We now witness the rise of agonists known as ‘Gog and Magog’, and as I continue my study of Islam and its prolific literature, many wordsmiths ignore an ‘end time’ eschatology made plain in Hadith, Al’Qur’an and Judeo-Christian Scripture. They write as if an Arabinized re-Islamized nation will rise as a distinct world polity with greater autonomy than in the day of Muhammad (pbh). The optimism amazes me as it is clear from reliable Hadith [i] and Al’Qur’an that Islam’s ultimate triumph is by God’s grace after Gog and Magog mutually self-destruct, leaving Islam to inherit a renewed earth as opposed to conquering it!
- “… They shall reply: All praise to God Who has kept His promise with us and has given us the earth as an inheritance; we will make our abode in its Garden wherever we will.” (39: 74)
- “The day when the earth shall be transmuted into something else, and the heavens as well … We shall transmute your models and re-create you in forms you do not know … God will then make the next Creation.” (14: 48, 29: 20)
Furthermore, any interim triumph—should there be one—is limited to a mere 7-9 years under the auspice of Al’Mahdi, Hadrat Isa (Jesus) or both, rather than pretenders of Levantine authenticity. This projected period of triumph is less than a decade, a rather insignificant capstone on aeons of hominid enterprise.
According to the Fitnah of Muslim, the Prophet states unequivocally that no polity on earth has the power to fight Gog & Magog, which are controlled by sophisticated fellowships under the aegis of Iblitic cunning (Illuminti et alia). To venture Islamic conquest before their mutually assisted extermination appears an unwise enterprise. Furthermore, as Muslim reports from Aisha (vol. 4, #6945), all unbelievers will globally revert to idolatry after the Faithful are removed from the earth by a “sweet fragrant breeze” sent by Allah prior to the ‘Western Sunrise’; which is not unlike the expected Christian ‘Rapture’! This may well be wishful thinking on the part of hadith artisans, but what if it’s true? Besides, what matter if the righteous reincarnate to inherit a renewed earth or some intergalactic orb light years away?
A Brief Synopsis on Gog & Magog:
Gog = ancient Semitic word for King or Mountain of Darkness. As a king, he is clearly identified as the Prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, in the land of Magog. [See Exekiel, Chap 38: 1-4 & 39: 1-2]. It is significant to note that the prophetic literature identifies a ‘Prince’ not necessarily as a human, but rather as a Spirit or guiding Folk Soul of a nation as made evident in the Book of Daniel. Tubal (also a son of Cain) and Meshech (Moskva or Moscow), are two rivers north of the Caucasus Mts (land of the Khazar Ashkenazis). Hence, Rosh is readily identified as Russia.
Magog = highest point known to ancient Semites and derives from Maghoph, meaning the Land of the Moon and Tree Worshippers; tribes who placed totems (Asherah) in the highest places. These peoples inhabited mountains north and east of Syria, extending into Scythia and Russia.
See: The Two Babylons by Alexander Hyslop, as well as Israel & the Prophecies of the Holy Qur’an by Ali Akbar, for further reliable information.
The following time-line derives from recent Scientific Surveys.
Noah’s Flood by W. Ryan & W. Pitman,
Marine Geologists from Columbia University, Touchstone Books, 2000.
- 5,500 BC – Black Sea Drops 500 ft below the Bosporus Strait causing collapse and cataclysmic floods extending to Mesopotamia. Salt water destroys fresh water fish and causes massive toxicity. Black Sea becomes known as the ‘Sea of Death’ as noted in the Acadian/Sumerian tale of Gilgamesh. – This is most likely Noah’s Flood
- 5,000 BC Land Bridge between England & France sinks beneath the waves — Yangshoo Culture in China is well established and there are signs of civilization in Nubia as well.
- 5,200 BC – Forests emerge on western shores of the Black Sea, extending into Europe. This is the period of the first known diversification of proto-Indo-European languages accompanied by mass migrations in all directions, extending to the Levant, China, India, Russia & Europe. Current consensus is that the initial language and cultural center was Armenia at Ararat, the site of Noah’s landing after flood.
It appears therefore, that Gog & Magog refer to proto-European races descended from Tubal-Cain and Noah’s errant stock (Ham and Aegyptus), which dispersed to become the Slavonic and Teutonic Caucasian Races. This is further reinforced by Al’Qur’an’s reference (Chap. 18) to Dhu al-Qarnayn (Darius the First) and his confrontation with the tribes Yajuj and Majuj (Gog & Magog). He built what is now called “Alexander’s Wall” to contain their incursions. A fifty mile remnant remains standing south of the Caucasus with the River of Cyrus to the north of the Zagros Mountains which borders Iraq & Iran. These two races are readily identified with al’Dajjal. This is also the land of the Yezidi Cult of jinn worshipers discussed in some detail later.
Doctrines of Regeneration, Reformation and Revolution endlessly appear from desks of naïve academics, dubiously funded pundits and as fickle-fatwah rivulets from bemused Mullahs who dispatch others to eternity whilethey enjoy the benefits of oil, opium and multiplied temporary wives. So before going further, I plainly state, that, in my opinion—pending an unlikely miracle or my profound ignorance of the matter—it is much too late for any such earthly success. I pray the woebegone narrative that follows will establish the fact beyond question for rational journeymen. Furthermore, I trust it will encourage readers to advance along their individual march to perpetuity unencumbered by false hope, dragon-chasers [ii] or volatile devices strapped a bit too close for eternal comfort and temporal respite.
The New Man
“The Faithful are to one another like parts of a building,
each part strengthening the other.”
The Prophet (PBH), Bukhari & Muslim, on authority of Abu Musa
Before being constructively placed in the house of Dar-ul-Islam, each Muslim should become a living brick or component of the edifice in compliance with the building’s specifications according to Divine Law. One must learn and obey the metaphysical laws of building God’s House while striving to perfect the moral virtues in addition to mastering one’s trade, profession or skills required for living and contributing to society in a positive manner. The process requires digging the earth, removal of gross impurities, adding water and straw, time in the sun and transport to the building site followed by placement with proper alignment and appropriate amounts of mortar to adjacent bricks and custom fittings by qualified artisans under the guidance of skilled engineers. This work of maturation leads to the fifth decade of life. By then, one’s identity should be actualized and established as a functional part of the House of God’s Polity in the Earth: the ummah of Mohammad (pbuh).
Though unfortunate when one considers Who designed the building, a goodly number of bricks are dissatisfied with their intended placements and un-brick themselves by trying to be windows, doors, cupolas, domes or brass gates etc. If you do happen to be a door, gate, alarm or sprinkler system, “Goodonya!” as the Aussies say, but this doesn’t qualify you as more reliable than bricks supporting your position. Besides, on the ultimate cosmic scale, the accountability of these ‘finer appointments’ bears graver consequences; which is why authentic Imams weep at the thought and would rather be ordinary bricks!
As the loss of self-realization causes one to remain ‘undeveloped’—a term commonly applied to Muslim countries—I therefore suggest that mis-perceived Muslim identity and purpose consequently cause canted plumb lines and misalignment in Dar-ul-Islam’s assembly. In addition, any inflated self-worth may be likened to building a bridge with inferior materials. Either circumstance bespeaks misguidance pursuant to inadequate taqua and the lack of sound education as well as social justice. Yet ignorance and injustice have become norms and when added to diminished piety compounded by zealous extremes of religiosity, they combine to contribute generous dollops of “Friday” Muslims and malnourished mullahs to pools of Islamia’s constituencies and consequently, cause impairments pursuant to identity muddles that have surely inflated the prophesied seventy-two sects destined for the fire. The trials of this divisive facility are similar to dysfunctional adolescent gangs seeking re-affirmation and insignia in order to disguise declining self-esteem — much like Freemasons:
- “Freemasonry is a secret political society whose goal is to put an end to all religions and good morals, and to replace them with man-made laws … Any Muslim who joins a Masonic group, knows the true nature of Freemasonry and its secrets, and carries out its rituals and is keen to do so is a kafir who should be asked to repent. If he repents, all will be well and good, otherwise he is to be killed.”
Fatwa #893, Pt 2, p 440. Portal of the General Presidency
of Scholarly Research and Ifta’, Saudi Arabia.
- “Therefore, and for the detailed data on Freemasonry’s activity, its considerable danger, its wicked dressing and its cunning aims, the College of Islamic Jurisprudence considers Freemasonry one of the most dangerously destructive organizations to Islam and to Muslims. Whoever would associate himself with it while in knowledge of its true nature and aims, would be a non-believer in Islam and uncounted among its adherents.”
The College of Islamic Jurisprudence (Makkah, 15th July 1978)
- “As far as I know, Freemasonry is a secret organization whose beliefs and practices are totally kept confidential except from those who are initiated into it. They have levels of secrets which are not divulged to those who are at lower levels. A Muslim should never fall prey or give allegiance to something which cannot be scrutinized by the firm criteria of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Whoever joins Freemasonry is like a person who writes a blank check; by doing so he agrees to give allegiance blindly to an authority to comply with their wishes no matter what they are… there is no doubt that if a Muslim joins the Society of Freemasons, he contravenes the teachings of Islam. The aims, policy and practices of this society are against the principles of Islam and violate its laws.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, Senior Lecturer, Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I found no Freemasons, Bektashis, Whahabis, Sunnis, Yezidis, Druzes, Basra-Brethren, Sikhs, Baha’is, Shi’ites, Hanifites, Salafites, Sufites, Talibanites, Malakites or Ikwanites et alia in the Islam I gleaned from Al’Qur’an and al’Hadith! From my readings I can only conclude there are unbelievers, believers, and two groups of Muslims: obedient Muslims or deviants who aren’t but think they are. The latter are called “sectarians” in Al Qur’an’s English translations. I suggest this lot has lost touch with the ‘Balance Beam’ of divine guidance and subsequently mis-identified themselves.
The metaphysical building they’ve produced might then be likened to a slapdash infirmary with wards for assorted invalids, ailments, degrees of dementia and sundry other miasmas. And it appears not a few of the indisposed have adopted anti-social principles of tribalism or assabiyah; a fascist position the Prophet condemned in concert with Allah’s admonishments:
People come to differ only after clear knowledge has come to them… every sect rejoices in what it has… those to whom we had already given the Book rejoice at what is being sent down to you, but among the sectarians there are those who reject part of it; but whoever among the sectarians disbelieves in it, Fire shall be his destiny do not (O Muslims) be among those who associate partners with God, nor among those who split up their religion into sects, each sect rejoicing in what it has… those people who have split up their religion and become sects, you have nothing to do with them
(Q: 10:19, 93; 45:17; 2:213; 30:9, 30-32; 98:4; 13;36; 11:17; 6:160)
“He is not of us who proclaims the cause of tribal partisanship … this means your helping your own people in an unjust cause.” — Abu Da’ud
This sample of authoritative references warns Muslims against the malady of sectarianism. Furthermore, the translations imply that such factions are comprised of un-qualified ‘bricks’ who don’t like unambiguous knowledge and exult in obfuscation; after which they grandstand as superior religionists 9sanctimonious pharisees) whom authentic Muslims are to have ‘nothing to do with’. Since the syndrome is highly contagious and facilitates significant collateral casualties, I suspect the divine definition and command all but destroys the concept of dialogue except for designation of borders and the security of quarantine while seeking promising treatments.
Nevertheless, Muslims infected with sectarian miasmas continue to posture as healthy bricks and ‘finer appointments’ despite their inherent default towards mischief-mongering and subsequent implosion of Dar ul Islam; fair motives to comply with the divine plan for quarantine rather than pluralities of shared government.
However, being one of the differences between secular and supra-natural human affairs, the latter patriarchal principle of monotheism is surely not politically correct, especially in the polluted ambiance of feminist vapors. Reminds me of the day I was inducted into the army: on filling out forms I came to a query for ‘race’ and wrote “human” whereupon the sergeant reminded me—in no uncertain terms—that I’d just signed away such liberties for the next two years. The truth isn’t always pleasant.
I surmise therefore, that after the serial murders of Umar, Uthman, Ali and Ibn al-Zubyr, the articulation of Islam’s non-sectarian unity broke within one generation of the Prophet’s death. By the fourth generation, the polity irretrievably fragmented and communal fear of God’s authentic Will was replaced by dread of the Black Knight’s gauntlet. Four consecutive Caliphasides can hardly be considered an accident of history or the tradition of a righteously guided polity submitted to Allah (SWT). Thus, the metaphysical health that initially sustained Islam under authentic Patriarchal Governance (blessed communal ethos or siyasa diniya), collapsedafter the infection carried by sectarian rogues in search of glory and booty, and these vector proclivities were carefully attended by seditious Jews who managed the miscreants and remain masters of the puppetry today!
This loss of health (élan) may be likened to the withdrawal of Allah’s supra-natural presence (sakinah) from the Hebrew Temple during the four centuries preceding Prophet Isa’s advent (pbuh):
- Ali b. Abi Talib says the Sakinah was a blowing wind (Moriah) with a face like the face of a man, and also that it had two heads. Mujahid says that Gabriel and the Sakinah guided Abraham from Syria. It had a head like the head of a cat, two wings, and a tail. Wahib b. Munabbih reports that some of the Israelites used to say the Sakinah had the head of a dead cat. It would screech from the Ark like a cat. Ibn Abbas says that the Sakinah was the basin of gold from Paradise in which the hearts of the prophets were washed. Suddi also says it was this basin, and that God gave it to Moses. He also said that with the Sakinah were the Tablets made of pearl, emerald, and crystal. Wahb b. Munabbih also says that the Sakinah was a spirit from God which talked. Whenever the Israelites disagreed, it spoke and told them the solution. Rabi’a says that the Sakinah was mercy from God.
– Prophets in the Quran, Brannon M. Wheeler,
Continuum International Pub. Group, 2002, ISBN 0826449573, p. 257.
The Islamic mantle was likewise appropriated by pretenders, who, like Jewish elders, ignored the withdrawal of divine blessing and protection and replaced it with magick and various other forms of wizardry.
After Hadrat Ali’s army succumbed to Muawiyah’s ruse and refused his command to fight on, principles of misguidance spread like HIV or occult cancer, causing a renewed loss of resistance to iconography. The army’s malaise—vis-à-vis its rejection of Ali’s Guidance in favor of superstition—announced the ascendency of ‘business as usual’ in the ancient mystery religion tradition.
I submit therefore, that the ummah rejected the supra-natural immunity of siyasa diniya and began immunization programs of conventional sectarianism that have finally given way to Occidental rationalism under Freemasonic auspice. And seeing that Freemasons are under the spell of Magi of the Cabala, one can only assume those above their Grand Masters are Hermetic Adepts of the ancient Pharaonic credo who walk the Left Hand Path of Luciferian Satanism. I also suspect some of the Sahabah refused to enter the ensuing melees in order to preserve their arks of supra-natural guidance.
After people fall for scams and refuse genuine authority, and after charlatans eliminate authentic leaders and their brethren, who indeed is left? Following valiant decades of remarkable resistance, even Imam Shamil’s community, for example, similarly abandoned him for the Czar’s wheat, meat and gold. [iii] In short, self-appointed ‘fittings’ and ‘appointments’ to Dar-ul-Islam, murdered, betrayed and/or disobeyed the Khulafā’ ar-Rashīdīn then began controlling the masses via religious superstition or through the tyranny of consensus building:
1. e.g. Muawiyah’s ploy of placing Al’Qur’an on spear tips) or the Ottoman iconography (Star and Crescent),
2. Consensus building: the art of sophistry by charismatics who persuade polities to adopt programs of conformity—via propaganda—that are in the best interest of the governing elite.
Of course, time-honored murder, blackmail and bribery adjust the above methods as needed.
The penchant was successively adopted in the manner common to all Murder Inc. mobs of professional wealth alienators since Cain planted his staff [iv] of mesmerizing subversion in the lands of Nod (present day Pakistan = ancient Dravidia). This is much like Hebrew sovereigns neutralizing their Prophets and al’Kitab, or Sicari terrorists [v] refining the Judaic bent for the same assassination and hypocrisy that enhance present global corporatocracies. Consequently, I imagine Islam’s astounding ascent to Empire was far more than an earthly reward reaped by victorious dys-functionaries and icon compromised believers.
Notwithstanding the wondrous morality exhibited by common citizens and numerous imams, fratricidal-regicide was institutionalized as the Caliphate’s fortune, along with various sub-human proclivities, sinister gauntlets and reprobate jinn. A series of magnificent usurpers placed themselves on gilded pedestals as did pagan and near-pagan Christian competitors during the ensuing 1400 odd years of this stewardship. Eloquent apologists gave the metaphysical impostor authenticity-life-support therapy while pious artisans and scientists erected the doomed glory of fabricated myth; and most felt good about the remarkable façade! Successive generations of eulogists strayed further (apart from a small cadre of oft persecuted scholars) while Levantine patrons―with exceptions such as Sala’u’din (a Kurd)― practiced the genteel art of perfected dissipation with all the trappings of Persian opulence and romantic drivel. In the meantime, and by God’s mercy, an honest Islam spread and reached the reverent heart of many a humble soul by virtue of the un-impeachable Qur’an and its worthy servants; may peace be upon them all. In addition, and for a brief moment, the Trinitarian apostasy was confined to Europa’s skirts. This is my simplistic ‘nut-shell’ summation of the Muslim saga.
What has passed and now stands as the ‘Islamic’ polity and/or governance is anemic and perniciously contaminated by means of malignant compromise with divisions of parochialism. These sectarian inflexibilities resist the grace of supra-natural remedies that would otherwise restore siyasa diniya. As it is, sectarians preserve the failing siyasa aqliya or‘Government by Reason’; the legacy of Occidental Humanism and Freemasonic iconography—the latter being entirely under the auspice of Kabalism.
- “The epistemological priority of Siyasa diniya is that “this world alone is not man’s goal, for it is altogether useless and vain, since its end is death and destruction. God says; “Do you think that we created you for sport?” (Sura XXIII, 117). What is intended of man is his religion, which lets him attain happiness in the Hereafter as the way of God. “The laws came which placed an obligation upon him in all his affairs, like service of God, trade and commerce, including rule (mulk) which is natural for human association, so that they (the laws) lead the rule towards the ways of God and everything is within the reach and range of the Sharia” (Rosenthal 1988 p 101) [vi] … Post modernism denies the possibility of meta-history because of the inherent incapacity of the Enlightenment’s discourse about rationality to provide absolute, objective, universal and a-historical criterion. In the Post modern discourse there are no epistemological grounds for the evaluation of history. We are thus left with a stark choice. We can either accept the anti-foundationalist, non-essentialist post-modern un-groundedness of the human being, whose rational capacity is historically specific and culturally determined. The epistemological corollary of this conception of reason (which lacks ultimate objectivity, is to accept the world as it is. Post modernism cannot provide a basis for confronting oppression and injustice for Post modernism offers no arguments, no critical resources or validating grounds for perceiving anything as inherently unjust and oppressive. On the other hand we can revert to the anti-modern epistemological domain of revelational authority. Khaldunian analysis reveals that cultural specific historically.” [vii]
I’ve talked privately with not a few Imams of no small significance who’ve referred to the ummah and ulama as metaphysically comatose or even ‘dead’ — one of whom confessed that every ‘Muslim’ politician he’d ever had commerce with was a “bold faced liar.” Such is the estate of the present Muslim Polity; though I prefer the term “sleepwalkers” (somnambulism) as a more scientific description of the malady. Therefore, the post-modern dilemma—following installation and submission to sectarian Monarchs and Jacobin inspired recitals of the Freemasonic call for liberty’s icons and democracy’s illusion—is that the ummah has absented itself from authentic governance yet plainly reveres the élan that permeated the nascent polity’s collective and rather vigilant consciousness; the very dynamism that caused the Seerah to prosper in the Revelations of Allah (SWT) that ushered the qadar of blessing and protection (as-Sakinah).
Indeed, “Where is the God of Mohammad?” is a common query these days amongst inmates of Dar ul Islam’s hospice. But under debilitating conditions treated by toxic allopathic remedies [viii] causing generic narcosis, how can the ummah recover potency enough to identify itself with functional certainty as the supra-naturally ordained New Man prophesied in the Torah?
- “The scepter shall not pass from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until the coming of ShlÖh [i.e. Shiloh, meaning “he to whom it belongs”]. [ix] (Gen 49:10)
- “… and ye [Israel, the ummah of Prophet Jacob] shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord God shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name, and invite or summon his servants (chosen) by the next man of renown …” [i.e. ‘authority.’ or ‘by another authority’]. (Isaiah 65:15)
The New Man (Allah’s vice-gerent as a polity) according to these prophets and Musa [x] (pbut), cannot be Isa’s (Jesus) ummah as the latter represented a remnant awaiting the Parakletos (ShlÖh), i.e. Ahmad (pbuh) as the Prophet and polity ‘to whom the scepter belonged’. As the New Man or Vicegerent of God’s Kingdom in the earth, how can Mohammad’s well-prophesied ummah live profitably if it is rent asunder by sects, narcotized by Rationalism, and severed from authentic governance? Possessed of decaying dynasties, vain glorious religious impositions, and well-closeted hoodlums financed by ‘respectable’ facilities that break every rule espoused by the Prophet (pbuh). Islamic States are indeed failed entities inviting the qadar of chastisement as confirmed by the multiple arcs of Muslim discomfiture and perplexity. The Great Khan’s temperament was surely not the cause of Bagdad’s suffering his displeasure as precedent. Therefore, I am bold enough to posit that contemporary humiliations are due to similar if not worse sins and neglect.
For centuries this misguidance has steered the ummah, yet some presently claim a renaissance of by-gone grandeur. The glory of Islam however, is not manifest by extravagance, religious mania, impressive but toothless rhetoric, awesome architecture or Masonic regalia and costume, but by egalitarian principles of justice practiced according to Divine Law. Considering then:
(1) the separation of Shura from Muslim State authorities (the Freemasonic gambit);
(2) the murderous genesis and posterity of sectarian brawlers;
(3) the unsocial proclivities of present regimes and communal mindsets;
(4) the plutocratic dissipation and decline of the ummah to its present ‘undeveloped’ status;
(5) the disunity and contagion by agents provocateur and media with antithetical cultural norms;
… all of which necessarily obviate any reclamation of the Glory of Islam—the claim therefore seems myopic to this writer; especially when recalling my reading of Ibn Khaldun. Even the promise of Islam Hadhari is daunted under this weighty onslaught of un-Islamic forces majeure, and if one admits that the glory of ‘Islam Past’ was patently not divinely governed towards lasting success, Hadhari’s prospects, though indeed noble, diminish further as the ancient errors remain uncorrected.
… to be continued
[i] ‘Chasing the Dragon’, a Chinese euphemism for opium use.
[ii] The eminent Fazlur Rahman notably and convincingly reveals that many hadith, even among those considered ‘reliable’, were corrupted by a political bias that attempted to create a ‘middle Islam’ with the so called ‘orthodox’ (Sunni) perspective. As such, the entire field of hadith research and subsequent application must be re-evaluated in light of this rather serious and cogent observation. See: Hadith and Sunnah-Ideals and Realities, compiled and edited by P.K. Koya, Islamic Book Trust, KL, 1996, ISBN 983- 9154-02-8
[iii] Muhammad Hamid, Imam Shamil, The First Muslim Guerrilla Leader, The Other Press, KL, 2007
[1v] Jewish Zealots who attempted to expel the Romans and their partisans from the country, even resorting to murder to attain their object. Under their cloaks they concealed “sicæ,” or small daggers, whence they received their name; and at popular assemblies, especially during the pilgrimage to the Temple mount, they stabbed their enemies or those who were friendly to the Romans, lamenting ostentatiously after the deed, and thus escaping detection. The high priest Jonathan was assassinated by them. (Josephus, Antiquities).
[v] See: Ali Shariati, The Philosophy of History: Cain and Abel, On the Sociology of Islam, pp. 97-130
[v1] Imam Ibn-e-Khaldun’s distinction between (government based on siyasa diniya (God’s revealed law), and siyasa aqliya (government based on political laws made by rational man) is also important in understanding the epistemological priority of the Quran and the Sunnah over human rationality in his system. Rosenthal acknowledges that, “Ibn Khaldun leaves no doubt that the law of the prophetic lawgiver is best and is superior to that of the human lawgiver, who is guided only by his reason”
(Rosenthal 1988 p 100). Abdul Wahab Suri, Dept. Of Philosophy, Univ. of Karchi,
“The Possibility of Meta-History”; Pub. in Market Forces, January, 2007 Vol. 2 No. 4
[vii] Allopathy: the treatment of disease by conventional means, i.e. with drugs having effects opposite to the symptoms, and stems from a purely rational and materially based scientific method, as opposed to Homoeopathy and Natureopathy whose effects stimulate the body’s inherent defenses.
[viii] Rosenthal I. (1988) Political Thought In Medieval Islam, Cambridge University Press. [The law of Reason is Humanism as espoused by the llluminati Cult via the Freemasonic Agency since the Age of Enlightenment. – oz.] Also see: Roger Scruton, “The Political Problem of Islam” in The West and the Rest, (ISI Books, 2002).
[ix] SYRIAC PSHITTA BIBLE, as per Prof. Abdul Dawud (pbuh), Muhammad in the Bible. a former Uniate Bishop from Persia, for a complete scholarly dissertation of OT and NT scriptures indicating the Ministry of Muhammad as based on early Aramaic & Persian translations of the Bible that have survived.
(Pub. by BINA, Sarawak, E. Malaysia).
[x] ibid
3 responses to “Understanding the Present Eschatology: An Introduction to Sectarianism & The New Man, by Omar Zaid, M.D.”
[…] These are good for those who want a lot of different information without having to search the internet aimlessly, and these Additionally you can look at this related post: http://zaid-pub.iii4s.org/?p=2802 […]
2012 will see an global depression and probably major catastophy, but not of the Mayan type.
dr omar
Amazing piece Dr Omar. Cannot wait for conference