The Balance Beam: The Identity Crisis, an essay by Dr. Omar

3 responses to “The Balance Beam: The Identity Crisis, an essay by Dr. Omar”

  1. Encore encore! I might be wrong, but this is the first article in which you have discussed spirituality. I loved it. Encore, encore, encore…

    • salaam , thank you brother. I am working on a ms covering the implied ‘Spiritual Laws’ of Islam, as mentioned by Ibn Khaldun. Insh’Allah I will have time and inspiration enough to complete it next year.


      • mashAllah inshAllah.
        My friend was just saying that i should read Ibn Khaldun-Muqaddimah. I like the fact that you mentioned his name within 24 hrs; a happy coincidence for me 🙂 Regardless, I am really looking forward to your work. And I pray that Allah Most High makes this task easy, enjoyable and fruitfull for you and Grants you the time and the inspiration. A’meen!
        God Bless you Omar Zaid sahib.

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