A.D., as many as possibly 80,000 Judahite slaves were dispersed to the Iberian peninsula by the Romans; (4) that among the Saxons who came into Britain there was a tribe called Jutes; (5) that during the time they were migrating westward across Europe the ‘d’ in their language became ‘t’; (6) that the Saxons were descended from the Sacae of Media; and (7) that Sacae is the name by which the Israelites in Media were known to the Persian historians.

    It is certain, therefore, that the JUTES were originally called Judes or Judai, and that they were the descendants of that part of the people of JUDAH which the Assyrians carried away with Israel to Media.

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