The Pornocracy of Rome (Extracted from Cain’s Creed)
At the beginning of the sixteenth century Italy was rotten to the core. In the close competition of great wickedness, the Vicar of Christ (Pope) easily carried off the palm, and the Court of Alexander VI was probably the wickedest meeting-place of men that has ever existed upon earth. No virtue, Christian or Pagan, was there to be found; or little art that was not sensuous or sensual. It seemed as if Bacchus and Venus and Priapus had come to their own again, and yet Rome had not ceased to call herself Christian. ‘Owing to the evil ensample of the Papal Court, Italy has lost all piety and all religion: whence follow infinite troubles and disorders; for as religion implies all good, so its absence implies the contrary. [1]
Editor’s Note: We will return to Mr. Rose in a few pages. We must detour in order to approach Peter the Hermit from other sources. With your patience, this mosaic will come together to reveal a portrait of deception far beyond the ability of man to conceive, manage or relate without Satan’s assistance in delivering reprobate men to these “strong delusions” with God’s sanction. As stated previously, Jesuit cum Illuminati saboteurs control our Universities and avoid these matters at all costs utilizing monumental rhetoric and desperate haste. They have certainly hidden or destroyed many primary sources such as what Lorenzo Valla had access to. But murder “will out” and this general period may also be referred to as a “Pornocracy”: i.e. the “Dominating influence of harlots or prostitutes, specifically the government of Rome during the first half of the tenth century.” (Oxford’s English Dictionary); and there is no evidence that things have changed. This is also in keeping with Machiavelli’s assessment entertained earlier. As one example of many, I offer the following anecdote in support of this definition:
He was noted as a former pirate, pope-poisoner (poor Filargi), mass-murderer, mass-fornicator with a partiality for nuns, adulterer on a scale unknown outside fables, simoniac [one who sells ecclesiastical pardons and even his office] par excellence, blackmailer, pimp, master of dirty tricks. On his election to the papacy in Bologna, Cossa [John XXIII] was a deacon. Ordained an ordinary priest one day, he was crowned pope the next. This charlatan was recognized by most Catholics as their sovereign lord who held the church together by his rock-like faith.
When another Pope John XXIII was elected in 1958, several Catholic cathedrals had hastily to remove the fifteenth-century John XXIII from their list of pontiffs.
Peter DeRosa, Vicars of Christ, page 94 on Pope John XXIII
In addition, I offer the following definition of anti-pope for papists and historians living in a world of manufacture who will no doubt take exception.
There is no convenient definition of anti-pope, since the designation depended upon the prevailing politics of the time and later upon a self-serving wish to re-write history. Poole [ii] provides an elegant succinct summary of the problem.
It is also important to note that Church historians have attempted a clever cant on the term “Black Nobility” as follows:
… when the Piedmont monarchy came to Rome in 1870, ending the Papal States and taking over the Apostolic Palace. As the Pope confined himself to the Vatican for 59 years, those who had received their titles from the Holy See—such as the Privy Chamberlains of the Sword and Cape—kept their own doors closed in mourning, leading to the title “Black Nobility. [iii]
It is not possible for any but God to completely untangle the infernal yarns they’ve woven, but the intentions of men and their institutions do leave trails that are discernable to those who read the language of self-evident truth. Here are the testimonies of a few such witnesses regarding the Gestapo Clergy commonly called Jesuits. And for those who doubt their Illuminati control, I also offer the following proof of their Illuminati collusion in the form of a little known 17th cent gold coin (in the book, this site no longer posts my images, sorry):